Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 258: Symphony



The long sword stunned, and the steady big hand of Yunyunhai trembled.


A blood spouted out of the head, and the figure flew out, and then he never looked back and flew away.

A long scorpion hangs down in the sky, and between the shackles, the 刁云海 is wrapped into a scorpion. Jinyunhai looked into the air, and the color of fear appeared in his eyes.

"Feng Yin!"

A beautiful woman with colorful hair slowly descends from the sky, stepping on the head of the sea of ​​clouds, but you dare not move with the slightest movement, let Feng Feng step on his head. Fengyin is overlooking the Qinshuang, and the innate nobleness makes the surrounding warriors bow themselves.


A strip of people in the sky flew and fell to the side of the piano. Shen Qiu looked to Fengyin, and both eyes were not lost for a moment. Suddenly, a warning sign emerged from the bottom of my heart, and there was a trace of fear in the eyes of Shen Qiu. Looking at the foot of Fengyin, his eyes are a stay.


He once had the privilege of seeing Yunhaihai once. At that time, the sea of ​​clouds was noble, stalwart, and graceful...


At this time it has become a stepping stone for others!

Qin double gaze up and stare at Fengyin, and her heart has been stunned. Now she has opened the fire phoenix body, and it has merged with the turtle's mysterious aura, and broke through to the third layer of the Emperor Wu, and the body has reached the level of Yin God. The seventh floor of Wusheng.

However, she still feels that the power of the other person's body is like a sea of ​​ocean, giving her heart a sense of powerlessness.

"It’s really boring to kill and kill! And you guys still have a mood to fight now, but it’s admirable!"

The face of Qin double has a bright color, and at the same time, the heart knows that this woman is not a human being, but she does not know whether it is a demon or a demon.


Feng Yin gently sighed, and looked up at the side, looking at the morning glow in the sky, the face full of desolate and lonely.

"Killing is like the dust of this world, polluting the soul, making the soul no longer clear."

Her gaze was recovered from the morning glow and fell on everyone's body. His eyes were full of compassion and compassion, and his voice was like a clear winter spring.

"This does not blame you, ignorance is the nature of your humble human beings. It is only the murderousness in your body that makes my mind no longer clear. This is your original sin. Let me use my song to wash your dirty soul. Let's go."

The surrounding people are changing their looks. The woman who only feels that she is standing on the head of the sea of ​​clouds is so self-proclaimed. Her body shape does not seem to stain a trace of dust, and her voice has already smashed the killing of their hearts. I have a heart in my heart.

How can oneself kill and smother the soul of such a fairy?

I am guilty!


Fengyin's gaze fell on the body of the piano. At this time, the faces of the people around him showed their hues, but the degree was different. Only the double eyes of the piano were bright as stars.

In the knowledge of the piano, the merits of the monument slowly rotate, and the rhythm of the silk is filled with the rotation of the merits, such as the same circle.

Qin Shuang’s heart is full of tension, and the pressure on her woman is too great. She has never faced such a powerful person. Her heart is very clear, if the women in front of the shot, the entire wall city will no one can resist. However, on her face, there was a cloud of light and light, and the dragon sword was put away, carrying both hands and looking at Fengyin Road:

"You want to show your voice, and the piano is willing to match the piano."

The seal looks a little stunned, and then there is a narrow color in the eyes: "Well, I don't think the Terran has such a wonderful person. If you can listen to me, I will lead you to be a friend."

Qin double smiled and said: "It’s hard to find a friend. If you can get what you want today, this life is enough. Please, please."

Fengyin faintly nodded, the style of the piano doubled her eyes to narrow the color of the narrowing, lightly open the lips, clear songs like winter springs will shed.

"Hugh asked,

Cloud hates rain,

There are always many disturbances in the world.


A solitary smoke.

Sky levy,

There is no time for it.

Not as good as

No desire or no thoughts.

trust me,

Solve the pain.

Follow me,

Solve the disaster..."

The warriors of the Iron Wall City, each with a feverish color on their faces, have fallen to the ground, and the poor people have already burst into tears. Only four people are still standing upright.

They are Qin Double, Godsend, Shen Qiu and Blood.

The body of the blood coat permeated the **** blood and could not help but churn. The **** mist was full of bloodthirsty killings, but his tumultuous killing seemed to be suppressed and washed by an inexplicable force. The blood color gradually faded, and the face of the blood coat became pale.

In the eyes of Shen Qiu, there is a struggling color. The piano double condenses the Yin God in advance or he teaches it. Therefore, the Yin Shen’s realm of Shen Qiu is also very high, even higher than the Qin, and has reached the eighth peak of Wusheng, just that The sound of Fengyin seems to have the power to hold the soul, so that his soul is eroded by the song.


The heart of the gods keeps screaming, and each of them shows a sword.

In the knowledge of the piano, the speed of the turning of the merits doubled, and the rhythm radiated exaggerated the singing of Fengyin.


A **** spurt in the mouth of the godsend, a sound of a sword screaming in the heart, the body swaying, the sword shadow inside the eyes became dim.


The blood coat spurted out a blood, and the **** fog that turned over the body became extremely thin. He killed him and went to the road of killing. Now he was washed and killed by the sound of Fengyin, and his road was cracked. The whole person was in the middle of his knees, and his knees gradually bent down. If he really squats, his path will be completely broken and ruined.

The eyes of Shen Qiu gradually became blurred, and occasionally flashed a fine man, and recovered a moment of sobriety.

Qin double listened to the sound of Feng Yin, but he was thinking about what he was playing. Fengyin sang while watching the double. Seeing that the piano stood there dumbly, his face was disappointing, and he sighed in the heart:

"How can I give birth to a humble human being? Or enslaved the people of the Iron Wall City as soon as possible. Um?"

At this time, she saw the piano move.

The piano sits on the ground, a piece of Cui Liu Qin is placed between the knees, and the fingers are moved on the strings.


Ten phantoms floated out of the body of the piano, sitting on the ground, with a guqin on the knees and fingers on the strings.

"Ten Shadow Master!" Feng Yin's heart is a sharp jump, and the eyes are unexpected.


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