Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 221: Demon


The lake is green like 'Jade', but it is not the green of the lake, but a layer of green plants on the lake. The plant resembles a kind of vine, which is called water vine, and there is a circle on the vine. The round green leaves are very beautiful. :.

"Here is Bihu, we often come here to play." Wei Daxiong’s face also showed a smile.

On the other side of Bihu, a charming little 'female' sits against a tree trunk and sits under a tree. A 'hole' appears on the side of her side, a scorpion climbs out from inside, and the upper body Raised, turned into an old man, and there were blood stains on his shoulders. One **** sits next to the ‘female’:

"The kid's arrow is so good that he can't come back."

The old man’s parents had blood ‘holes’ on their shoulders, and there was a trace of fear in their eyes.

"She is strong?" asked the snake ‘woman’.

"Not too strong, but I didn't think that there would be a master of the bow, a snake ‘female,’, let's eat them all?”

The snake 'female' looked at the blood 'hole' on the shoulders of the old man: "Let's take a look, here is the rear of the Terran, to see the repair of the archer."

"Well, I am going to see." The old man's body squatted toward the ground, and the lower body had become awkward.

The snake ‘female’ reached out and helped the old man: “You are healing here, this time I am going to investigate.”

When the words fall, the figure becomes a python, smashes the big tree, and then smashes another big tree from a big tree like a flying branch.

Next to Bihu.

Wei Daxiong pointed to the lake below: "Qin double, there is a kind of small white fish in Bihu, the taste is very delicious..."


Wei Daxiong’s voice did not fall, and there was a loud noise from Bihu. Then they saw the water vines in the lake suddenly fluttering and entangled toward the piano and other people on the shore.


The piano doubles on the ground and the figure has swept backwards. The pretty few people on the edge of the lake have been entangled in the water vines and dragged away into the lake. Wei Daxiong and others armed with weapons rushed toward the barbarians and others, and wanted to save the barbarians and others.


In the sky, the water vine 'crossing' is wrong, like a green big net, falling down to Wei Daxiong and others, and Wei Daxiong and others were tied into a scorpion and dragged toward Bihu.


The bowstrings rang, the six arrows crossed the sky, and the six arrows were not only fast, but they were barely able to capture the afterimage in the air. What is even more surprising is that the six arrows are like long eyes. After shooting a broken water vine, immediately crossed an arc in the air and 'shot' to another water vine.

It is the second skill in the three skills of the bow: tracking.


A strip of water vine was broken by six arrows in an instant. One by one, the body shape fell through the air. Some people fell directly into the water, panicked and climbed ashore, and then they went to the piano. Run over.


Six arrows flew back, and the double sleeves of the piano flew into the storage ring. Staring at the depths of the green onion:

"Let's go back."

"Qin double you..." Wei Daxiong looked at the piano double.

The double shape of the piano has disappeared in front of everyone. Wei Daxiong looked at the crowd and saw everyone in the shape of a heart and a sigh. He sighed and his face appeared in the ‘color’ way:

"Let's go back."

Qinqin stood on a mountain peak and looked across from the other side. Then he saw a mountain peak in the distance. Qin did not know what the mountain peak was called, but felt that the shape of the mountain was strange. The heart suddenly trembled, and the mouth whispered:

"This mountain is like a huge head!"

Qin double carefully observed, the more you look at the mountain, the more like a skull, and the five senses are clear, the seven flaws are obvious, but it is very huge. At this time, there was a respirence of stocks pouring into the seven skulls of the huge head, and then there was a stock of demon gas from the seven sputum spurting out, as if the head was breathing.

"Don't it... The beasts here have changed because of the demonness of the thin film?"

The heart of Qin double is a jump: "This will not be the head of the ancient demon after the death of the ancient demon?"

Today's Qin double has gained the inheritance of the seven-string space, but it is not a rookie who does not understand the Yaozu. Although the **** piano left little in the seven-string space about the Yaozu's message, it is all speculated by the piano, but now the eyes of Qinshuang have far exceeded everyone on the mainland.

Qin double immediately began to search for all the information about the demon's death in the memory, and there was a gradual sensation between the eyebrows.

The body of the Yaozu contains a kind of spiritual power, which is called the demon element. If this demon element is absorbed by other demon people, it will greatly increase its strength. However, because the demon violent, the Terran military is not able to absorb, otherwise there will be a result of the body burst.

However, there is a law in everything in the world. If the demon is dead and died for a long time, the demon in its body will gradually become stable and pure under the precipitation of the years. At that time, for the human race, it is the natural Dan 'medicine'. And it is a thousand times higher than the effect of Dan 'medicine'.

This stable and pure demon element actually does not have the characteristics of the Yaozu, and certainly does not have the characteristics of the Terran, but has completely become a pure treasure of heaven.

However, after Qin Shuangxin was happy, the face 'color' had become 'yin' and sank. As long as you see the demon from the seven-year-old, it shows that the demon in the big demon has not completely become stable and pure.

"Always go see."

Qin double whispered, she could not give up such an opportunity, and now she is trying to improve her cultivation. With such an opportunity in front of her, how can she give up easily?

Looking at the four eyes, the brows could not help but wrinkle, she felt a feeling of being peeped, closed her eyes, silently perceived, suddenly opened her eyes and looked in one direction.

A big tree in the distance shook a bit, and the strings of the piano picked up slightly, and she felt that the feeling of being peeped disappeared.

"What exactly is peeping at me? It seems to have a lot of wisdom."

Qin Shuang Huoran turned to the left and looked at the left side. He saw the footsteps from the left side. Two young men and a young 'female' came out from the left side. The eyes of the piano pair were slightly condensed. She saw three small swords embroidered in front of the three men's 'chest'.

"Wu Zong Temple?"

There was a natural pride on the faces of the two men and one woman, and the eyes fell on the face of Qin double, and the ‘female’ was faint:

"Do you know Wu Zongdian?"

In the heart of the piano, he shakes his head. The people of Wu Zongdian are really proud and proud of others. Then I asked the same indifferent expression:

"Are you the main hall of the Holy Mountain, or the branch of the country?"

Seeking a monthly ticket! Ask for a ticket!


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