Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 237: I am the emperor


"This" Qin double shocked inexplicable.

"Hey, I won't let that happen." Bloody cool said,

"Nothing!" Qin took a slap in the palm of his hand: "I can refine some of your gods."

The eyes of Shen Qiu are bright, even the eyes of **** clothes show a wave of volatility.


"Shen, brother, have I lied to you?"

"This is not, then you hurry." Shen Qiu urged.

"I know, I will go and collect some herbs from the kings."

"I will go with you." Shen Qiu stood up and his face showed a fierce color: "I see who dares not give you herbs!"

The blood coat also stood up, although there was no words, but the body transmitted a fierce killing. This is not to let the piano double hand to help the road:

"Two big brothers, don't do this, I am not ready to grab, but exchange with them."

"What do you exchange with them?"

"Of course it is a remedy!" Qin double took out a pair of eyes to give you a look, you look at it yourself: "Now the end of the catastrophe, what is the most important? Naturally, the improvement is repaired, only the cultivation can be improved. A life-saving cost. What is the most direct improvement?

Dan medicine! ”

Qin double thumbs up and pointed to himself: "And I am an alchemy teacher."

Shen Qiu did not pay attention to the singularity of Qin double, but instead he showed a hesitant color: "Double children, then what do we exchange with you?"

Qinqin stood up and unfolded his arms to the sides, as an emperor accepted the pilgrimage of his subjects:

"I will be the emperor here, you are loyal to me."

The look of the blood coat is a change, and the body emits a slap in the face.

"啪" Shen Qiu slaps in the head of Qin double, and laughs: "You are fooled by the goshawk?"

"嘿嘿" Qin doubled and narrowed his neck: "The Goshawk has been killed by me, but I was stupid by Shen Da."

"No kidding!" A vengeful look condensed: "I and the blood coat now have only one force, nothing to exchange with you."

The look of Qin double is also serious: "Shen's big brother and blood coat will stay here. When I am not there, you are here."

"You want to leave the iron wall off?"

"I won't leave right away, but I can't always stay here."

"Also!" Shen Qiu nodded. "We will take turns when we get there. Just if the two of us really stay here, the iron wall will cause the hostility of Wu Zongdian, and you know the situation of our two."

"Don't worry, now the Yaozu and the Mozu ravage the warrior continent, Wu Zongdian and us have the same enemy, and unity is the only way out."

"I am afraid that Wu Zongdian does not think so."

Qin double shook his head and said: "This will be said later, let's go, see the kings."

"it is good!"

When the three people walked out of the small building, they saw that the twenty-three kings, such as Qinwu, were neatly waiting outside the door. When they saw three people coming out, they prayed:

"I have seen piano masters, Shen seniors, blood-blooded predecessors."

"Let's go to the main hall."

"Qin Zong, please."

Soon, everyone came to the main hall of the parliament, sitting on the main seat of the piano, and Shen Qiu and the blood coat sat on the left and right, and twenty-three kings also sat down.

"There is one thing to discuss with everyone." After the piano was seated, he whispered openly.

"Please ask the piano master to tell." The kings sang together.

"I need some herbs!"

The piano double took out the pen and paper, wrote the names of the various herbs, and handed them to the twenty-three kings for them to pass. After everyone has read it, the piano double condenses:

"I will use the medicinal herbs for you to change these herbs, but I need you to provide the herbs you need for medicinal herbs. I am only responsible for refining them."

Everyone's eyes are bright, Wen Lingdan, they naturally do not need, every kingdom has alchemy divisions, Wen Lingdan can refine, they need Wen Wangdan, and even a few of them in the late Wuwang peak, also Need to break through Dan, because they have already reached the level of Wudi.

"I have thirteen turtles here."

"I have eight here."

"I have twenty-one grasses here."

"I have thirty red pears here."


Sure enough, people are more powerful and have more resources. Every king has his own collection. Qin Double quickly collected the materials of the two-grain Bishui Dan and the weak water Dan, as well as Wen Shen Dan. Of course, there are also materials for Wen Wangdan and Jie Dan.

"I will immediately retreat alchemy. After half a month, I will go right and arrange a place for me to live."

"Zhen Zong Shi." Chu Wang stood up and bowed to the piano: "We also have something to ask for."

"What is it?"

The king of Chu looked over the other kings, and the kings also stood up and prayed to the piano:

"I will wait for the master of the piano to be the emperor."


Qinqin couldn't help but glance at them, then looked at Qinwu, and Qinwu's eyes jumped with excitement:

"Seven sisters, we just discussed outside the door. Everyone thinks that this loose alliance is no longer suitable for the situation we are facing. We need an empire that can truly unite everyone, so that there is hope in the catastrophe. Live down.

Now that the Daqin Empire has been destroyed, in the territory of the Daqin Empire, we are the last hope of the Terran. In the new empire, no one is more suitable for the emperor than you. ”

“Where is it!” Qin nodded and said: “Put our flag and let more people gather here.”

The twenty-two kings saw the piano double promised, and the heart was ecstatic. Qin Shuangken promised that he would have a character like a sea god, and he would not think of the demon and the two.

"Please squat down the name of the founding country." Chu Wanghong channel.

The piano double squatted a little and stood up from the chair:

"The country is called the string moon, I am the emperor."

The king of Chu will bow down, and the piano will reach out and gently drag a twenty-three kings who want to worship:

"The Moon Moon Empire has been abolished from now on, and there are gold in the knees of the Terran, and it is not a noble gift."

In the hearts of twenty-three kings, the long-lost affair erupted, and the color of excitement appeared on everyone's face. Appreciation appeared in the eyes of Shen Qiu, and the softness was seen in the eyes of blood.

"Seeing the Emperor of the Moon!" All the people screamed and screamed, and Shen Qiu and Xue Yi also leaned down slightly.

"All the brides are free!"

"Thank you!"

"The Empire Civil Service System remains unchanged, and the military is based on the Sun and Moon Nebula. Shen Qiu and the Bloody Champion Moon Empire."

Having said that, I looked at Shen Qiu and Wen Yidao: "I remember that Shen Da Ge is called Huang Pao Jian Hao, and the blood coat is called Bloodstain Blood?"

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