Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 277: Escape from the Crystal Palace



Qin double extended his left hand, grabbed Xiao Wei's shoulder, and pulled it out with force, while pulling the sword out of his right hand and quickly hitting three hits.


The baby who bite Xiao Xiao was swept out by the double click of the piano, and blood came out from Xiao Wei’s buttocks and feet, but he was also picked up by the piano. The piano looked at the door in both directions, and saw that there was no figure of Xu Nianxian in it, only a large mouthful of fish.


The three babies who were double-clicked by the piano slammed the big mouth fish and even smashed some bigmouth fish into pieces. The eyes of Qin double are shrinking. From the passage that was knocked open, she saw a pair of cockroaches in the middle surrounded by the bigmouth fish. Presumably, it was the Xu Nianxian who was eaten by the bigmouth fish.


After the three smuggled babies collided, the bigmouth fish rushed to the cockroach. Xu Dan was sullen and pointed at the door, and the door was created with a rock that completely blocked the door.


The rock had not yet existed, and it burst into a hole. A baby broke the rock, opened his hands, and rushed toward Qinshuang and Xu Dan.


A sword light flashed, and the baby was swept back by the double click of the piano at a faster speed than flying. Then he hit a hole in the rock and flew in.


There was a continuous buzzing sound inside, the rock disappeared instantly, and a group of bigmouth fish rushed out from the inside.


In front of the door, in the eyes of Xu Dan, the piano double seemed to have produced thousands of arms and waved thousands of long swords to form a sword mountain, which hit the past toward the gate.


A burst of dense metal impact, countless big-mouthed fish were smashed by the long sword of the double, flowing out of the blue blood. From time to time, several babies were smashed out like a projectile.

Xu Dan stared blankly at everything that happened in front of him. At this time, in front of his eyes, this door was like a meat grinder. No matter how many bigmouth fish rushed over, they would be long swords in the hands of the piano. Mince. It is the baby who is hard and abnormal, and will be swept back by the long sword of the piano pair, breaking the countless bigmouth fish.

His heart was cold, and he was glad that he did not immediately clash when he met the piano. At the same time, I also made up my mind that when the monks and warriors are in conflict, they must stay away from the piano. Even if it is not as good as the Mishima Island owner, it is similar to the six lords of the distraction period.


Behind him came the voice of Xu Yi, and Xu Dan looked back and saw that Xu Yi had passed through the eyes of a thousand eyes. At this time, there was a middle-aged monk who took a small step on the eyes of a thousand eyes. Run fast. Xu Yi will know the voice:

"You go first, I and Qindao friends finally left."

When he heard Xu Dan, Xiao Xiao secretly breathed a sigh of relief. After about a quarter of an hour, Xiao Xiao has passed a thousand eyes. There are only two people here, Qin Double and Xu Dan. Xu Dan did not say much, turned and flew away to the thousand-eyed scorpion. After he rushed through the thousand-eyed scorpion, he looked back at the piano pair that was rushing to the thousand-eyed eyes, and there was a hint of hesitation in his eyes.

As long as he stood here, waiting for the piano to come over, he slightly prevented the piano from double-clicking, and the piano pair would be fixed by the gaze of the eye, and then died.

However, Qin double is his savior. If he does this, he is ungrateful. However, he is a monk, and he is a good enemy with the warrior. Even if he is the patriarch of the eight major families, it is inevitable that he will hesitate. And just as he was hesitant, he felt that a pair of sharp light had locked him, and could not help but look at the piano, he saw a pair of eyes of the piano, and locked him with a trace of irony. Both swords were behind them and they were not in their hands.

His eyes could not help but look at the right hand of the piano pair. He saw that the right hand of the piano pair was tight and not tight, like Song Feisong, but gave Xu Dan a feeling, as if the hand would have a sword at any time. In my mind, I remembered that I was at the entrance of the main hall. The speed of the piano double sword, the vest could not cause a layer of cold sweat, and the mind that wanted to block the piano double dissipated.


The shape of the piano pair was already standing in front of him, and then flew away without saying a word. Looking at the back of the piano double, Xu Dan sighed in his heart, and his heart relaxed inexplicably, chasing the past to the piano.

Six people quickly rushed out of the crystal-like palace, flew toward the hole, rushed into the hole and rushed to the top.

"Hey, hey..."

Six figures rushed out of the pool and landed on the shore.


Sitting on the edge of the pond, he sat down on the ground and gasped.

“It’s safe!”

Xiao Yan still has a heart on his face. Among the remaining six people, his cultivation is the lowest. If Qin Qin did not save him at the entrance of the main hall, he would have no bones. Turn to the piano double, sincerely:

"Qindaoyou, thank you. I owe you two lives."

Xu Dan slightly indulged for a moment: "Qindaoyou, thank you. If there is something to use in the future, as long as it does not violate morality, Xu will definitely do its best."

Qin double just nodded, but no words. For Xu Dan, it is not as comfortable as Xiao Wei. Xiao Yan said, owing to the piano two lives, that is to say, in the future, if the piano is needed, he can use his life to return. However, Xu Dan’s gratitude has conditions. The so-called non-discriminatory morality is mainly because it does not violate the morals of the monks, because Qin is a warrior. If you want him to do something that violates the principles and interests of the monk, he will not do it.

When Qin Qin was too lazy to take care of it, he would sink the power of the sea into the storage ring, and he would open his eyes and smile. The harvest was really quite a lot. I took a cursory look. There are more than 300 plants in the turtle grass, more than 300 plants in the grass, and more than 100 plants in the water spray. And these three herbs are the best, and the age of the drug is very long.

I just wanted to explore the power of the sea into the town demon tower, but I heard the sound of the town demon tower, and then rebounded her power of knowledge. Qin double is not surprised, this shows that the town demon tower began to merge again.

Regaining the power of knowing the sea, Qin double feels that his cultivation is recovering quickly. All the energy comes from the calf in Dantian, which makes her helpless, so consumes the energy of the calf, and her own cultivation is probably improved. Not much higher.

The four weeks began to calm down, Xu Dan and Xiao Wei and others took the medicinal herbs to adjust their interest, and the eyebrows were filled with joy. Xiao Wei was originally seized by Xu Nianxian and others, and it is a road to death. But nowadays, not only did he not die, but also got some water spray. What made him most happy was that the three people who had abused him at the beginning of Xu Nianxian died, which made him feel good. And there are piano pairs around, Xu Dan and others do not dare to kill him. Although Xu Dan and others died several ethnic groups, they got a lot of water spray, which is completely worthwhile for Xu Dan.


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