Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 241: The first peak of Emperor Wudi



Layers of clouds converge, covering the sky, forming a huge whirlpool, slowly spinning, robbery in the clouds, a strip of golden dance, rumbling. Tianwei poured down from the robbery cloud, and the people who had just fallen felt the heart swaying and breathing, and it became difficult to breathe. They could not help but retreat and retreat for a dozen years before they felt that their bodies were loose. I feel awkward.

"Avenge..." has always been cool, not willing to talk to the blood, the eyes reveal a faint color: "This ... the power of the day robbery is even more dangerous than the sky robbery that broke through the realm of the gods."

Shen Qiu nodded. In fact, he also condensed the Yin God in advance. When he was robbed, it was also a catastrophe that transcended the realm, but it was far from being robbed by the doubles. This made him confused.

"How could this be?"

Where does he know that Qin Double is not only condensed with the Yin God in advance, but also the cultivation of the body beyond the spiritual power, but also cultivates the heart of the Hao, but also cultivates the sea of ​​knowledge. The most important thing is that at this time she also cultivated Xuan Shui Jin Dan, and the fire split and the devil are also in her Dantian.


A thunder robbery fell from the robbery cloud, and there was an adult's thigh thick. With a devastating breath, he landed toward the piano.


Seven water thunder beads flew out from the sea of ​​Qinshuang, floating on the head of the piano double, and all the thunders were sucked into the water mine beads.


The piano stared at everything that happened on his head.


Another Thunder fell down and was swallowed up by seven water thunder beads.

"so smart!"

The piano looked at the seven water thunder beads floating on the air. After seeing the seven water thunder beads completely disarmed, they began to absorb the power of the Thunder. The color is more and more discolored, and there is a thunder in the blue. After every absorption of the thunder, the thunder in the blue is thick.

Suddenly, Qin double woke up from the sluggishness, and his face showed a dumbfounding color.

"Don't be like this, leave me some, I want to quench the body!"


Seven water thunder beads trembled, and each converges a little. Some thunders are blocked by seven water thunder beads and fall on the body of the piano.

The piano pair immediately started to run the iron body forging, and the body performed various unimaginable movements in various incredible angles.

Shen Qiu and others waited anxiously away from the Qinshuang twenty-six miles away. Qin Qinyun gathered in front of Shen Qiu, whispered:

"Shen the predecessor, my seven sisters will not have anything?"

Shen Qiu shook his head and said: "Although I can't see the current situation of Qin Double, but the day is still going on, it proves that the two children are fine."


The people around were relieved, but then they got nervous. There is nothing wrong with the piano now, it does not mean that there is nothing to do next!

Now their lives are closely related to the piano. If the piano is dead, the newly formed Moon Moon Empire will collapse.


If the piano doubles successfully, the Crescent Moon Empire will be more stable as a rock.

Imagine that when Qinqin is still a king of Wu, he can fight with the goshawk in the middle of Wusheng. If Qinshuang breaks through to Emperor Wu, he can at least fight with Wuzhong’s mid-peak and even Wusheng.

Everyone was afraid in this kind of time, and spent the time in the mood they were expecting. It felt like every time of the moment was like a year passed.


When the last Thunder fell, everyone finally felt a loose, and then it was extremely exciting.

At this time, the hill has turned into a big pit. The piano doubled up seven water-red beads, took out a set of clothes and put it on, and the body shape rushed out of the big pit. Once it flashed, it disappeared in place.

Everyone saw the shape of the piano pair across the sky, and they flew to the city of Sibi City with a smile.

Moon floor.

The piano doubles while bathing, while checking his body, the spiritual repair has been firmly stabilized in the first layer of the Emperor Wu, and the strength of the body has been raised to the seventh layer of the Valkyrie. The other thing is that nothing has changed.

Perceived the fire and phoenix body, after breaking through the first layer of the Emperor Wu, the fire phoenix body has been able to last for a quarter and a half. The backhand took out the dragon sword and held it in his hand. He felt a creaking in his hand, and his heart and blood flew, but now the power of the dragon sword can only collapse her palm. The mood is joyfully put away the dragon sword, take out a few drops of jade in the palm of your hand, and the palm will recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Qinqin squinted with his chin, and the ravages he had suffered could reach the level of broken emptiness. There are many reasons for this...


Qin double suddenly frowned, and now the fire is divided into Wuming, she did not have a robbery, and there is no military production?

Even if the practice of her cultivation is different from her own, there will be no military martial arts, but will it not be robbed?

Qin double will perceive the fire split, then the heart is clear, not that she does not suffer from the robbery, but because she is only a lyrics of the piano, so her robbing will be added to the piano double, usually accumulated, just wait When the piano doubled.

Qinqin couldn’t help but grab his head. If it’s a fire split, a wood split, the magic splitter breaks too fast, and when he waits for his own martial arts, will he go directly to the seven or nine days of robbery, or a higher day. Robbery?

As long as you think about it, Qin double feels creepy.

Fortunately, there are water mines, I hope the water bead can be firmer.

However, she also knows that there are limits to the water mines. In the future, they will collect more of the Danfu dynasty. The most important thing is to strengthen the cultivation of the body. That is the fundamental.

I think of the azure thirteen-six silk thread in the sea, which has turned into a gaseous state and condensed to the extreme. Qin double thinks about it. Do you cultivate different attributes and build foundations with different attributes? Still have to build a foundation? Form a water property building a base?

Thinking for a while, I don’t understand.

"It seems that I have to go back to Luo Fuzong and ask Master to do it. Anyway, I will temper first."

She did not run the endless turbulence, but communicated with the water-beads, and saw that the seven water-red beads flew around the azure silk, shrouded it in the middle, shot a trace of thunder from the water-ball, and began to temper the thread. .

No longer to manage the constant quenching in the sea, the piano double stood up and pushed the door out. I saw the crowd standing outside with black pressure, Shen Qiu and blood coat standing in the forefront, everyone looked at her enthusiastically, that is, I thought of the well-blooded blood coat of Gujing, and there was a hint of admiration in my eyes.

"Congratulations to your Majesty to break through the realm of Emperor Wu!"

The eyes of the piano swept across the eyes, and there was a happy color between the eyebrows. She found that everyone had more or less refined, and could not help but open the way:


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