Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 255: General attack



Nowadays, the warriors of the Crescent Moon Empire are not lacking in the practice of martial arts and various martial arts. They even surpass the past Daqin Empire and the current Frost Empire. .

The opening of the demon's 'door' and the magic path, the aura of the warrior's mainland began to become rich, even on the side of the innocent desert, today's aura concentration is three times that of the past, so that although this side has not become a cultivation treasure, but relative It has been too strong in the past.

The law and the wealthy land, today is the difference between the empire and the empire. In fact, today's Chronicle Empire should not be lacking in wealth, because in the battle with the Yaozu, a large number of demon corpses have been obtained, and these demon corpses can be used to make alchemy, arsenal, array, and spirituality. s material. And many of the Yaozu have storage bags, which also have a lot of ore and grass ‘medicine’.

The harvested 'medicine' and ore are not enough for the empire to operate, but the body of the demon is too much.

In the past, because the mainland of the Warriors had not seen the Yaozu for a long time, they did not use the Yaozu to refine the Dan, the spirit, the array and the inheritance of the production of the spirit.

However, the piano has it!

She has these inheritances left by her blood piano! And she also passed these inheritances to the empire's Dandao, the spiritist, the Taoist and the martial artist.

It’s just a reason that caused the financial resources of today’s Jiuyue Empire to be insufficient.

That is because Qin Double has collected the bodies of the demon people into the town demon tower.

There has been a decision in the heart of the piano. After the reunion of the town demon tower, the empire’s all the demon people will no longer be put into the town demon tower, only half of it, leaving half to provide development for the empire.

Tianci, with the arrival of nearly 3,000 people, solved the problem of some of the comrades. Nearly 3,000 people are 'fine' English, and only one who wants to climb the peak of the martial arts will give up the superior life and go to The great wilderness and the ice sheet are experienced, and the arrival of these people will plant a seed for the empire.

The most intuitive result is that when the nearly 3,000 people break through, the warriors of the Iron Wall City will benefit greatly from the silk roads they led at the time of their breakthrough.

These contents spread rapidly in the banquet of everyone, and spread from the palace to the palace, and spread to all corners of the city, and the entire city was boiled.

In this exhilarating atmosphere, an eagle flies into the night sky in the night sky.


A support arrow 'stimulates' 'shoots' into the night sky, and shoots an eagle from the night sky. There are countless figures in the air, flying toward the locked dozen eagle-flying directions. .

However, the message is still blocked. When the second day of the city 'door' opened, when countless warriors went out to hunt the demon, there was another eagle flying away from the iron wall city ten miles or twenty miles away.


Very dawn.

The lifeline broke out with a series of thunderous roars.

Seventy-two fortresses were simultaneously attacked.

The first to thirty-sixth bastions were attacked by the demon violently, and the thirty-seventh to the twenty-seventh bastions were attacked by the Mozu.

The war broke out in an instant, and the war broke out very suddenly. At the beginning of the war, the number of the two sides was not the same, and the strength was the strongest one ever. Only Wu Sheng and Wu Shen did not participate in the war. The Yao and the Mozu in the realm of Wu Wang and Wu Di directly led the demon and the two to impact the life line.

Wu Zongdian, the Frost Empire, the warriors of the Daqin Empire rushed to the line of life, and Wu Zongdian and the Frost Empire began to continue to increase their troops toward the lifeline.

Wu Dongying, the main lord of Wu Zongdian, personally sits on the life line of defense. All the gods of the Terran, Wu Sheng have gathered toward the life defense line. Everyone does not know that at some point in the future, the demon and the Wuzu of the demon and the demon will attack comprehensively. .

The atmosphere of suffocation shrouded the head of the entire race. The Daqin empire collapsed in just a few months, and the people did not have much confidence in the face of the demon and the two. However, they know that if the lifeline is broken, waiting for them will be slaughtered. Therefore, above the line of life, there are desperate warriors everywhere. Even if they are cut off, they must use the last strength to bite with their teeth.

Wu Dongying was sitting in the main hall of the First Fortress. The big 'door' opened, and the autumn sun sprinkled from the big 'door', seemingly carrying a trace of blood 'color'. Wu Dongying leaned back on the back of the chair, one hand on his chin, his eyes seemed to look out at the big 'door', but the heart seemed to be pressed with a huge stone, and the whole heart was full of heavy.

I know my own things. He used to dance with the phoenixes of the Yaozu. The Solo of the Mozu will meet before the collapse of the Daqin Empire. In that meeting, the three devils of the top Wushen learned each other a trick. Although it was only a trick, but Wu Dongying's heart sank to the bottom, he knew that he was not an opponent of Feng Wu and Solo.

Therefore, when Feng Wu and Solo proposed that the three-party war only dispatched the Wu Wang and the Wu Wang’s demons, Wu Dongying did not have any room to agree. It was not like the outside legend, that Wu Dongying’s personal force forced the demon. The family and the demons reached this agreement.

Although this agreement spread, Wu Zongdian and his Wu Dongying gained great prestige, and Wu Zongdian also took advantage of all the forces on the mainland. However, Wu Dongying’s heart is very clear. The reason why the two demons control the war to the king of Wu, this is just the territory they need to digest, and give the demon and the two a chance to wait until the demon and the two are ready. After that, it was the moment of tearing up the agreement and conquering the human race in one fell swoop.

Now it has been torn apart half of the agreement, the Emperor of the two demons have begun to participate in the war. When the confidence of the Terran collapsed completely, it was when Feng Wu and Solo shot him.

Although the world is big, it makes Wu Dongying feel that he has no place to stand.

"Treading step..."

A footstep came and the people had not yet arrived, and the long shadows had been printed on the ground in the hall. A middle-aged man appeared on the steps outside the hall 'door' and stepped up the steps and walked into the hall.

"The main hall!"

Wu Dongying raised his eyes and looked at the middle-aged man. He raised his right hand and grabbed it toward the front. The two big ‘doors’ suddenly closed, and then looked at the middle-aged humanity:

"What news?"

"The demon and the two families above the Wushen still do not have the symptoms of "showing" the war."

"Yeah!" Wu Dongying's **** 'color' was slightly relaxed.

“The second lifeline being built in the Sunset Canyon is half done.”

Wu Dongying slightly frowned and said: "God down and speed up."


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