Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 242: calm


Everyone entered the hall with great enthusiasm. Qin double asked about the current situation and saw that they all had some unstable feelings. They knew that when they broke through, they realized the heavens and urgently needed retreat. After a period of time, I was able to make a breakthrough, and I waved my hand and let everyone disperse.

Within the hall, only Shen Qiu, Xue Yi, Qin Jingyun and Yuan Ye, as well as Chu Yunwang, Zhao Yunwang and Yan Yunwang were left.

Qin double smiled at Shen Qiu and Xue Yi: "Congratulations that the two have improved."

The blood coat nodded, and Shen Qiu said with a smile: "This is also because when you break through, you get a little rhyme. But we need Wen Shen Dan now. If there is Wen Shen Dan, the two of us will be very short. A breakthrough in time, although it will not be a breakthrough in the big realm, but the breakthrough in the small realm is no problem."

Qin doubled and nodded: "I will immediately refine Wen Shen Dan for the two."

"Then wait for the good news!"

The two people simply said that after expressing their meaning, they got up and said goodbye. Qin double will look at the three people of Chu Yunwang, Chu Yunwang will stand up and give a ceremony:

"Your Majesty, the three of us were originally the tenth peak of Wuwang. Before you broke through, you got a little rhyme and felt that you have reached the critical point of breakthrough. Now we have Qingdan and Wenwangdan. I wonder if you can refine Wendy Dan? Is there a rising emperor?"

Qin double thought about it, Wendy Dan's material she has a lot there, and it is not what she originally owned, but collected by the household, which is in her storage ring, because before the empire There is no warrior at the level of Emperor Wu, so she has no refining. Now that she is already an Emperor, it is natural to refine some Wendy Dan. And when these three people break through, they also need to take Wendidan for use as a flush.

However, the materials she possessed were not complete. This kind of rise to the emperor is actually a kind of break-through Dan, which is used to break through the realm of the Emperor Wu, which can increase the chance of 30%. Qinshuang's body has a wind-rotating fruit, plus a few herbs, it is possible to refine the real breach of the Dan, ignoring the realm of the boundary, and can increase the probability of 50%. Then he opened the way:

"Wen Didan has no problem, but do you have materials for Shengdi?"

"Yes!" Chu Yunwang hurriedly said: "I have collected three copies these years."

"I collected two copies." Zhao Yunwang also hurriedly stood up.

"I also collected three copies." Yan Yun Wang also hurriedly stood up.


Qin double took out the paper and pen, and listed the auxiliary medicines needed for the refining of Dan, and handed it to Chu Yunwang:

"You go back now, send the materials for the refining of the Emperor, and then collect the materials from me."

"According to the purpose."

Three people hurried away. After a while, the three men returned and handed over the materials of Shengdi to the Qinshuang. Qinqin returned to the Yuelou with Qin Jingyun and Yuan Ye.

In the moon building, the law was laid, and two people entered the town demon tower. Let two people go to practice, and the piano will begin to refine. Soon, the materials of the refining Wendidan were refining into the medicinal herbs, and the Shengdi was refining. Qin double stopped the alchemy, entered the Dandao space of the seven-string space, and began to learn and integrate the master class of Dandao.

After a lapse of three months, Qin double began to refine Wen Shen Dan, but the effect of refining is very bad, only 10% of the rate of Cheng Dan, and the result is the next product.

However, the piano is not shocked. She felt that she had come out of her own alchemy road, but she had not yet formed, so repeated alchemy. When the outside world passed for a month, the town demon tower had passed for 16 months. Qin Double finally stabilized the realm in the realm of the second-class Dan Dao master, which was still assisted by a December fruit. Only the refining Wen Shen Dan is still the next product.

Her spiritual power has broken through to the second level of the Emperor Wudi. The strength of the body has broken through to the peak of the seventh layer of Wushen. The sixth layer of the foundation period is completely stable and reaches its peak. The fire-divided Fengming reached the ninth floor of Wuwang, and the demon phoenix reached the first layer of the Chengdan period. Xuan Shui Jin Dan reached the sixth floor of the knot. Knowing the Xuan Shui silk thread in the sea has begun to have three feet into a solid state, exuding the azure blue radiance, only the Haoran gas has not changed.

The repair of Qin Jingyun has been upgraded to the seventh floor of the knot period, and Yuan Ye’s repair has reached the fifth floor of the knot period.

Qin doubled out of the town demon tower, after asking about the situation, Wen Shendan gave the blood coat and Shen Qiu some, and gave Chu Yunwang three people each of Wendi Dan and Sheng Di Dan, they left Half of Wen Shen Dan and Sheng Di Dan, the other Wen Shen Dan and Sheng Di Dan were handed over to the Ministry of Housing, and then Qin Wu was also included in the town demon tower, giving him a lot of resources to let him and Qin Jingyun, Yuan Ye together in the town demon tower cultivation, and she still understands Dan Dao.

Opposite the innocent desert.

In a valley.

Li Yan’s eyes jumped with an excited flame, looking at a warrior standing in front of him:

"What are you talking about?"

"Yeah!" The warrior’s eyes also jumped with the excited flames: "I heard the news from the blindfold. He said that on the side of the innocent desert, the Terran established an empire, called the Crescent Moon Empire, and the Emperor was Yuehuang Qinshuang is the master of Qin Shuangqin who once singled out the fire house."

Li Yan’s hands began to tremble, and there was a strange color in the eyes of the warriors standing around him. They all followed Li Yan for a short time. Li Yan always calmed down and even was a bit cold. It is in the face of life and death, but also calm and waveless, especially after Li Yan broke through the realm of Wu Wang, it became more and more stable, but Li Yan at this time obviously could not control the excitement in his heart.

"Double children, you really have nothing."

Everyone’s face showed a surprise color, and the opposite warrior whispered:

"Li Ge, do you know Qin Master?"

"Of course I know!" Li Yan's mouth showed a smile, and the color of his memories appeared: "We are two small."

When the words fall, the spirit is shaken: "Be prepared, we will leave tomorrow and go to the Crescent Moon Empire."

Life defense.

Godsend sat in a restaurant, and there was a sorrow between the eyebrows. He has not heard the news of the Qin double, he wants to come, if the Qin double is still in the mainland of the war, will definitely come to the Frost Empire. After all, the territory of the Daqin Empire has been occupied by the Yaozu and the Mozu. As for the opposite of the innocent desert, Godsend did not think about it. He used to come out of the string moon kingdom, knowing that the repair of the warrior there is low, when he wants to come, that The people of the side should have been annihilated by the demons.

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