Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 254: vigorous




A strip of people vacated and flew to the head of the city.

The entire Iron Wall City has been running in an orderly and fast manner. In less than half a quarter of an hour, the Iron Wall City has been smashed.

A white ‘color’ flood came out in front of the city, and a man headed by a tall snow wolf was looking up at the wall.

The singularity of the piano on the wall is a joy, and the figure jumps down from the wall.


"Two children!"

Under the wall, there is a sigh of relief.

Shi Yun and others behind the gods are looking at the Qinshuang and Godsends in a wrong way, one by one:

"Who is God-given?"

Yuan Fei and others on the wall of the city are secretly saying: "Is this not Pang Huang?"

"You are the emperor?" Tianci stared at the piano pair.

"Yeah!" Qin nodded.

"Ha ha ha..." The piano double-heartedly gave a loud laugh.

"The Pang Tong collar..." Shi Yun said weakly: "How does she manage your name?"

Both Qin and God-given ‘color’ are a glimpse. Two people, under the ‘radical’ movement, forget to hide the celestial identity. Subsequently, the faces of the two people were 'showing' a smile, a free and easy smile.

Invisible name, enough!

Godsend raised his hand and slowly wiped it from top to bottom, and when his hand was put down, the godsend had changed.

It is much thicker than the previous Pang Huang, but the scar from the corner of the eyebrow to the chin makes him look cold.

A kind of honest and cold ‘crossing’ mistake is full of contradictions.

Godsend turned to look at the fortune and other people, condensed: "My true identity is called Godsend, and Wu Dongdian's main hall, Wu Dongying, has a **** vengeance, so change the appearance, hide the name. Now I restore the appearance and name. Brothers, you Still willing to follow me?"

Shi Yun first stunned and then smiled brilliantly.

"Pang Tongling, we have not had a conflict with Wu Zongdian. We are afraid of the people in the eyes of Wu Zongdian."

"Ha ha ha..."

Nearly 3,000 people behind Shi Yun laughed loudly, and Tian Xing’s face also showed a happy smile.


On the wall, a strip of people flew down.

There are Yuan Fei, Yuan Ye, Qin Wu, Qin Qian, Qin Jingyun and other people who know Godsend have fallen around Godsend.


"Qinwu brother, Qin Qian brother..."

"Night brother!"

The piano double saw the night star, and then saw a few people around the night star.

"Fan brother, Tang Xiong, Situ brother, you are here too!"

"Yes!" Fan Xiushan smiled and said: "We are together again."

The eyes of Qin Shuang emerged in the eyes of Qin Lie, Lan Mingyue, Duan Hong and others, and they knew that when they could get together again.

"Qin Shimei!" Seeing the piano double is a little lost, Tang Tianhe whispered.

Qinshuang’s face showed a smile and nodded. “Yes, we are together again. Last time, we were going to experience the space of Taikoo. This time we shoulder the responsibility of reviving the Terran.”

The atmosphere at the scene became awe-inspiring.

That night.

When the palace was banqueted, when Tianci left the line of life, there were nearly 6,000 people, but now there are only less than three thousand, which is still their nocturnal night. However, the remaining three thousand warriors, in addition to Tianci is the fourth layer of the Wudi, there are actually more than 400 Wuwang, the rest are also the late stage of the martial arts, and even one-third of the people have reached the martial arts In the later peaks, as long as there are sufficient resources, these people will have a great chance to break through to Wuwang in a short time.

Is the piano lack of resources?


For the millions of troops that are now gathering in Ironwall, her resources are clearly insufficient. But to help hundreds of people break through to Wu Wang, for her resources, it is nothing.

She is in the underground remains of the innocent desert, and the grass ‘medicine’ obtained in the Taikoo space is really a lot. Moreover, they are all over the past tens of thousands of years, and most of them have been thousands of years, and there are still thousands of years. These grasses, 'medicines', are used for their own use, and they will not easily use these grasses to "practice" to others. However, this time Qinqin is going to use these grasses to "refine" a group of Dan 'medicines' to help those who are in the military, and now all the people in the iron wall city who have reached the peak of the late division of the martial arts break through the realm of Wuwang.

Of course, the provision of Dan 'medicine' is only a basis for those who have made a breakthrough. It is not a Dan 'medicine' that will surely break through. Before Wu Wang, it was only the accumulation of spiritual power, but if you want to break through the King of Wu, you need an understanding of Heaven.

However, if some of these people start to break through, those who have not broken through can get a trace of heaven around the breakthrough warrior. If there are more people breaking through, they will be able to gain more insights into the heavens and eventually become able to accumulate. breakthrough.

Therefore, Qin double is very happy with the arrival of these people, because this is likely to become an opportunity for the Jiuyue Empire to take off. According to the godsend, these people only have enough Dan 'medicine' support, and it is not a problem to break through the Wuwang, because they have been fighting in the ice field all the year round, and they have gained insights into the heavens from the battle. They have already reached a breakthrough in their minds. The critical point, the difference is only the accumulation of spiritual power and the aid of Dan 'medicine'.

From this aspect, we can see that the warriors on the innocent desert are much worse. This is a desert land of martial arts. Not only is the accumulation of spiritual power slow, but the understanding of heaven is also shallow.

In fact, not everyone here is not smart enough, but the cultivation environment here, the martial arts inheritance belongs to the bottom of the mainland of the military, the so-called four treasures, the law and wealth.

Inheriting low-level, it is not enough. Without the convergence of the various 'skills', it is not enough, the land of desert, the natural wealth is not enough, the lack of aura, naturally not enough.

However, this situation is changing rapidly today.

Qin double, Shen Qiu, Xue Yi, Li Yan, Night Star, Fan Xiushan, Situ Lu and others have brought cultivation practices. Especially the piano double, Shen Qiu and blood coat three people, how many exercises are brought.

Qin double has a seven-string space, and Shen Qiu was originally in the high position of Wu Zongdian, and Wu Zongdian is the place where the world's exercises are concentrated. How can people who have always had ulterior motives for Wu Zongdian not collect a lot of exercises?

The blood coat was pursued by Wu Zongdian, the Frost Empire and the Daqin Empire for hundreds of years. During this period, he did not know how many people were killed, and the person who pursued him was not weak at all, so he got a lot of exercises.

All three have chosen to take out a number of exercises, placed in the Imperial Library, open to the entire empire. Of course, if you want to get the work of the library, you need to contribute. However, in the current world of bonfires, during the period of the war between the Terran and the Yaozu, as long as they do not die, how can they lack the contribution points?


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