Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 248: String month name



Everyone's body shape involuntarily erupted endless killings, and the entire hall was murderous, and the closed door was blasted open by endless killings and poured out toward the outside.

"The kill!" Qin double angered.

"Your Majesty!" Chu Yundi Teng stood up and said: "Let me kill him."

The piano double swings his hand, forcing himself to calm down and looking at Li Yandao: "Which Wu and Wu Guo, how much do you know?"

"Our people in the hometown of Daqin have united and attacked Wu, but"

Li Yan's face became awkward, mixed with sadness and anger: "But we are defeated. That Wu is not something we can resist. In that battle, we died tens of thousands of people, and later through exploration, it is said that Wu All is already the late Emperor Wu."

"Wu Di's late?"

The double look of the piano changed. Wu and all of her cultivation were the Fengfeng Collection. With her qualifications and resources, they all cultivated to the third floor of the Emperor Wu. How could Wu be cultivated to the late Wudi?

“Not bad!” Li Yan nodded. “And he is not alone. He gathered a group of people who have forgotten their ancestors and arrested the Terran.”

The hall is quiet and the atmosphere is depressed. Chu Yundi's face changed, now he just broke into the realm of Wudi, but he and Wu of the late Emperor Wu's battle, it is better to say that it is to die. Now in the Crescent Moon Empire, there are only three people who can kill all of Wu.

Qin double, Shen Qiu and blood clothes.

Moreover, all of Wu also formed a group of Terran traitors. He is not alone, and Wu is still in the land occupied by the Yaozu. It is impossible to guard without the Yaozu master. It is Qin double, Shen Qiu and blood clothing to go, I am afraid there is no return.

Qin double analyzed it calmly, and then condensed: "This is put down beforehand, everyone works hard to improve themselves as soon as possible. I don't think it will take long for the Yaozu to organize the attack on the Iron Wall City again. Therefore, the improvement of strength is the most important. Because they have to do more than just hold the Iron Wall City and kill Wu, but to expel the demon and the two, drive them back to where they came, and even enter their nest, let them also taste The taste of invasion."

Life defense.

City gate.

The autumn sun is falling on the body, but there is no warmth. It is more of a cold in the heart. It is a kind of coldness that is triggered at the touch of a war.

High in the air.

The godsend's arm is slightly tilted, as if it will fall at any time, screaming:

"Open the city gate!"

There was a tangled color on Luo Mi’s face. He did not think that the god-given attitude would be so determined, and he did not think that Qin Lie and others would stand so firmly on the side of God. On such a large scale, he could not bear the consequences.

"Pang brother!"

A voice came from far away, and a figure was flying in a hurry. Between the two, I came to the front of the gods and handed it to me:

"Pang brother!"

Godsend eyes fixedly looking at the people, although the eyes are still cold, but eventually recovered the right arm, arched:

"Golden Lord."

There was a bitter smile on the face of Jin Longxing: "Why should Pang brothers ridicule me? You and I have fought side by side, can you not be a brother?"

"Brother?" Godsend looked at Jin Longxing’s eyes and said: "I hope."

"Let's go on!"

Jin Longxing took the lead in dropping the ground and marching toward Qin Lie and others:

"Qin Shixiong, Liu Shixiong, Duan Shixiong"

Everyone also returned to the ceremony: "Golden Brother."

After the two sides saw the ceremony, Jin Longxing looked at the godsend: "Pang Shixiong, you made such a big move, is this?"

"Without it, I just want to go out with my brothers to kill the demon."

Jin Longxing’s eyes huddled, his look hesitated, and finally he whispered:

"Pang Shixiong wants to find Qin Shimei."

Qin Lie and others Huo Ran Zhang: "Pang Shixiong, are you going to find a pair of children?"


Godsend did not do concealment, but nodded and nodded. Jinlongxing looked at the godsend:

"Pang Shixiong, Wu Zongdian supports Qin Shimei to establish an empire and contribute to the revival of the Terran. Wu Zongdian also hopes to be in the same breath with Qin Shimei, expecting Qin Shimei to return to Wu Zongdian. Just now Qin Shimei has Shen Qiu and Xue Yi, I hope Qin Shimei made a decision."

God's gaze is a condensate, and there is a faint coldness and tension in the air. Jinlongxing does not retreat and respect God.

The gods gave a flash of light, and said faintly: "I will bring you if you want."

Jinlongxing nodded and then said: "Open the city gate!"

Then he turned to the gods and said: "I wish you a good trip."

"I wish a good trip!" Qin Lie and others also looked at Tianci in a complicated way.

Godsend silently, then turned over the snow wolf, shouting:



More than 5,000 people poured out like a steel torrent from the city gate.

Iron wall city.

Moon floor.

The door is closed.

The piano sits on the knees and looks at the pattern of the fire and the phoenix. In her knowledge of the sea, a strip of red and crystal clear silk is weaving the heavenly symbol, and it is facing the seventh floor of the building.

Frost Empire.

Pan Lingfeng.

The cold smoke bit his lip and there was shyness in her eyes. She still didn't catch up with the piano.

Life defense.

The first fortress.

Inside a restaurant box.

It is Qin Lie, Lan Mingyue, Zhao Zirou, Duan Hong, Huozhongyu, Sun Qiaomu, Hua Jinxiu, the fifth daring, and the ancient thousand nine people sit around.

"You decided?" Qin Li looked at the blue moon.

"Yeah!" Blue Moonlight swept through the crowd: "You don't go?"

Qin Lie shook his head and said: "Da Qin has not yet perished. If I am there, I will not perish. On the moon, my shoulder has my responsibility."

Blue Mood nodded, silent.

"I" Zhao Zirou Wen Run Road: "My family is here."

Others also nodded lightly, and Lan Mingyue nodded, knowing that these eight people are the young masters of each family, shouldering the responsibility of family rejuvenation. Their family is here, it is impossible to travel to the city of Ironwall. The blue family is not a big family. The reason why it is honorable is that it is because of the blue wind.

"You said with Uncle Blue?" Qin Lie asked.

"Not yet." Lan Mingyue shook his head.

"Do you want to sneak?"

“No!” Lan Mingyue shook his head and said, “I will talk to my family.”

Jialing Mountain.

Thirty people broke through the encirclement of the Mozu and fled to the depths of the Jialing Mountain.

"It finally got rid of it."

Fan Xiushan’s delicate face was sweaty, and the long sword was inserted on the ground, sitting on the grass. Situ's footsteps have been a bit embarrassing, Tang Tianhe asked with concern:

"Situ, are you okay?"

"Nothing!" Situ was shaking his head in gasping.

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