Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 267: Oh...


Only Qin did not say a word because she did not know what to say. Since she was awake, she has restored all her memories, and in this small town, the imposed memories are like illusions. Therefore, she did not know how to plug in. She still wants to observe it for a while before she figures out the town.


The face of Qin double suddenly changed, she felt that the aura in her body was leaking...

Do not!

It’s not just the spiritual power in the body, including the power of one’s own soul, the power of knowing the sea is leaking out. It seems to have an inexplicable force. The absorption and absorption of some of her body is extremely slow, if it’s not Qin’s In a state of complete lucidity, it cannot be found at all.

In the double heart of the piano, the warning is repeated. At this speed of absorption, for a month, her piano will die, and even the body will be decomposed and absorbed into energy. From then on, there will be no piano. Double this person.


Qin Shuang’s heart is a sharp jump. Qin’s thoughts quickly think about the way out of here. She can’t guarantee that if she rushes out and runs out of town, she will be able to run out because The piano pair still does not know who the enemy is.

The mother and daughter did not make the piano double dangerous, so she did not think that the mother and daughter were their enemies, and maybe the monks trapped here.

Unknown enemies make the piano double dare not act rashly, or even dare to keep their own cultivation, avoiding their own power of understanding the sea, the power of the soul and the spiritual power leaking, anyway, wanting to absorb the piano and repair it, at least It takes a month to lose a day or two, and the piano pair is easy to add back. Therefore, the piano will let the spiritual power in the body, the power of the sea and the power of the soul spread out. But he looked carefully at everyone around the table.

Under the careful perception, it is possible to perceive that the body of Xiao Yao and Xu Jia’s eight people are exuding a sense of strength and spiritual power. When they exude the outside of the body, they dissipate in the space, as if There is always something in their side that is swallowing their power and power to know the sea.

The eyes of Qin double fell on the daughter's body, but did not perceive the power of knowing the sea from her body, or the spiritual power came out.

The eyes of Qin double are shrinking, and the heart secretly said: "Is this all really controlled by this mother and daughter?"

At this time, the mother came out with a pot of mushroom soup. The daughter stood up and went to the kitchen to bring out the bowl and a spoon.

The mother gave everyone a bowl of mushroom soup and placed it in front of everyone. The piano looked at the bowl in front of the eye and saw five mushrooms floating in the bowl.

The piano looked at the mushrooms in the bowl, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes. When she was outside, she did not pay attention to the mushrooms in the basket. At this time, she saw the facial features of each round mushroom.

Qin double picked up the spoon and went to the mushroom in the bowl. Then he saw the mushroom suddenly opened his mouth and made a scream of screaming. The voice was tender and sharp, as if the baby was crying.

The double hand holding the spoon was a meal, looked up at the people around the table, and saw that the mother and daughter were happy to put a mushroom into the mouth, and Xiao Wei and Xu Nianxian were the same. . Along with their chewing sounds, a cry of tenderness and sharpness was heard from their mouths.

The piano double felt that the hair on his body stood up, and the hand holding the spoon was deadlocked in the air. After carefully perceiving Xu Nianxian and others, I saw that the power and spiritual power of the sea that was shed by Xu Nianxian and others was more rapid and doubled, but the look on Xu Nianxian’s face was more happy, completely I don't know that their power and spiritual power are flowing out, and the body is drying up.

Qin Shuang’s heart suddenly stunned. Huo Ran turned to look at the mother and daughter, and they saw a smile on the face of the mother and daughter, but the smile looked so gloomy. The mother looked at the piano double and said with a quiet voice:

"Double children, eat!"

"Eat!" The daughter said with a smirk.

"Eat!" Xu family middle-aged man said with a smile.

"Eat!" Xu Nianxian said.

"Eat!" Xiao said.


Everyone smiled and said to the piano, but the smile on his face made people feel creepy. The expression on the face of the piano, smiled stiffly:

"I'm not hungry!"

"This mushroom is delicious, oh..."

The mother persuaded again and then smiled "squeaky".

"Well, delicious, really delicious, hehe..."

The daughter, as well as Xiao Wei and Xu Jia, also praised the eight people, and then eleven faces looked at the Qin double, with an inexplicable smile, and a "squeaky" laughter in his mouth.

Qin double feels a sense of confusion in her own consciousness. In their "squeaky" laughter, her memory once again has a vague trend.


In her heart, the piano was so loud that it dispelled the blur and made the piano double wake up again.


The piano that wakes up, but the heart is more anxious, because she does not know how to get rid of this situation. She didn't know what was going on. Everything was so unknown to her. It seemed that she could not see the enemy, but she was **** by the enemy and killed alive.

This helplessness makes the piano double-handed, instinctively sinking consciousness into the heart of Haoran, to see the piano, which is her last resort.


In the heart of the piano, there was a trace of surprise. I found that almost all the energy in my body was leaking out, but only the sound of Haoran did not leak out. It was only constantly nourishing the piano on the golden bucket.


The laughter of the eleven people echoed in the whole wooden house. The laughter seemed to have oppressive force, and it came to the double oppression of the piano, so that the piano double felt the consciousness and the confusion.

Concentrate the mind to the heart.


The heart of the piano doubles vigorously and vigorously.


The piano in the heart of Hao Ran played more powerfully, and the sound was more intense. A trace of golden arrogance spread from the heart of the piano double, in front of the piano double, the golden glory of the air to construct a piano, a still illusory, only a layer of extremely pale gold piano.

The pale gold piano condensed on the chest of the piano, and did not fall to the legs of the piano. Instead, it floated toward her head and finally hung on her head, with the movement of the piano. , playing the fierce dragon and phoenix.


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