Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 240: Wudi



Qin double was only closed for two quarters of an hour, and it was easy to break through the barrier and enter the first floor of Emperor Wu. Dantian expanded again, and the spiritual power between the heavens and the earth swarmed toward the doubles. On the moon floor, a huge spiritual vortex was formed.


The energy of the calf is collected by the spiritual force. Although the spiritual method is still in a gaseous state, it is more and more solid, and the facial features have gradually become clear.

A trace of heaven and earth fell from the sky, the body of the piano double entwined with a trace of rhyme, gradually infiltrated into the body of the piano.

The Yin God opened his eyes and opened his mouth. A trace of the heavens was sucked into her mouth. At this time, the facial features of the Yin God have become very clear, and even the skin texture of the body is clearly visible. It is a small version. Qin double. Although it is not as good as the physical body of Dantian, although it is already liquid, the facial features are relatively clear, but there is no sarcasm texture. From time to time, the martial art formed by the liquid is still a little bit silky. At this time, she also took a mouthful of rhyme, making her look even more sullen.

A trace of rhyme is absorbed into the mouth by the spiritual force, and flows through the body, so that her gaseous body is a little solid, although it is a gaseous state, it gives a feeling of not moving.


At this moment, Xuan Shui Jin Dan, who absorbed the rhyme, was purified to 10-10, and began to approach the second layer from the first layer of Chengdan.

With the pure energy of the calf, and the silky rhyme into the Xuan Shui Jin Dan. The cultivation of "Xuanwu Collection" climbed up at an incredible speed.

The demon phoenix phoenix and the fire phoenix phoenix also absorbed a hint of silk rhyme, and the body's breath climbed a little.

The most exciting thing about Qin is that she feels that the sea of ​​knowledge and the heart of Haoran are also absorbing a trace of rhyme.

Moon floor.

On the steps.

Qin Jingyun and Yuan Ye have closed their eyes and entered the epiphany. There are also two thousand guards, such as Yuan Fei, who have been sitting cross-legged at this time and entered the epiphany.


A strip of people flew in, it is a Wu Wang in the city of Iron Wall. When these martial arts kings came outside the Guards, they sat on the ground and closed their eyes.

Within a small building.

Shen Qiu and the blood coat sit opposite each other, and there is tea on the table. Shen Qiu looked out the window and the cloud quickly flowed, and the silky rhyme fell, and a smile appeared on his face:

"The two children broke through to Emperor Wu."

Then I looked at the human beings who entered the epiphany: "These people are blessed. Blood, don't you comprehend?"

The blood coat said faintly: "It is just the Taoist level of the Emperor..."


The figure of Shen Qiu suddenly jumped out of the window, and instantly fell outside the moon floor, sitting cross-legged.


A blood shadow fell on the side of Shen Qiu, and the eyes of the **** clothes showed a shocking color. He didn't know the level of the rhyme that attracted the doubles from the sky, but it was obviously higher than his current state.

"How...what is it possible? How can her mentality be so high?"


The **** clothes spit out a sigh of relief and immediately sat on the floor...

In the moon building.

The silk rhyme enters the body of the piano, and the double enters into an ethereal state, which fits into the heavens. Silk Tiandao entered from the eyebrows into the sea, letting the sea sound a burst of sound, like Hong Zhong Da Lu, and like the sound of the sound.

"Can't suppress it!"

Qin double sighed and did not hesitate to enter into the view.

A strip of red silk, each with 13 feet, was quickly formed in the sea of ​​Qinshuang. One after another, dense and dense, in the sea of ​​knowledge, such as dragons and dragons.


At this moment, under the nourishment of the rhyme, the piano pair does not have to watch the heavenly pattern on the body of the fire phoenix. The patterns are clearly displayed in their own consciousness. She instantly entered the world of fire...

A line of silk began to construct a pattern of symbols...

I don't know how long it has been, as if it was a moment, it is like a lifetime.

The fourth floor is built with a base, which is constructed of sixty-four heavenly symbols and supported under the third floor.

Qin double does not know that, at this time in her knowledge of the sea, in addition to constructing the red line of the abutment, there is a 13-foot silk thread, which is a blue silk thread, exuding the rich water properties. breath.

One day passed, the breath of Qin double gradually became stable.

Seven days!

The spiritual power of Qinshuang was stabilized at the peak of the first layer of Emperor Wu, and the rhythm of the Tao was scattered, and the clouds converge in the air.

The oppression caused by the thunder and robbery, the piano double wakes up from the view, looked at his own knowledge of the sea, and the eyebrows emerged with a happy color. In the sea, there are six floors of foundations.

The first floor is made up of a heavenly symbol, the second layer is made up of four heavenly symbols, the third layer is made up of sixteen heavenly symbols, and the fourth layer is made up of sixty-four heavenly symbols. The fifth floor is made up of two hundred and fifty-six heavenly symbols, and the sixth floor is made up of one thousand and twenty-four heavenly symbols. The six-story abutment slowly rotates, exuding the energy of the raft.


The shape of the piano pair flew into the air, swiftly swept away from the outside of the city, and disappeared without a trace.


A strip of people flew up and flew in the direction of the piano. Although they didn't know where the piano is at this time, they would not lose their direction when staring at the clouds in the sky. Everyone knows clearly. The Emperor Wudu was robbed.

A hundred miles away from the city.

The shape of the piano double fell on a hill, looking up at the clouds in the sky.

"Taro, you have to be careful, but you have to cross it for five or nine days. This is the equivalent of a broken sky."

"I know!"

After Qin Wang’s robbing of Wu Wangtian, he knew that because of the different methods of cultivation, and because of the cultivation of the body, the yin and gods were condensed in advance, and their own catastrophe was far higher than that of other warriors, and their hearts could not help.

"Now I have seven water-red beads, and the body has been repaired to reach the seventh layer of the Valkyrie. Should there be no problem?"

"Your body is robbed in five or nine days, it is useless. Do you think that your body has been repaired to reach the peak of Wu Sheng? Pray that your water mines have a role."

The tortoise in the heart of Hao Ran said faintly, the piano was so suffocating enough that it could not help but sing:

"You don't have any use at all. If the blood is there, you will be able to help."

"You... I don't talk to you," the turtle said with a grin.


A strip of figure fell in the distance, looking at the piano on the hill. Then I saw the piano double hands and stood up, looking up to the sky.

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