Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 253: Town demon tower change


"This kind of crazy person can't grasp it! And it can't predict her psychology and behavior. It's too dangerous."

Wu Dongying’s eyes flashed a bit of cold.

"After she has set up the guardian mountain array, she will kill her."

"The Lord!" A madman came in from the door. "There is a change in the demon."

"What is the difference?" Wu Dongying looked a whole face.

"From the door of the demon door, a large number of demons are pouring in, and they are assembling toward the life defense line, posing a posture to attack the lifeline."

"Where is the Crescent Moon Empire? The Yaozu has no action?"

"I don't know, I haven't found any changes yet."

"Continue monitoring!"


"And, closely monitor the Crescent Moon Empire, I want to get first-hand information."


Town Guancheng.

This is the recent military town of the Daqin Empire near the Frost Empire. Today's lifeline has become a battalion of the Yaozu.

Inside the hall.

Twenty-three demon saints sit on the tall act, sitting on the first seat on the phoenix dance, a Dapeng demon condenses the channel:

"The phoenix chief, now the number of our demon doubling has doubled. The demon door is still coming from a demon family. When do we start attacking the lifeline?"

"I discussed with the Mozu yesterday, and we will jointly launch an offensive next month."

A wolf demon face is not a face nose, not a nose, saying: "This time our demon family lost the adult, the demon has completely conquered the territory that belongs to them in the innocent desert, and our demon family has been defeated. Feng chief, we The demon can't afford to lose this person, let me go and slap the empire of the string moon."

The phoenix dance will be hand-in-hand: "The thing over there is a small matter. Although the goshawk was killed by the piano, it is said that the piano was chased by the goshawk. The Terran must be what the piano double made. The trick is to kill the goshawk. However, in the face of absolute power, all the tricks are fragile. Our current purpose is not the wild land, but the lifeline."

"This line of defense is made up of seventy-two fortresses. We can stand on this lifeline as long as we can occupy ten fortresses. We will use these ten fortresses as our base and then toward the Frost Empire. Growing up straight. So, now every bit of our power is used on the lifeline. When we stand firm, we can destroy the Terran in the innocent desert by sending a six-level Wusheng."

"Send a demon to go to the innocent desert, gather the demon people over there, don't go to the iron wall, just gather on the edge of the innocent desert, try to block the innocent desert, want to go to the moon empire Terran."

Innocent desert.


A torrent of less than 3,000 people opened the blockade of the Yaozu and headed for the direction of the Iron Wall. Behind them, the demon who screamed in the sky screamed and chased them.

The front of the torrent is God's gift. When I see the whole team, I have already rushed out of the blockade line of the Yaozu. The palm of the hand gently presses on the head of the huge snow wolf, and the figure flies up in the air. The backhand pulled out the long sword and his eyes fell down.

When the last warrior ran past him, the godsend raised the sword in his hand and stroked it in front of him.


The huge swords stretched for hundreds of miles, and countless demon people turned into powders in the place where the swordsman passed. The earth was cut by a sword into a huge gap.

The demon screaming at the same time banned the sound, and looked at the gods in the sky with fear. Godsend gave them a faint look, turned around, sleeved, and spurred away.

Half a ring, the demon slowly walked to the edge of the chasm, looking at the bottom of the gap, one by one face discoloration.

Iron wall city.

Moon floor.

There was no one inside, the door was closed, and there was some dust on the ground. Among these dusts, there was a town demon tower.

In the town demon tower,

Qinshuang, Qinwu, Qin Jingyun and Yuan Ye were looking around in curiously. After half a month's closure, the town demon tower finally opened again.

Space has once again expanded, and it is a thousand miles away. Because of the expansion of space, Reiki has once again become thin, about twice as large as the outside world. However, the time flow rate changed again, and in the past thirty-two days, the outside world only passed one day.

Qin double is standing in the corner of the south side of the space, and there is a huge column there, as if holding the sky. The giant column is red and red, and it is full of mysterious patterns, but there are countless cracks on the column. Minor perception, rich fire attributes are spreading.

The piano double frowned, and she felt that the aura in the space began to become unstable and even arrogant. The giant pillars in the four corners of the southeast and northwest each exude their own aura. The most terrible thing is that these four auras seem to be extremely pure, and they are exclusive. They begin to repel each other, compete for their own space, and let the aura in the space. It became extremely unstable, and the result was that the town demon tower was not suitable for cultivation, otherwise it would be hurt by this violent aura.

They only stayed in the town demon tower for less than a quarter of an hour, and they felt that the spiritual power in their body was affected by the aura of the town demon tower, and they became violent, so that they had a kind of explosion at any time. The feeling of death.

Qin double immediately took Qinwu, Qin Jingyun and Yuan Ye left the town demon tower. Without the piano, the three people of Qinwu also knew that they could not cultivate in the town demon tower in a short time. Qin Jingyun’s face is full of regrets:

"Seven sisters, when will the town demon tower be restored?"

Qin double is also thinking about this matter, she feels that if she does not care, I am afraid that the aura of the town demon tower will become stronger and stronger. To solve this method, only continue to collect the demon corpse into the town demon tower, wait until The next fusion. Although I don't know if the result of the next fusion is fierce, it seems that there is no other way. Therefore, after hearing the words of the piano, the piano double shook his head:

"I don't know, I can only expect the next integration of the town demon tower. Before the next fusion, I can't cultivate in the town demon tower."

"That... how do you need to integrate?"

"The body of the demon and the beast, a large number of bodies."

Qin double pushes the door of the moon building and calls out to the outside: "Through the Chu Xing Emperor."

Soon, Chu Xing Emperor flew over and prayed to the piano:

"See your Majesty."

"Put the purpose, collect the body of the demon and the beast, be quick, more!"


The thundering sound came from outside the city, and the earth was shaking slightly. All the people changed their faces. They all thought that the demon family came.

The double sleeves of the piano are swaying and the body is gone.

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