Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 232: White clouds, blood clothes, blood swords


"That... If the Yaozu sent out the Wuwang?" Qin asked.

On the face of Chu Wang, he smiled and said: "If the Yaozu is dispatched to Wuwang, the iron wall will not be able to stop it. Qin Master, maybe you still don't know, we humans can't compare with the Yaozu. Inside, a demon can fight me several times. What's more, the demon's Wu Wang is more than us."

Qin double frowned and said: "So, the total number of Yao people is not as much as our people?"

"Nothing! More than ours."

"How can it be possible to keep the iron wall off?" Qin asked.

"This is also our strange place! The Yaozu are not all pressed, every time they attack the iron wall with less than the number of our people, and they attack us in rotation. But even so, we have more than two million warriors, now There are only less than half of them left. They are drawing strength from various kingdoms."

The piano said, and came to the wall. It has been seen that countless demon people are attacking the iron wall, and the original moat of the iron wall has been destroyed. The Yaozu has already attacked the city, and the two sides fought on the city.


A warrior was smashed out of the heart by a demon, and then stuffed into his mouth. Then he opened his mouth and sucked, and the blood in the body of the warrior burst out from the blood hole in the heart, and was sucked into the mouth by the demon.


The body of the demon sighed, and he saw the demon screaming and shouting:

"I broke through, hahaha..."

Qin double stared at it, and saw the body of the Yaozu rise to the breath of the King of Wu. The Yaozu turned around and jumped down the wall, arrogantly rushing toward the rear of the Yaozu.

"The Yaozu is taking us as a sharpening stone!" The heart of the piano immediately flashed this thought.

After the twenty-two kings heard the words of the double, the face showed a faint color, and then the look became gloomy. It turns out that the Iron Wall has been able to hold, not how hard they are, but the Yaozu is not serious with them, just use them as a sharpening stone. Think about it too, the Daqin Empire has collapsed, not to mention the strength of the innocent desert.

Losing them has also started from the various kingdoms to the iron wall to adjust the troops, adjusted more, is also the whetstone prepared for the Yaozu, the blood food prepared for the Yaozu. What is certain now is that the Yaozu will never be arrogant, and will not be there from beginning to end. Just waiting to kill the Terran warriors here, only the Kings of them, the demon kings will give the Terran a fatal blow. End this temper.

"Too... bully!" Twenty-two kings raised a humiliation in their hearts, but they were extremely helpless.

Helpless humiliation!

The power of the soul of Qin double spread out, quickly spread over the demon who was attacking, spread over the demon who had not been rotated, and enveloped a small military camp relatively small.

There are 668 demon people there, including just breaking through the demon, and the eyes of the piano are not confined.

"There are 668 demon people!"

"What?" The faces of the kings next to them showed a shocking color.

The soul of the piano double continues to spread to the front, covering the twelve demon emperors, the piano double whispered:

"There are still twelve emperors."

"Ah?" Twenty-two kings exclaimed.

The soul of the piano double continues to spread, then whispered: "There are three Valkyrie."

Twenty-two martial arts kings could not speak, and one face became pale as paper.

The power of the soul of Qin double has finally enveloped the Wusheng Goshawk, and the heart is a jump. Perceiving that the goshawk did not respond, I knew that the cultivation of the goshawk was absolutely less than the seven layers of Wusheng. It should be similar to what one speculates, the appearance of Wusheng three or four layers.

If it is the third floor of Wusheng, you still have the power of a battle, if it is four layers...

In the heart of the piano, she sighed and she was not sure about the goshawk.

"The piano master..."

Qin double shook her head and she had no idea. A goshawk is enough to make her difficult to deal with, and the Yaozu has three martial arts and twelve martial arts, which is simply no solution. In addition to using the life of the warrior to delay the time, there is simply no way.

"If I break through to the realm of Wudi, should I be able to fight the Goshawk?"


When Qinqin regained the power of the soul, he suddenly felt something and looked up into the air.

A **** figure stood above a white cloud.

White clouds, blood clothes, blood swords!

"Blood coat!"

The piano looks awkward, how could he appear here?

The eyes of the blood coat were very cold, sweeping away from the front of the Yaozu, and stopped in the area of ​​the Yaozu Wuwang area, and then continued to look forward.

Above the tower.

The kings heard the whispering of the piano, and they could not help but look at the eyes of the piano, and they saw the blood coat above the white clouds.

"Blood coat!"

A burst of exclamation sounded, the fierce name of the blood coat was very loud on the mainland of the warrior, and even louder than the piano, it rang a lot!

At this time, the blood coat above the white clouds has already fallen on the twelve Wudi Yaozu.

Above the tower, twenty-two kings could not help but change.

"He won't want to shoot?"

Qin double heart is also a jump, blood coat is Wudi, if he shot, then did not provoke a high-level demon?

How to resist the iron wall?

She couldn't help but lock her eyes into the blood coat and pass it into the secret passage:

"Blood, what are you going to do?"

The blood coat regained his gaze and looked at the piano. Then he carefully retracted his gaze and looked at the three martial arts demon people.

The three martial arts demon people felt a sense of heart, Qi Qiyang looked at the blood coat above the white clouds.

The eyes of the blood coat were removed and looked at the last tent, the Wusheng Goshawk.

Wu Sheng Goshawk squinted openly, his eyes seemed to pass through the tent, and his eyes collided in the air and the sight of the blood coat. The blood coat was slightly indulged, moving his eyes, and looking at the three martial arts demon.

The three martial arts demon people stood up and looked fiercely at the blood coat above the white clouds. The eyes of the blood coat swept back and forth on the lion demon, the snake demon and the horse demon, and finally settled on the lion demon.


The **** clothes stepped down, and a **** light was born under the feet. The body shape came to the sky above the three martial arts demon people, bowing their heads toward the lion demon:

"Lion demon, come up for a fight!"

"Blood coat, you will provoke a high-level demon shot, the iron wall will collapse." Qin double anxiously voiced into the secret.

"I need a better demon blood!" The sound of the blood coat whispered in the ear of the piano: "And the iron wall is slowly delaying death, it is better to die earlier, you are providing the enchanting stone to the Yaozu. ""

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