Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 266: Variance



Qin double went to the table and reached for the paper, and his eyes were slightly moving. . This is a hide that can't tell the monster from which it is, very thin, yet very tough.

Looking down at the hide, I saw a clear text on it.

It’s just these words that she can’t understand. It’s not the words of the mainland’s mainland today, or even the words of the ancient times. It’s important to know that Qin double has a deep research on ancient scriptures.

Qin double put the hide back on the table, although she would like to put the hide back and bring it back to study, but she did not know what consequences would happen if she did it. Therefore, she finally did not move anything. She turned back out of the room, went down the stairs to the first floor, and walked out of the big ‘door’ of the wooden building.

The town was even darker, and the piano looked up and saw the yin cloud in the sky through the mottled leaves.

Qinqin stood on a cobbled street and took a deep breath and slowly walked toward the front.

There is already a decision in her heart. If she can get out of this town like this, she will not be curious about it, and will not stay here. It is really strange here.

The wooden buildings that were covered with green vines slowly slid across the sides of her body, and there was a heavy breathing sound from Xiao Wei.

The piano walks sideways, looking sideways, clean cobblestone streets, high or short, covered with green 'color' vine wooden houses, all of which gradually become familiar, so that the piano has a feeling, everything around it It is so familiar, as if he had lived here since childhood, and this feeling is getting stronger and stronger, but his original identity and memory are gradually blurred.

Suddenly, she heard the footsteps and looked back. The first thing I saw was Xiao Xiao’s face. The god’s color on Xiao’s face reveals the natural joy of color and tranquility, as if walking in his hometown. . Later, her gaze crossed Xiao Xiao’s shoulder and saw the entrance of the town head, and eight figures appeared.

When I was a middle-aged person, I couldn’t feel the middle-aged man’s cultivation with the power of the sea. I just felt that the other person was much stronger than himself. Behind this middle-aged man is followed by three middle-aged people, each of whom is powerful enough not to be able to perceive the piano, and then there are four young people, three of whom know each other, it is the three people of Xu Nianxian.

There is also a young man who can only perceive that his cultivation is more than the foundation period. If it is repaired, it cannot be perceived.

There was a hint of surprise on the face of Qin double, because when she saw Xu Nianxian, her gradually blurred memory suddenly became clear, but then it seemed as if someone had thrown a stone in memory, remembering 'swinging' Picking up, as if 'swinging' took a circle, and with that circle, her memory became blurred again.

This makes the piano double feel the crisis in this short moment. In the heart of the mind, in the heart of Haoran, the piano placed on the golden bucket played, and it was Long Fengming.

The sound of the dragon and the phoenix sounded, and the ambiguous feeling immediately dissipated. The memory of the piano double recovered like the ‘tidal’ water, and the piano was shocked.

In such a short period of time, I have blurred the past. Even after a while, I will forget the past. Instead, a new memory is a mortal who grew up here.

"It's her, she is the piano pair."

At this time, Xu Nianxian also saw the piano double, pointing his finger at the piano double, the rest of the people's eyes were bright, but they did not rush, but slowly, alertly toward the piano double 'Forcing' is coming over. After all, Qin Dao’s martial arts repairs are not clear to them. Moreover, Qin double dared to come here from the distant mainland of the warrior, saying that he was inferior and no one would believe it.

The piano did not escape, but stood there quietly, paying close attention to the **** 'color' on the faces of the opposite faces.

Qin Shuang’s gaze gradually shrank. He saw that the eyes of Xu Nian’s three people’s eyes were clear, and they gradually showed the 'color' of the 'fascination’, and then gradually became peaceful, and finally the face appeared. A kind of 'color' that returns to the hometown. The fourth youth, at this time, also began to show the ‘color’ of the ‘fascination’.

"The town has problems."

Qin Shuang’s heart is a jump, but at this time Xu Nianxian they are only 50 meters away from the Qin double, the piano double still does not move, when they are less than ten meters away from the piano double, the four middle-aged gods The 'color' also began to become 'fascinated', and then they went to the front of the piano double, standing there, dull, as if recalling something. Finally, the faces of the four middle-aged people showed a smile of tranquility and joy. The middle-aged man looked at the piano doublely gently:

"Qin double, have you finished your breakfast?"

"It’s finished, Xu Shushu!" Qin’s face also showed up with a smile: "What are you doing?"

“What?” The middle-aged man frowned, as if thinking about an important thing, whispered in his mouth:

"What? What do I have to do?"

The figure of the piano pair suddenly flashed to the side, opened a safe distance with the middle-aged, and then looked back, and saw two 'female' children coming from the end of the town, a teenager, The other is a few decades old. The two people look very much. From the outside, they can basically determine that two people are the mother 'female'. Two people have their own arms on their arms, and there are mushrooms in the basket.

"Double children, Xu big brother, what are you doing here?" The mother smiled and Qin and the middle-aged man greeted him.

Qinqin didn't know how to deal with it, but found that the middle-aged man of Xu family said very familiarly to the ‘female’:

"Li Jiameizi, is this going to pick mushrooms?"

"Yeah, today's harvest is not small." The middle-aged 'female' appeared on his face with a happy smile: "Go, go to me, I invite you to drink mushroom soup."


Xu Jia’s middle-aged man’s face showed a happy smile, followed the ‘female’ to a two-story wooden building. Xiao Wei has already followed, and Qin double has also lifted his footsteps and followed.

In the heart of Haoran, the piano above the golden bucket continued to sway the dragon and the phoenix, consuming a trace of gold ‘color’. Keep the piano double fully awake.

The people followed the pair of female ‘woves’ into a wooden house, and the ‘female’ greeted everyone to sit down at a large table and then go to the tea, and the mother went to the kitchen to make mushroom soup.

The ‘female’ child quickly brewed the tea, poured a cup for everyone, and suddenly the house was full of incense. The ‘female’ and Xu Nianxian really seemed to be small neighbors. They talked hot together, and even Xiao Xiao joined in and said a few words from time to time.

The young ‘female’ and Xu Nianxian made a silver bell-like laugh from time to time...


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