Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 265: Forest town



The second day.

The two men walked for another half day, and at about noon, the two stopped at the same time. At this time, two people stood behind a big tree that needed at least five talents to hold together and looked ahead.

In front of them two wooden houses appeared, the huts were covered with vines, and one was paved with cobblestones. The road about two meters wide stretched forward.

The wind has blown.

The leaves rustled and the vines that climbed the wooden house swayed slightly.

The lush foliage obscures the sun. Although it is noon, it still gives people a feeling of coldness. No one, no animals, no sound of insects. In the surrounded by vibrant trees, those wooden houses give People feel a sense of death.

Qin and Xiao Xiao suddenly had tight muscles and their hairs stood up. They both faintly heard the singing and the girl’s sweet laughter, but the voice was weak and inaudible, but it was faint to hear, it seems It was from those wooden houses, but it was not sure which wooden house.

At this moment, the piano doubles in the heart of the police, and there is a disturbing atmosphere like the tide of the sea. The quiet town, the faint singing and laughter, everything is full of surprises.

Qin double turned his head and looked at Xiao Xiaodao: "Is there someone living here?"

"I don't know." Xiao Xiao's head shook like a rattle, and then added: "I have not been here."

Qin double wrinkled his brow and pressed his voice down: "Is there an Aboriginal on this big island where we are?"

“No!” Speaking here, Xiao Xiao glanced at the town in front of him, and his throat swallowed dryly: “At the very least, I have never heard of anyone living here.”

"This island is so big, why is nobody living?"

"This island is big, but it has a good aura, and there is no shortage of places in the blue sea, and there are many monsters here."

"So, here is an uninhabited island. But where does this town come from?"

"Maybe... is it a long time ago, for example, in ancient times?" Xiao Wei's tone was extremely uncertain.

"Go and see!"

Qin double stepped out from behind the big tree, stepping on the cobblestone road under his feet and walking towards the town, Xiao Xiao nervously followed behind.


Qin double took a breath, stood under a two-story wooden building, looked up and looked up. There is a kind of tea in the air, and the tea is filled from her head.

On her head was a balcony surrounded by wooden fences, and the piano doubled for a moment, then went to the gate of the wooden building. There are three layers of stone steps in front of the gate, covered with green moss, the piano double stepped on the steps, bent fingers and tapped on the door.


The slightly heavy sound of the wooden door echoed in the quiet town, but there was no response.


Qinqin knocked on the door again, and there was still no response from the inside.

"anyone there?"

"Someone? Anyone? Anyone..."

The sound of Qin double echoed in the town, gradually drifting away and eventually disappeared. There was still no response in the wooden building, and no one came out of the town. Only the vague songs and the girl’s laughter were intermittent.

The piano double placed the palm of the hand on the door and gently pushed it away. The door was not bolted and the door was gently pushed open. Qinqin stood on the steps and did not walk in immediately. Instead, he narrowed his eyes and looked into the inside. The furniture inside was very simple, and the piano double recalled the furniture style of the ancient times seen in the classics. When I stood outside again, I called again in the door:

"Someone? Passers-by to discuss the glass of water."

The sound echoed in the house and dissipated.

Qin double stepped toward the door.

"Piano double..."

Behind the sound of Shaw’s trembling sound, the piano did not stop, and stepped into the house and looked around. It was dusty on Monday, as if it had just been cleaned, and the wooden floor was waxed. The eyes of Qin double fell on a wooden staircase and walked over there. Qinqin did not deliberately put light footsteps, feet on the wooden floor, making an "empty" sound.

When I came to the stairs, the piano did not stop. Instead, I stepped directly on the stairs and walked down the stairs toward the second floor. The wooden stairs at the foot made a sound of "Oh, oh," and let the person behind me. Xiao Xiao’s face turned pale.

Ascending the second floor, the piano double eyes turned, and it fell on a door. The door was half-opened at this time. The sun shone from the half-open door. Through the half-open door, you can Seen outside is a wooden balcony, the wooden fence fence is covered with vines, a small round table is placed on the balcony, and a wooden chair is placed on each side of the table. Qinqin walked to the front door and reached out and gently pushed the half-open door away. His eyes fell on the table. There was a teapot on the table. There was a cup of tea on each side of the teapot. The tea in the cup was still braving. The heat, the tea fragrance spreads out of the cup.

Qin double walked into the balcony, sat on a wooden chair, picked up the cup and smelled it under the nose. The face was intoxicated, but then she put the cup of tea on the table. Did not go to drink. Xiao Wei also walked into the balcony, sitting opposite the piano double, just picked up the tea cup in front of him, and then saw the piano double and put the tea cup down, and then hurriedly lowered, pressing down the voice and asked:

"What's wrong?"

Qin double shook his head and stood up. He came to the balcony pole and held the railing in one hand and looked at the town. The whole town is very clean and green, just like a paradise.


A cold wind blew through.

The clothes on the piano double floated, which made the piano double feel a little cold. This can not help but make a sharp jump in the heart of the piano, and now her body repair has reached the eighth floor of the Valkyrie, under normal circumstances has not been invaded by the heat, how could it be just a gust of wind, let her have a cold feeling?

The piano stood quietly there, like a stone sculpture. She was reminiscing about the feeling she had just had, and her eyes gradually became a dignified one.

The kind of Sen cold is not a physical feeling, but a cold feeling from the heart.

Qin double looked back at the two cups of tea on the table, and saw that the two cups of tea were still rising in water vapor, which further confirmed her inference.

Qin double retired from the balcony in the wooden building, walked toward a door, stood in front of the door, reached out and gently pushed the door open, inside is a very clean bedroom. After glanced over the lap, after not discovering, the piano pair went to the other door, and reached out and gently pushed the door open. Inside was a study room. The large desk was placed with neat four treasures on the desk. A piece of paper is spread out in the center.


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