Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 238: Sun and moon nebula


"Not bad!" The two men nodded lightly.

"After Shen Da Ge is the title of Huang Yue Wu Shen, the blood coat will be called the blood moon Wu Shen."

"Thank you!"

Shen Qiu and Xue Yi calmly accepted the title of the double. Fighting for the human race is duty-bound. What's more, they have no place to go. Of course, the most important thing is that you can get a steady stream of medicinal herbs from here.

However, if they say that they are both loyal and loyal, it is a joke. Not only they, but the twenty-two kings, at this time, the heart will not be loyal to the Qinshuang, and the double-founding of the country is the emperor, and more is forced by the situation.

Qin double looked at the twenty-three kings including Qin Wu, and condensed:

"Please come over all the kings of your country."

"According to the purpose!"

Twenty-three kings left, but for a moment, the outside cheered like a shout, and the cheers gradually unified into two words:

"String month!"

"String month!"

"String month!"


Just in this earth-shattering cheer, a group of martial artists looked in with excitement. Just behind Qinwu, he followed one hundred martial arts kings, the ninety-eight martial arts kings of the string month mercenary group, and Yuan Fei and Qin Qian. In addition to the Qinwu in front, there are a total of one hundred martial arts kings. And Yuan Fei, the first floor of the Emperor Wu. Behind the other twenty-two kings, or follow a king, or follow two, but the most three.

However, the total number of martial arts kings added by the twenty-two kingdoms has also reached sixty-six, plus one hundred martial arts kings of the chord month, the total number has reached 166 martial arts kings. At this time, the one hundred and sixty-six martial arts kings stared at the piano pair sitting on the top.

At this time, their hearts have already understood that the Sun and Moon Nebula under the Qin Shuangli are the four realms of Wu Sheng, Wu Shen, Wu Di and Wu Wang. These four realms will have a title in the future.

Wu Sheng took the Japanese as the title, Wu Shen took the month as the title, Wudi took the star as the title, and Wu Wang took the cloud as the title.

The eyes of Qin double fell on Yuan Fei's body, condensing the voice: "Yuan Fei, you are the string moon star emperor in the future. Well, since it was founded in the Iron Wall City, you are called the Iron Wall Star Emperor."

"Thank you."

Yuan Fei excitedly bowed to the piano. The scenes of the past flashed in front of his eyes. If he did not touch the piano, I am afraid that he had fallen into a slave. He might have died when the kingdom of the Moon was destroyed by the Kingdom of the Sun.

"You Wuwang!" Qin binoculars swept through 166 Wuwang, and the atmosphere inside the hall was stirred up, and Qinqin slowly stood up:

"From this moment on, you will use the cloud as the title. You are the one hundred and sixty-six cloud king of the Crescent Moon Empire."


"Chen is here!" Qin Wu went out to work.

"Building a numbered pavilion, you are the owner. The two moon gods, the iron wall star emperor and the one hundred and sixty-six cloud kings are registered, the portraits are drawn, and the plaques are hung. The seal pavilion is four floors and the first floor is Yunwang Pavilion. The second floor is the Star Emperor Pavilion, the third floor is the Yueshen Pavilion, and the fourth floor is the Japanese Holy Court."

"According to the purpose!"

Qin Wu retired, and everyone looked enviously to Qinwu, but there was no color. Since Qinqin is the emperor, her second brother is in this important position, which is the meaning of the title. Didn't you see the piano and did not enter the hall? That is because Qin Jingyun is not a Wuwang, Qinshuang did not force the use of Qin Jingyun, which in the hearts of everyone, I feel that Qin double is very fair.

"Qin Qian!"

"Chen is in." Qin double out of work.

Qin Binoculars is a condensation, happy: "Qin Qian, you are already the fourth layer of Wu Wang?"

The piano doubled open his mouth and smiled smugly: "Your Majesty, as long as there is a war, the repair of the minister will advance by leaps and bounds, and it will be a thousand miles. Such a catastrophe, others as the last day, but the minister as a remedy."

"Ha ha ha..."

Inside the hall, I thought of the kind laughter, that is, Shen Qiu and Xue Yi also curiously looked at the Qin Qian, wondering what kind of exercises he practiced. If it is really as he said, the repair of Qin Qian is afraid. It will really be a thousand miles away.

Qin binoculars swept through the crowd: "Qin Qian is a matchless warrior, and is the commander of the Jiuyue Empire. From this moment on, all the terracotta warriors and horses of the Yueyue Empire will be under the command of the Qin."

The eyes of the people looking at Qin Qian are very complicated, respectful, envious, flawed, and a little uneasy.

In these days, they have already learned that Qinshuang is a matchless warrior, and in the days when Qin double left, they also saw the commanding ability of Qin Qian, and they also know that Qin Qian is the best as the Marshal of the Empire. Candidates. Just lost the military power, and my heart is inevitably uneasy.

"Xie Xia." Qin Qianmei danced, the more people he commanded, the bigger the scene of the war, the faster his cultivation would be promoted.

"Yuan Fei!"

"Chen is!" Yuan Fei went out to work.

"Build a Guard, you are the commander of the Guards, based on the string month mercenary group, select the strong in the twenty-three kingdoms, expand the army 50,000, teach the heart, and choose only among the martial arts."

"According to the purpose!"

Yuan Fei retired, and there was a slight commotion in the hall. After all, the piano pair ended here, and the seals were all the people of the original string moon kingdom. Even Qinwu, Qin Qian, Yuan Fei three ability, the background is placed there, but also makes their hearts feel uncomfortable, and a little uneasy.

"Chu Yun Wang."

The spirit of the Chu King is a sensation.

"Chen is here!"

"You are the head of the family, and you are in charge of the world..."

"According to the purpose!"

"Wu Yun Wang!"

"Chen is here."

"You are a book for the Ministry of Industry, under the jurisdiction of alchemy, spiritual lines, refiners, arrays..."

The piano double began to seal the kings, and the framework of an empire was quickly built. At this time, everyone was very excited and there was no anxiety in the heart.

It also brought people back to the moon kingdom, and Zhou Haoran was invited. Similarly, the twenty-two kings each recommended a Confucian and Taoist person to form an official system.

The people also discussed the end of each branch, and after about one and a half hours, everyone dispersed.

The first thing that Qin double ended the meeting was to collect all the demon corpses collected by the iron wall off these days into the town demon tower, and the entire warehouse was scraped by her to restore the town demon tower.

Qinqin lived in the largest manor in the city of Ironwall, at this time the manor has become the palace of the Crescent Moon Empire. In the Imperial Study Room, there are several people sitting at this time. It is Qinwu, Qin Jingyun and Yuan Ye.

After a while, the piano double came in. She just returned to her own palace and divided a jar of jade into a hundred jade bottles. Into the Imperial Study Room, I visited five bottles of jade liquid in front of three people:

"You each take five bottles of jade!"

After watching the three people close up, Qin double looked at Qin Wudao: "Second brother, you must take these five bottles of jade liquid first, do not have to go to the province, as soon as possible to upgrade their cultivation, wait for me to refine the drug, It will also give you a lot of medicinal herbs. This empire will still be handed over to you in the future. This will be the basis for our piano players to take off."

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