Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 278: Coated fruit


The pair of big tongs of the lobster was suddenly smashed down, and the upper body was planted to the bottom.


The swordsman flashed quickly, and the two tongs and heads of the lobster demon were cut by the piano. The eyes swept over the pair of big pliers and found that they had just left a sword, but they only left a shallow trace on it.

"so hard!"

In the double heart of the piano, waved the two big pliers into the storage ring, and then collected the body of the lobster demon into the town demon tower, and the body shape rushed toward the piece of the shrimp and crab that was fixed. In the row, a row of shrimps and crabs will be collected into the town demon tower, but in less than a quarter of an hour, all the shrimps and crabs will be collected into the town demon tower.

"Thank you!" This time Xiao Xiao looked at Qin Shuang's eyes sincerely a lot.

"Where is the medicine garden?"

"Right here."

Xiao Wei displayed the water shovel, breaking the water forward, and the piano doubled behind him.


There was a wave of water behind him. Qinshuang and Xiao Wei looked back and saw that six people from Xu Dan were coming to break their waters. There was no lobster demon behind them. Xiao Wei also saw Xu Dan and others. But did not slow down, diverted to the front.

There was another moon door in front, Xiao Xiao said: "Piano double, after entering the medicine garden, don't stop, pick up several herbs at the fastest speed, and leave immediately."

"Why?" Qin double asked closely behind Xiao Wei.

"There is a kind of coating inside which is terrible. Some of my companions are dead under the coating."

“What is the coated fruit?” Qin asked curiously.

"The legendary kind of fruit, I don't know specifically. I just listened to one of my companions and shouted a sentence. Then many babies came out and killed people. Then my companion died. He is The one in the hall that was killed by the water blue vines."

Qin Shuang’s heart is a glimpse, followed by Xiao Wei’s body. The water is divided by Xiao Xiao on both sides. There is a passage in the middle. Xiao Wei and Qin Shuang’s body swiftly swept forward and rushed into the moon. Inside the door.

As soon as he entered the moon gate, the piano was shocked by a blue sky. The whole medicine garden was full of hundreds of acres. The blue herbs grew and swayed in the water, as if entering a world of fairy tales.

On the left side not far from them, there was a wave of water. Xiao Wei had already swept away to the wave of water, took out a small shovel and began to dig up the water spray.

Qin double did not immediately start, although Xiao Xiao has reminded her, but she still wants to observe. Looking away from the medicine garden, I saw that there are about five or six kinds of herbs in this medicine garden. There is a blue sword grass like a sword, a water spray like a spray, and a turtle grass like a turtle. There is a grass like a blue cloud, and there is a kind of piano that I don’t know. It’s very small, about half a meter high, but like a small tree, every tree has More than a dozen heads of flowers.

"Is that what is the coated fruit?"

At this time, Xu Dan and others also entered the Moon Gate, and six people immediately diverted to the water spray. Qin double rushed toward the turtle grass, she still listened to Xiao Yan's words, and did not pick a herb, although it would not harm the herbs. But she was afraid that the coating of the fruit suddenly appeared, and she reached out to the piece of turtle grass and grabbed a hand.

A large handprint appeared in the sky above the medicine garden. One claw grabbed a third of the turtle grass and grabbed it toward his side and took it into the storage ring.


The flower bones on the small tree suddenly fell off the branches. The two sides of the piano stared at the fallen flower bones, and on the other hand, they were wearing a large handprint to the camera.

Just grabbed a photo of the grass, and saw that the flower bones that fell on the ground blossomed, and the layers of petals unfolded. From the inside, they jumped out of an adult-sized baby. The facial features were clear, the limbs were complete, and the eyes were looking. To the piano double, the mouth of the milk shouted:

"Mommy mommy……"

I ran to the piano, although the sudden appearance of the baby was very small, but it ran very fast, but less than five interest time, it has already ran to the front of the piano double.

"Piano double, run fast, that's the coating fruit!"

Hearing the horror of Xiao Xiao’s voice, he turned his head and saw Xiao Xiao had already ran to the moon gate. And those of Xu Dan were looking at the babies, and they looked a little dazed.


A baby jumped on the instep of the piano and squatted down and took a bite at the back of the piano. With the intrinsic strength of the late peak of the seventh layer of Qin Shuangwu, I felt a painful pain coming from the instep, instinctively lifting my foot and trying to push the baby down. That is the one that should be tightly biting her instep.

Qinqin felt a hint of numbness on his instep, which raised a horror in the heart of the piano.


Qin double sword smashed toward the baby.


If the gold and iron are hit, the baby is shot and flew out like a projectile, but this situation makes the piano bother in fear. In her opinion, it is just a plant fruit. If the sword goes on, there will be no possibility that the baby will be shot. It should be a two-stage, but it is different from the piano. The baby does not have The slightest damage was just like a ball being shot out.

"Mommy mommy……"

The babies stretched out their arms, opened their arms, and rushed toward the piano. They had a pure smile on their faces, and there were more than a hundred, and at this time, the flowers and bones kept falling toward the ground. .

The bristles of the double body stood up and raised one foot. The "snap" kicked on the baby who ran to her and kicked the baby out, but felt like he was kicking. On an unusually hard thing, her toe hurts.

The baby who was first hit by the sword with a sword fell to the ground, climbed up from the ground, and took two small short legs, licking the "mother" in the mouth, and ran very fast toward the piano. That speed is like a rocket.

"What is this?"

Qinqin only felt a chill from the bottom of his heart, the tailbone chilled, squatting on the top of his spine, the entire scalp was numb. Raise one foot and step on toward a baby running to the front.


The baby was not only not flattened by the piano, but her foot was hurt. The piano doubled and fled, and saw Xiao Xiao’s figure had escaped from the moon gate, behind her was a cry of “mother mom”.

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