Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 259: Qin double's ratio



The sound of the cymbal sounded into a scream. This is the song that Qin double thinks about, is the dragon Fengming who has removed Fengming.

The piano is proficient in rhythm. Naturally, when Fengyin shows his voice, he listens to the sound of Fengming from the mouth of Fengyin. Therefore, she instantly determined that Fengyin is a Yaozu, and it is a phoenix. So, if you want to match the piano, it is naturally Long Fengming. Only the other party already has Fengming, just need a dragonfly.

Ten Shadow Master, for the temperament has reached a realm of freewheeling, Qin double side modified Long Fengming, while going to match Feng Feng's sound of Feng Ming.

From oysters to proficiency, to fit, it’s just three or five.

When the dragon and the phoenix match, the Qin and Fengyin are not trembled by the soul.

At that moment, the two of them shared their minds and reached the harmony of the song, the sound of the piano, and the soul. The sound of dragon and phoenix echoed in the sky.

Not bad!

It is the sound of dragon and phoenix.

It’s just that this dragon and phoenix is ​​not perfect. Qin Double wants to bring the sound of Fengyin perfectly into Long Fengming. She is a dragon and Fengyin is a phoenix. In this way, the slavery of the song can be changed, and it becomes a wonderful sound for the human race. Fengyin is trying to be self-directed, using the doubles of Qinshuang in the enslavement of their own songs, and the two people inevitably began to compete.

The warriors of the Iron Wall City are caught in the struggle for these two rhythms, sometimes awake and sometimes enslaved.

"Puff puff"

Countless people squirted blood and the atmosphere declined.

Qin Shuang's soul power is quickly consumed, but she is completely ignorant, the whole mind is immersed in the rhythm, and the song of Fengyin competes for every silk, every temperament space.


The calf is rapidly shrinking, and the energy of the scorpion is transformed into the power of the soul by the spiritual method. It is delivered to the yin god, and the lyrics provide the power of the soul.

It’s just that the Fengyin’s natural voice, the body of the temperament, makes the piano double less advantageous, but has always fallen slightly. The rhythm of Qin double was suppressed again and again, and it was rebounded again and again. What followed was her glimpse of the melody.


As if to see, another crisp cracking sound, Qin double felt that his whole heart was empty, the heart actually jumped with the rhythm, the virtual image behind him was broken, turned into a silk rhythm to the body of the piano double Before the gathering, then slammed into the heart of the piano.

"Gathering the heart of the piano! The land of the great master!" Feng Yin's gaze is a contraction.


The double-pitched sound of the piano is so high that the sounds of the piano and the songs have reached a perfect match in this moment. The dragon and the phoenix screamed through the sky, and the aura of the silk gathered together. There was a dragon and a phoenix in the sky, flying and circling.

The reverberating sound of the piano and the singing are no longer the soul of the enslaved, returning to the true meaning of Long Fengming, and let the martial artists of the Iron Wall City wake up.

The blood coat suddenly straightened up the knees that were bent down, and the sword shadows in the gods were gradually clear, and the face of Shen Qiu recovered the blush.

The last sound of the piano echoed in the air, and the last song was still in the air.

Qin Shuang and Feng Yin are quietly facing each other.

The sound of the piano and the singing dissipated, and the iron wall city was silent. The eyes of everyone gathered on the body of Qinshuang and Fengyin. The tense atmosphere once again shrouded the city.

Fengyin looked at the piano pair. At this time, the Qin double has stood up, embraced the green liuqin, and the clothes swayed in the wind. The grandmaster's temperament radiated from the inside and the outside, and the charming style was heart-breaking.


Fengyin sighed and his face was tangled. Before she came to the Iron Wall City, she praised the sea in front of her sister Feng Dance. She would enslave the entire Iron Wall Warrior with a song, and also informed Wu that all of them would come and receive it. However, nowadays, he has encountered Qin Double, a great master of sound.

Her natural voice, the body of the temperament, the love of the temperament comes from nature, so it is also very important to those who are proficient in the music. It’s just that she never met a friend in her life. The person she met was in her heart. Even her sister, who has been trained to reach the peak of the demon, is also cheesy in her heart.

However, I met a friend today, but this friend is a human being, but this friend is an enemy.

Such a person, she has not encountered one in her life, if she kills the other party, I am afraid that it will be difficult to find a friend in the future. Killing such a companion is simply a slap in the rhythm.

Looking at the tangled face of Fengyin's face, the heart of the piano doubled to the extreme. She knows, don't see that he wins the other side in the temperament, but if the other person wants to kill himself, he does not have much resistance. Gently took a breath, and the face showed disappointment:

"The Lord is too disappointing to me."

In the eyes of Fengyin, there is a color of shyness. In my heart, this is that Qin is not laughing at her temperament. There is a killing in the heart.

"What are you tangling?" The voice of the piano doubles again: "Are you tangled to kill me?"

The look of Fengyin is a glimpse, and the killing in the heart is a meal.

The piano double-handedly held the piano, and the right hand gently stroked the strings, and the face showed pain and loss.

"Cui Liu, Cui Liu, originally thought that we met a pure voice, and met the soul of the soul. But we are wrong. Cui Liu, Cui Liu, I have never played in front of you since I owned you. I am afraid that the filthy soul of others will filthy you, so that your strings will no longer be clear, and you will never be able to play pure piano sounds."

Gods who have been awake, Yuan Ye and others, the mouth of the mouth is silently twitching, they have seen the piano double with the Tsui liuqin to kill the enemy. In the Great Wilderness, it was killing hundreds of thousands of monsters with Cui Liuqin.


Fengyin doesn't know!

At this moment, her heart was ashamed, but the next action of Qin double made her forget the shame and looked at the piano double.


The piano double hands raised the Cui Liuqin high, then fell to the ground, the Cui Liuqin was smashed, and the eyes of the piano doubled a bit of pain.

"There is no acquaintance, but it is filthy, and the piano is not worth mentioning."

Feng Yin looked at the piano double, the loneliness of that body, the coldness of that body made her heartache.

That is the loneliness and coldness that the companion is hard to find! She also has this pain!

"Do not!

I don't deserve it!

It is my heart that is not pure, my heart is not clean, and this is filthy her piano. ”

Feng Yin’s heart gave birth to a thick sorrow, and I forgot what human race, what Yaozu, what sister

At this time, she was only ashamed in her heart. She always thought that she was beautiful and refined. At this moment, she felt that she was unbearable, and she looked at Qin Shuang’s eyes and became somewhat self-defeating.


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