Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 247: Anger news


There was a panic in the air, and Daqin was destroying the country. However, the warriors of Daqin were still there, and they were not assimilated by the Frost Empire. They were not tamed by Wu Zongdian. At this moment, their hearts broke out. The sorrow.

"You... want to rebel?"

Luo Mi 'color' shouted sternly, and the high-armed arm seemed to fall at any time, but did not dare to fall.

The heavenly celestial hand raised his arm slowly, causing him to be surprised at the opposite of the Romeo god. The high-armed arm showed a tremor, and his heart knew that even if he did not order, as long as the opposite gods waved Arms, the war will break out.

The city 'door' was quiet and the needle was audible.

The two sides are deadlocked, and the war is on the verge!

Pan Lingfeng.

A team is rushing, and the one headed by is the Frost Empire Prince Cold, a warrior running forward, kneeling on one knee.

"See your Royal Highness Prince!"

"Is it a report that you have a ‘woman’ who is called a piano priest?

"Yes! The villain can't stop it!"

Looking down on the Panling Peak, Han Ling saw that a figure was moving forward without hesitation, breaking a spirit beast. His eyes twitched slightly, and his heart was dark:

"Qinjiao? I have never heard of this person!"

Turning to look at the ‘female’ child’s side: “Cold smoke, how do you see her spiritual realm?”

The cold smoke narrowed his eyes and looked at the piano on the Panling Peak. "I can't see it. Would you like me to go in?"

"Alright!" Han Ling nodded: "If it is too bad, kill her, arbitrarily offend the dignity of the empire, the kill. If the realm is high, then recruit."


When the cold smoke rose, the leaping from the horse back and fell to the Panling Peak.

Iron wall city.

The sound of the piano double stopped, but the piano double closed his eyes and was immersed in the epiphany. For the mastery of the mastery of the heavens, she finally let her enter the epiphany at this moment, and then she will not speak. The extreme time of the epiphany, that is, less than half a quarter of an hour, Qin double wakes up from the epiphany. Although all the repairs did not enter the country, but the state of mind has made another leap, she vaguely felt that she seems to find the right direction, this direction is not used for martial arts, different from the law, but also different from Confucianism, faintly pointed out the avenue The true direction.

It is still ambiguous, as if there is a veil of veil, once you unveil this veil, you will see a new world.

Qin double sighed softly, she knew that this is because her understanding of the heavens is enough, it is not only the time, but also the opportunity.

With a long sigh, the piano opened his eyes. When I entered the place, it was a figure sitting on the ground. At this time, I was opening a pair of eyes and looking at the doubles on the high platform, like a star. Then they stood up and bowed to the body of the piano:

"Thank you."

The small building is near the window.

In the eyes of Shen Qiu and the **** clothes, the singer was stunned and admired, and the right hand stroked the ‘chest’ and leaned slightly.

"Two children!"

A voice screamed abruptly, and the piano looked at the sound. Then I saw a group of 13 people marching toward her. A young man headed for it was shining brightly.

"Little Rock!"

On the face of Qin double, there was a happy ‘color’. The young man who appeared in her eyes was Li Yan. At this time, Li Yan’s face no longer had an inferiority, but the care and closeness remained. The vicissitudes of the face are full of confidence, and the body exudes a strong atmosphere.


The figure of Qin double plucked the high platform and fell in front of Li Yan’s body:

"Little Rock, you are still alive!"

Li Yan’s face showed a bright smile: “I have not really guarded the children, I dare not die.”

Qin can't help but smile: "Your courage is much bigger than when you were young."

"killing the demon killer!"

"it is good!"

I was able to see my childhood playmate, and Qin Qin was very happy at this time. Looking at the twelve people behind Li Yan, Li Yan rushed to introduce Qin. Although the twelve people have heard from the mouth of Li Yan that they have taught a lot of pianos, they are not convinced. In their hearts, only their boss Li Yan is the genius of today. However, after immersing themselves in the double evangelism, they looked at the eyes of the piano.

In this world, people who can preach are not without them. There are still a lot of details. At least people above Wushen can preach. However, it is possible to indulge people in the city, and the things that have been heard in the city have never been heard. Therefore, whenever Li Yan introduces one person, he will behave in a proper manner. Qin double did not live in the emperor, warm words and courtesy, so that their hearts are more admired.

"Little Rock, where are you from?"

"After the death of Daqin, we have been active in the territory of Daqin, killing the Yaozu and the Mozu. After hearing that the children are here, I will lead dozens of people to you."

Speaking of this, Li Yan’s face showed a faint ‘color’: “There are only 13 people left.”

Looking at Li Yan’s thirteen people’s wounds, the face of Qin’s pair was moved. Gently patted Li Yan’s shoulder:

"Go, let's go to the hall and tell me what is happening in the innocent desert."

The main hall.

Both sides of the civil and military are seated, and the double end of the piano sits on the first position. The eyes of everyone gathered in the center of Li Yan, listening to him telling the situation opposite the innocent desert, everyone's face showed more and more dignified ‘color’.

"Is the situation so severe to such a degree?" Qin double whispered.

"This is not the most serious." Li Yan's face showed the anger of color.


Everyone’s god’s color is not a glimpse. Although Li Yan’s remarks have a demon-like massacre of the Yaozu and the Mozu to the Terran, when Li Yan tells it, there is only endless killing, but no This is so angry at this time. Not sitting one by one, the piano double whispers:

"Xiaoyanzi, but what kind of wrath is done by the two demons? You don't want to spurt and slowly say."

"Not a demon!" Li Yan sighed: "It's a human race!"

"Human?" Everyone can't help but be wrong.

Li Yan bit his teeth and his teeth squeaked: "There is a person named Wu..."

"Wu is all?" Qin double listened, could not help but exclaim.

"Your Majesty, do you know him?" At this time, Li Yan has changed his mouth to call the piano double.

"Know!" Qin nodded and said: "He used to practice with me in the martial arts court of the Crescent Moon Kingdom. He... What happened?"

"He is the scum of the Terran, the traitor of the Terran! He surrendered to the Yaozu, and... and established a country called Wu."

Everyone’s face has a ‘fasce’ ‘confusing’. Since Wu has surrendered to the Yaozu, how can he still establish a Terran nation in the territory occupied by the Yaozu?

"Do you know what his purpose in establishing Wu is?"

Shaking his head gently, including the piano.

“Captivity!” Li Yan roared angrily: “They have raised the human race, ‘force’ the birth of the human race, and constantly provide blood for the Yaozu.”

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