Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 236: return


There is still a long distance from the iron wall, and the piano doubles see the demon race. Suspended heart relaxed, she had speculation in her mind, after she left, Shen Qiu and blood clothes must kill the two demon gods, now the demon faith collapses, even if there are hundreds of demon Wang, in the face of two existences that can kill the demon god, there is no confidence to fight, and the collapse is a matter of course.

Iron wall off.

The shape of the piano double fell from the sky, causing the human race on the wall, but when it was seen as a double, there was a burst of warm cheers.

Iron wall off.

Inside the hall of the council.

Twenty-three kings are on the agenda, including Qinwu. The Yaozu is a big defeat, but it is not that they are safe. This is only part of the Yaozu, and it is part of it. When the next demon squadron is under the city, there will be a stronger demon to sit down.

not to mention……

Qinshuang and Goshawk still don't know how?

In their view, it is difficult for Qin double to be the opponent of Goshawk, and they also consulted Shen Qiu and Xue Yi. These two people do not think that Qin double can defeat the goshawk, can escape from the goshawk, it is already big. lucky.

In this way, after the goshawk has killed the piano pair, it is not necessary to lead the demon army, but with the goshawk, a demon sac, you can kill the iron wall.

How to do?

What should the Terran do?

The eyes of everyone can't help but look at the Qinwu sitting in the last place. Here, the repair of Qinwu is the lowest. Although these people have the reason of having a nearly one hundred kings because of the doubles of the piano, please take the first place. A seat, but Qin Wu refused. He is only the first floor of a martial arts king, and the twenty-two kings who are sitting are all in the late Wuwang period, and there are even a few of them who are the peaks of the Wuwang period. How can he be willing to sit in the first position?

However, these twenty-two kings did not dare to despise Qinwu. There is also a sister who can't see through the strength of Qin Qinwu, that is, there are nearly a hundred martial arts under his men, and they are afraid to despise them.

Seeing the eyes of twenty-two kings gathered on their own bodies, Qin Wu condensed:

"Wait, I believe that the seven sisters will come back."

Chu Wang smiled a bit: "Qin Wang, we also hope that Qin Master can return safely. But this is almost a month, every time you wait..."

The king of Chu suddenly stopped the sound, and the twenty-three kings in the hall were all eagerly looking at them. They heard a huge cheer from outside. Qin Wu’s “砰” stood up and strode out to the door.

"Seven sisters are back!"

Everyone has also gone outside the door, such a big cheer, in addition to the piano double back, what will be?


Out of the gate, everyone flew up to the sky, and saw the city wall far away, cheering, a pretty figure stood in the city.

"Seven sisters!" Qin Wu's eyes lit up, and his face showed an excited color.

"Second brother!" Qin double eyes looked over.


Qin Wu and twenty-two kings fell in front of Qin double, Qin Wu stepped forward:

"Just come back, what about the goshawk?"

"I was killed by me!"

Above the wall is a quiet, after a short silence, it is a tsunami-like cheer. The twenty-two kings were so excited that they were surrounded by the piano, but the pair of eyes of the piano doubled over the ridge of a building in the iron wall.

There were two people standing there, one in a yellow robe and one in a blood coat.

The eyes of the piano are bright, and when the sky is empty, the body shape rises and instantly disappears above the city and falls on the floor.

Above the wall, the kings could not help but laugh. This is the difference in cultivation. The repair of the king of Wu, the status of the king, is not in the eyes of Qin double, Shen Qiu and blood.

"Shen Big Brother!" Qin doubled joyfully.

"Two children!" Shen Qiu looked up and down the piano, and his eyes showed appreciation: "I didn't think you grew so fast."

"Thank you for thanking Big Brother."

"You don't blame the big brother for letting you suffer, hahaha..." Shen Qiu laughed happily.

Qin double gave a white eye to Shen Qiu: "It is really suffering."

There is no lie in the piano, and you have to eat the medicinal herbs all the time, so that the piano is miserable. Fortunately, after the cows were in Dantian, they did not need to take the medicinal herbs for a while, which made the piano a lot easier.

"The goshawk is dead?" the blood coat asked coldly.

"Yeah!" Qin nodded and looked at the blood coat: "Are you breaking into the Valkyrie?"

The blood coat nodded, no words.

"Let's go on."

Shen Qiu took the lead and flew down the ridge. The double-blooded poems followed Shen Qiu into the room, and three people sat around the table. Shen Qiu looked at Qin Double Road:

"Double children, what are your plans?"

"I haven't thought about it yet." Qin double frowned and said: "Always keep the iron wall off."

Shen Qiu Xin Lang smiled and said: "If you are willing to take the lead here to fight against the Yaozu, Big Brother will stay to help you."

"it is good!"

Qin double also nodded happily, without hesitation. In today's situation, she can't abandon the Terran here. It is already the last piece of land in the Daqin territory. With the help of Shen Qiu, she will be much easier. Then turned to the blood coat, revealing the eyes of the consultation. She is not familiar with the blood coat, does not understand the blood coat, and has two battles with the blood coat. Once it was the **** clothes that stabbed her, and was shocked by the **** piano, once in order to compete for the humanoid tree.

"it is good!"

I didn't think that the blood coat had just agreed to it. In fact, there is no place for these two people to go. Nowadays, on the entire mainland of the warriors, except for the iron wall, the rest of the Terran are under the leadership of Wu Zongdian, and both of them are those who have been chased by Wu Zongdian. It is also helpless to choose to stay here.

"Great!" Qin double could not help but say: "Shen, what are you doing now?"

"The tenth floor of Wushen, there is still a little distance from breaking Wusheng. But..." Here, the face of Shen Qiu has a bitter bitterness:

"My resources have been used up. Although the aura of the warriors has recovered, it is difficult to break through to Wusheng."

"Blood, what about you?"

The blood coat is still cool and authentic: "I am now the first floor of the Valkyrie, but I want to improve the cultivation, it is easier than the revenge. I can absorb the essence of the demon blood to improve. But..."

At this point, the blood coat frowned and said: "Accepting too much of the demon blood, it will produce the result of the demon, so this is not the right way."

"Chemical demon?" Qin double asked in surprise.

Shen Qiu smiled and said: "Yes, I don't know when you see the blood coat again. He is not a person, but a demon."

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