Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 274: Weifang Square


"How come? I can't go back in the wrong direction."

The piano double stepped forward and turned to look at it, and his face could not be changed. The door behind him has become a mural at this time, without the road to come.

Qin Qin was shocked and hurriedly looked up at the opposite door, and saw that the door was slowly turning into a mural trend.


The piano double spurred seven arrows, fourteen arrows circling around a lobster, and a leg was shot from the joint. At the same time, the body shape of the piano rushed toward the lobster, and the mouth sipped:

"The opposite door is going to disappear!"

Everyone listened and quickly looked at the opposite side. The look was a glimpse. Then I looked back at the door that had become a mural, and I couldn’t help but color. Xiao Wei’s body shape chased the piano, and Xu Dan took out a scorpion and threw it at the opposite lobster. He also called to Xu’s family:

"Go to me later."


Fourteen arrows, under the imperial envoy of Qinqin, had already broken half of the lobster's legs, and then merged into a large arrow in the air with fourteen arrows, rushing toward the big lobster. Wherever it passes, a vortex is formed, like a rotating giant awl piercing the big lobster. After the arrow, it is the piano pair that follows.

The big lobster felt dangerous and blocked the two big pliers in front of him.


A roar of gold and iron, the two large tongs of the lobster were bombarded and raised to the top. At this time, the piano double has already arrived.


A sword screamed, a light flashed, and the head of the lobster was smashed down from the joint by the piano. The figure rushed from the top and spurred toward the opposite door. Behind her, Xiao Wei was taking out The strength of eating milk chased the piano double.


Xu Dan released the Fuxi, which is a giant peak, a huge mountain peak pressed against a large lobster opposite, and with a bang, the big lobster was pressed under the mountain. A few of Xu Dan flew over the mountain and rushed toward the opposite door.


The figure of the double pair rushed past the door and swam toward the front.

Not bad!

It is swimming, Qin double has shielded the Fenghuo repair at this time, but opened the Xuan Shui spiritual power, the display of the water to swim the dragon body, the body shape in the water is like a dragon, quickly swept.

Xiao Yan looked at the surprised eyes and watched the body shape of the piano disappear in his vision.

"So fast?"


There was a sound of breaking water behind the back, and Xiao Xiaotou rushed back in the direction of the disappearance of the piano. Xu Dan’s six figures appeared in the place where Xiao Xiao was just there. He took a look at Xiao Xiao’s rapidly changing back, and Xu Dan took the tribe and rushed in the other direction.

There were five behind them, three of them chasing them to Xu Dan, and two of them were chasing the past with Xiao Yu, who was still disappearing.

The piano double swims fast in the water, and the sea water flows through her body, creating a waterline.

The body shape of the piano doubled suddenly, and the flowing waterline spread out to both sides. There was a hint of surprise in the eyes of Qinqin. In front of her, there was a huge martial arts field. A row of shrimps and crabs stood on the martial arts field. The head was a white dragon. At this time, a migratory state was being formed, but it was stiff in the middle of the water.

At this time, the white dragon was a rushing posture, as if it was attacking the enemy, but suddenly it was fixed. Not only him, but the shrimps and crabs behind him will be the same, a forward-looking gesture, like a vivid statue.

This is really amazing.

What kind of spell is this, it will hold so many monsters...

"No! They should belong to the Yaozu. Who will be, what kind of spells are used, and so many demons are fixed in an instant, and it has continued to this day?"

The piano's toes are gently pointed, and the figure floats in the water, floats to the front of the white dragon, and carefully looks at the white dragon.

"It should be dead!"

The piano double does not feel the white dragon's body has a trace of life, then put his hand on the body of the white dragon, the mind is moving:


The white dragon was taken into the town demon tower by the double piano. When he saw that he could really accept the white dragon, Qin’s heart would be overjoyed. He thought that the white dragon had a spell and might not be able to collect the town demon tower. At this time, I saw the town demon tower to collect the white dragon, and then went to the town demon tower, and all the shrimps and crabs will be collected into the town demon tower. However, after her gaze, her body shape swam behind a lobster and hid it.

A trace of water ripples rippled over, proving that someone was rushing to the side. Qinqin quietly looked at it, and saw Xiao Xiaozheng screaming and spreading the water, while flying towards this side. There are two big lobsters behind him to chase him.

Xiao Wei saw the scene on the square, and his look was a glimpse. He was not surprised. There was a group of shrimps and crabs here. Because he saw this scene last time, he was surprised that the white dragon at the front of the team did not. .

This does not help him panic, will not be the white dragon live?

There are white dragons before, and then lobsters...

Moreover, if the white dragon can live, will the shrimps and crabs in front of them be resurrected?

There was a sound of breaking water behind, and two huge lobsters were getting closer and closer to Xiao Wei. Qinqin stood behind a prawns and spread the power of the soul. The scene on the square was clearly presented in her mind.

Her right hand was held back on the hilt and slightly squinted.

The sound of the ripples of water ripples makes the surroundings seem even more silent. The breath of the piano has completely disappeared, and it is completely integrated with the surrounding waters.


The water wave swayed past the body of the piano, and the piano double raised his eyes, and the body shape rushed out like a dragon.


A light circled around the lobster demon, and the body of the lobster demon was cut from one joint and fell to the bottom of the water.

The water ripples, the body shape of the piano doubles, looking to the second lobster demon opposite. The lobster demon had a frightening color in his eyes, and suddenly turned around and ran. There was a hint of accident in the eyes of Qin double, but then he showed the running dragon and chased the lobster demon.


The lobster demon felt that the piano doubled up, screamed, turned his head, and danced two big pliers to the piano. The piano double-handedly held the sword and slammed.

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