Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 233: a very sudden fight



The lion demon rose to the sky, and the illusion stood on the opposite side of the blood coat, without concealing the contempt for the blood coat.

"Despicable humans, come on."

The curtains glimpsed and the goshawk came out of the tent and looked into the air. At this point, the battle of the iron wall has stopped, and all the Terran and the demon eyes are looking at the two figures in the air.

On the top of the tower, Qin double raised his hand. The string month mercenary group immediately listed the heart and soul. The latter 50,000-month-old army also quickly listed the battle. Chu Wang’s voice said dryly:

"The piano master..."

"Be prepared for the battle." Qin Shuang's mouth has a bitter bitterness: "The blood coat will not take care of our lives, and he is not unreasonable, so he is slowly dying by the demon's warm water to cook the frog. It’s better to fight the battle.”

The piano doubled, and the eyes fell on the twelve Wudi Yaozu and the remaining two Valkyrie. Do you want to take the opportunity to kill the twelve demons, or the two demon gods?


The blood coat and the lion demon in the air have already been hit, and the eyes of the piano are suddenly shrinking. The volatility of the **** outburst in the battle is clearly the realm of the **** of war.

"He broke through to the **** of war? He broke the imprisonment of **** warriors?"

At this time, the blood coat and the lion demon have been fighting for three rounds, and they have completely suppressed the lion demon. This makes the Qin double heart very shocked, isn't the Yaozu can completely crush the Terran warriors?

"Is it the reason for... **** warriors?"

Qin Double immediately thought of the legend about the blood coat. In the legend, when the blood coat was still Emperor Wu, he killed the Wushen of Wu Zongdian and even killed a half-san. In this way, the blood-stained cultivation must be the ancient blood veins, just like the one that was originally obtained by Li Yan in the dense cracks.


Recalling the scenes of dense cracks, I saw the scene of the human race against the Yaozu in the memory fragments. At that time, the Terran was not weaker than the Yaozu, and even occupied the upper hand. Think about it too, otherwise how could it expel the Yaozu and seal the entrance to the Yaozu?


There was a loud sword in the air, and the piano double slammed.

The blood-stained sword cut off the head of the lion demon, and the left hand inserted the lion's chest, grabbed a heart that was still beating, and took it into the storage ring.


The goshawk screamed and the figure flew up to the **** coat in the air.


"That is..." Qin binocular eyes condensed, his face was shocked.

The light of the blood spread from the body of the blood coat, and the whole world seemed to become a **** world at this moment. The blood suddenly spread throughout the battlefield, covering the inner and outer walls of the city, all the demon and the human race.

at this moment.

Everything is stopped!

All the people, all the demon, the shaking leaves, the blood that is falling, the goshawk that is flying to the blood coat...

Everything is still!

The sky, the earth, everything has lost its original color and turned into a scary red.

The blood coat is like a blood-colored illuminator at this time, and his face has a smug color. Suddenly, the smug color was stiff and turned to look above the tower.

Above the city, the blood is covered, a group of red dazzling.

The red is not blood, but the fire, in the fire, the legs and body of the piano are wrapped around the phoenix tail, the two arms are wrapped around the wings of the fire phoenix, and the two phoenix claws are buckled on the shoulders of the piano pair. The place looked to the blood coat in the air.

The eyes of two people look in the air, the whole space is a **** world, and only these two people still maintain the original color.

Dead, lonely and floating on the heart, as if the whole world was destroyed, leaving only her and the blood coat. This feeling of loneliness makes the piano double feel a trace.

The blood coat regained his gaze, and there was a slight accident in his eyes.


The still **** world gave birth to a crisp sound, and the goshawk's body resumed its action, and the eyes burst into anger.


A sharp tweet, the still **** world collapsed, and the original colors began to recover.


At this time, Qin did not hesitate to take the shot, she could not pin her hopes on the Yaozu only to chase the **** one, but still maintain the original rules, not to kill the Iron Wall City.

She did not hesitate to open the fire phoenix body, holding a long sword in her left hand and holding her right hand on the hilt.


The blood coat also fled to the distance without hesitation, completely ignoring the attacking piano pair and the chasing goshawk.


Qin double right hand draw sword, long sword one inch and one inch out of the sheath, Wan Dao starlight jetted out, the demon family below saw a starry sky tilted towards them, and instantly drowned the twelve demons.

"Puff puff……"

The body of the twelve demons was shot into a sieve, and the blood was sprayed, and the huge body fell to the ground.

"Oh, it's you!"

The Goshawk immediately recognized the piano double, turned the direction, and rushed toward the piano double, crossed the three demon gods and greeted the piano pair.


The long sword is completely squirted, as if the starry sky is releasing the last cockroach, blurring his eyes and making people intoxicated.


The goshawk extended two claws.

Not bad!

It is the two claws. The two hands that originally had the characteristics of the human race have become two talons. They are caught in the air. One point is like tearing the starry sky and tearing the starlight into a crack. In the crack, it hit the piano double.

"Hey, you die for me!"

The long sword of the double-spike of the piano pointed to the air and fell.

The stars are falling, as if a meteor hit the goshawk.

The stars are flat and wide!

In the distance, the blood coat suddenly stunned his body shape and looked at the piano pair standing in the nebula with surprise.

At this moment, she seems to be the master of the sky, controlling thousands of stars.

A figure appeared in the blood coat, and the figure looking to the piano pair was full of appreciation. Then, looking at the two demon gods on the ground, said faintly:

"Blood clothes, good opportunity, we two to kill the two demon gods, see who killed fast! As long as the two demon gods are killed, if the piano double can still resist the demon saint, the iron wall is around Solved."

The blood coat just slightly indulged, and nodded: "Good!"

Then, the figure pulled out a blood line in the air and swooped down toward the snake demon on the ground. The revenge in the air is not ruined:

"Blood coat, you are the first to get started, there is no quality!"


The sound of **** clothes echoed in the space, and a **** sword had already been killed in front of the snake demon, and it was so angry that he rushed to the squad.

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