Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 243: propagation


"Double children, where are you? Are you really dead? Fire home!" Godsend's eyes burst into a fierce killing.

"Is it heard? On the other side of the innocent desert, there is now a crescent moon empire, headed by a self-proclaimed emperor, called Qin double."


God-given eyes beat, Huoran turned to the head, looking far away, there are three warriors who are drinking and talking there.

"Is it true?" Another warrior shook his head unbelievably, and his face was full of disdain: "The Daqin Empire is gone, running to our Frost Empire for protection, to the strength of the two demons, how can the people Re-establishing the empire over there?"

"Qin double?" The third warrior’s face showed a color of thought: "How is this name so familiar, I must have heard of it, let me think about it..."

Suddenly, he shot the thigh: "I remembered that Qin double was once the first place in the mainland, and the legend once used the power of one person to challenge the Daqin Empire firehouse, but finally calmly left. Not to mention, if It’s really her, it’s really possible to build an empire.”

Godsend couldn’t stand it anymore, got up and came to the three people, arching:

"Three brothers, please."

The three people felt the sigh of the gods, and their faces could not help but change. They stood up and said:

"I have seen the world brother."

Godsend looked at the first warrior: "This brother, the message that you just said that the piano pair established the empire of the moon, where did it come from?"

The look of the warrior is a loose road: "This thing is now dressed up, and it is said that the source is brought back by the flower attacker."

"Flower attack?"

"Yes, the flower attacker is the Tianjiao of the Tianzhutang of the General Court of Wu Zongdian. It was sent to the Daqin Empire to collect the news of the demons and demons. I heard that it is not just the flowers that attacked them, but also There are several teams. One of them is Liu Xianyuan in the Wu Zongdian Tianjiao team. Liu Xianyuan is a qualified person and is amazing. In Wu Zongdian, he is able to compete with the Shaolong Lord Jinlongxing.

It is said that Liu Xianyuan fights with a Terran woman in the innocent desert, not only is she defeated, but also a long whip in the hands of her companion He Xiangtai was captured by the Terran woman. Liu Xianyuan learned from the news collected later that the human woman was a piano pair. She not only self-proclaimed the emperor, but also established the empire of the crescent moon, but also took in the vengeance of the martyrdom of Wu Zongdian and the **** clothes of the enemy. So Liu Xianyuan rushed back to the three people, but the news was known by the flower attackers. It was the camp of the main priests, and naturally spread the news and made fun of Liu Xianyuan. ”

Holy Mountain.

The hall of Wu Zongdian.

Wu Chuan-li looked at Wu Dongying, the head of the main hall, who was sitting at the top of the temple. "The main hallkeeper, let me go to the innocent desert, bring the head of the piano, the enemy of hatred and **** clothes back."

Wu Dongying was silent, Wu Chuanlie said: "The main hall, the **** clothes killed us countless people, and even killed the half-holy of our Wu Zongdian, he must die, otherwise Wu Zongdian face is saved? How to have prestige leadership The Terran Resist the Demon and the Two Clan? Shen Qiu is a traitor to Wu Zongdian. If we can't kill even the traitors of Wu Zongdian, it is not a problem of face, but it will be ridiculed by people all over the world. Two, it’s damn."

Wu Dongying looked at Wu Chuanlie with a faint look: "You also said that the blood coat has killed half of the holy, are you going?"

Wu Chuanlie’s face was “red” and it was red, but still convinced:

"He must have made the intrigues, or how can he kill a half-sacred man with him? I will face him and fight him."

"Are you hatred? Do you think you are the opponent of enmity? There is Qin double, I received the news, but she said that she killed the goshawk, the repair of the goshawk for you know?"

Wu Chuanlie’s face turned into a purple color, and Wu Dongying sighed a bit:

"This thing will be put down first. There is nothing wrong with them by keeping the demons together."

A few days passed.

Ice field.



A team riding a snow wolf rushed to the past with two snow bears. This team had only eighteen people. It was an anomaly. After several rounds of rushing, two snow bears were killed in the ice sheet.

"Shi Yun!"

There was a voice behind him. Shi Yun heard the big joy, and Huoran turned his head. Then he urged the snow wolf to rush to a young man who came snow.

"Big brother."

The coming man was a godsend named Hua, laughing with a smile toward Shi Yun. Shi Yun jumped up from the back of the snow wolf, and the volley flew toward the gods. Tian Shi laughed and opened his arms. The two men tightened. The ground hugged together and laughed loudly.

"Big brother, you are back!"

"Well, I am coming back to tell you, I want to leave the Frost Empire, are you going with me?"

"Go! Where is the big brother, where am I going!"

"Notify the brothers!"

茫茫冰原, Tianci big sleeve fluttering, he is next to the stone cloud riding the snow wolf, behind them two, followed by seventeen sly men, riding a snow wolf on the ice sheet.

On top of an ice dome, God gives a hand to stand. Eighteen people roared on the snow wolf.

After two hours.

There was a running team on the ice sheet, like a white torrent that rolled toward the ice. It was more than a thousand people who wore snow wolves and dressed in white. When I came under the ice hill, I jumped from the snow wolf and shouted in unison:

"Big brother!"

When a huge snow wolf saw the godsend, he ran to the ice hills, and with his head on the thigh of the gods, the tail swayed cheerfully. Godsend reached out and stroked the snow wolf, and the snow wolf narrowed his eyes. God gave him a look at the stone path:

"Thank you for taking care of the snow for me."

Shi Yun reached out and touched the head of the snow wolf: "Yes."

God-given eyes swept through the surrounding warriors: "What about other brothers?"

"They all went to the lifeline, we went there and called them."

"Good!" Godsend turned over the back of the snow wolf and rushed out toward the front, shaking his inspiring voice in the air:



More than a thousand snow wolves rushed on the ice sheet.

The crescent moon empire.

Iron wall city.

Yuelou Town inside the demon tower.

Qinqin is still in alchemy, and the time outside has passed another month. The time in the town demon tower has passed for 16 months.


The piano double palm was photographed on the alchemy furnace, the furnace cover flew up, and ten medicinal herbs were lying there. The piano double took out the medicinal herbs, and the face showed a hint of joy. She finally entered the realm of the third-level alchemy master. The rate of Cheng Dan has reached 30%, and there are three medium-quality Wen Shen Dan in ten medicinal herbs.

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