Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 222: Fire phoenix development


Qin double is not very familiar with the situation of the mainland today. She is relatively familiar with the two places of the moon and the sun. Therefore, she always believed that Wu Zongdian’s branch in various countries must have been asked to fight against the demon in various kingdoms.

The woman said proudly: "What is this with you? Who are you? Why are you here?"

The piano double wrinkled her brow, and this high-profile gesture made her very unhappy. The robe sleeves waved and the body shape spurred away.

When the woman saw the piano pair, she dared to ignore her, and her face was angry and shouted:


When the sun is stepping on, a sword will be born at the foot. Every step of her step out will give birth to a sword and a chase to the piano.

Qin double heard the sound of the whistling sound behind the sword, then looked back and saw the sword at the foot of the woman, can not help but admire the color.

Gas is by voice.

As long as you have a thought in your heart, you will have a sword in your feet. This is already a high understanding of Heaven. In order to reach this realm, the worst repairs are also required to be Wu Wang, and the people who can understand such a realm in the realm of Wu Wang are also rare. This kind of realm is of great help to the warriors in the battle.

Sure enough, no loss is the birth of Wu Zongdian!


The woman’s right foot slammed forward, and a sword at her feet turned into a long sword, spurting toward the piano.

Qinqin was in the sleeve of the sword, and the spiritual power was poured into the sleeves, and he glimpsed at the sword. I heard a "beep" in my ear, and the sword was broken.

The woman behind the "flowing cloud iron sleeves!" exclaimed. Then he snorted and said: "Stop, fight with me."

Qin doubled his footsteps and looked back at the woman, slightly frowning:

"You want to challenge me?"

"Challenging?" The woman's eyebrows screamed: "You think so, I hope you can support three tricks under my crush."

"Crushing?" The double eyes of the piano pair gradually gave birth to a sharp color.

The opposite Wu Zongdian woman took out her own weapon, and her mouth was full of arrogant smiles:

"Your cultivation is OK, it can be my sharpening stone at present. I just want to crush all the opponents and accumulate my heritage. When I spread my wings, it is the period of sweeping away the demon. This is also yours. People make a contribution to the mainland of the military."

The two men stood far behind the woman, smiling and looking at the piano in the distance. The momentum on the woman opposite the piano is getting more and more prosperous, and your momentum gradually becomes as solid as it is. Instead, the woman’s figure begins to look illusory, and the whole person and the momentum merge into one, like the same handle. sword.

Qin Shuang's heart can not help but feel admiration. From the breath of the other party, she has been able to perceive that the other party is just a second or third layer of Wuwang, but the momentum of the explosion has already had the power of the late King of Wu.

After all, Wu Zongdian is a holy place on the mainland of the military!

"Remove your weapon." The opposite woman shouted.

The woman who looked at the opposite side of the piano, since she was able to set such an ambition, should not be a small role in Wu Zongdian. She also wanted to see how much the Wu Zongdian exposed during the end of the Holocaust. Then I thought about it, took out the long sword from the storage ring, and slanted the side of the body. In her Dantian, the spiritual force raised her head, and the brand of the fire and phoenix in the middle of her eye suddenly flashed, and she broke away from the eyebrows of the spiritual force.

Behind the piano doubles, there is a picture of a phoenix, circled around the body of the piano double, the tail of the fire phoenix wrapped around the legs and body of the double, the two wings wrapped around the double double On the arm, two phoenix claws clasped the two shoulders of the piano pair. Feng Shou gradually rose from the back of the piano pair, and looked down to the opposite Wu Zongdian woman.

The face of Wu Zongdian’s woman is a change. She feels that the momentum of Qin’s double has changed dramatically. Before, she could feel the strong breath of the piano, but like the countless days of arrogance that had been defeated by her, it only made her war more prosperous, but never let her fear. However, at this time in her heart, there was an uncontrollable rise in fear. Qin double's breath at this time is full of destruction, and even give her a glimmer of power.

The first layer of the ash field: phoenix development.


The fire phoenix head behind the piano double screamed, and the endless fierceness spread to the opposite woman.


Wu Zongdian’s woman’s body rang with a sword, and the sky was more and more condensed. The sun shone from the sky and draped over the two women’s bodies, as if they were wearing gold armor and exuding Yingying’s treasure. .

"it is good!"

Wu Zongdian’s woman praised her, and her fighting spirit was stronger in her eyes. Two swords were born under her feet. The swordsmanship came to the piano and the sword in her hand was lifted up, fully integrated with the momentum. The figure has disappeared, only to see a giant sword in the sky, and bowed down to the piano.

"I miss you, you are very strong. I will use the strongest martial arts to defeat you and come up with your strongest strength!" The sword in the big sword in the handle rang the sound of the woman of Wu Zongdian.

As her voice sounded, the sword that was under the arm was stripped out of a sword, and the moment when the sword was stripped from the giant sword, it turned into a handle.

A stalk of a sword, densely packed, like leaves falling from a big tree, fluttering, colorful and falling.

"The sword is in a battle!" One of the two men in the distance said: "Liu Shimei really took out the strongest strength!"


The dense air sword was stripped from the sword and inserted into the sky. Within the radius of the center of the piano, a sword array was formed, surrounded by the double.

"Not bad!"

In the sword array, the faint sound of the piano was heard, and the sword in the hands of the piano was picked up.


A burst of swords sounded from the sword in the hands of Qin Shuang, the sword pointed on the top, like a fire and phoenix looked up, within a radius of five feet, it was a blossoming flame, like a fire.

Dragon and Phoenix sword skills: Phoenix sky.

The sound of Jianming kept ringing. In the sound of Jianming, the waves of the road were tumbling, the flames circling, and colliding with the road qijian, bursting with brilliant colors, like thousands of fireworks.

The swordsmanship continued to be stripped from the giant sword, but it did not see the sword shrinking. Moreover, it also carries the power of Tianwei, and the power is getting more and more prosperous.

The formation of the air sword is not the killing of the women of Wu Zongdian, but the bundle of tricks. It is necessary to trap the piano in the sword array, and the back is the real killing trick.

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