Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 278: Return to Luo Fuzong

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After about an hour, everyone has adjusted their interest rates. Xu Dan stood up and saw the meaning of Qin did not leave. He then bowed his hand to the piano and left the cave with the tribe. Xiao Wei did not leave, he only had to be with Qin Qin to be able to save his life. He has no doubt that once he has placed his order, he will be caught by Xu Dan and will kill himself and **** the water spray on his body.

Qin did not leave because she found herself at the critical point of the breakthrough and thought about making a breakthrough here. When I found out that Xiao Wei had not left, she frowned slightly:

"Why don't you go?"

"This...that..." Xiao Xiao’s face was stunned.

Qinqin immediately became stunned and he no longer took care of him. For Xiao Xiao, she did not have the slightest fear, and he was repaired, even if it was in the double breakthrough of the piano, it could not cause damage to the piano. Qin double conveyed consciousness to the fire avatar, let her always pay attention to Xiao Wei, if Xiao Xiao had a change, he would come out from Dan Tian and kill him. At this time, the Mavericks are already very small, and even if the fire is divided into Fengming, it can't escape.

Even if the piano double began to break through the phoenix fire, the body's breath is climbing, and when it climbs to a certain extent, it begins to accumulate.

Although Xiao Wei has not seen a breakthrough in the military, but at this time he also knows that Qin double is breaking through. Looking at the calm face of the piano, Xiao Xiao’s heart was filled with emotion.

This is Qin double believe him!

A warrior believes in him as a monk!

He didn't care about him at all. He didn't care about his thoughts at the moment. He stood up immediately, facing his back to the piano, holding the sword and giving him the sword.

At this moment, Xiao Wei’s hostility towards the warrior began to change. Recalling the words of the Qin double, the Mishima Island Lord opened the door of the demon, which made him first doubt about his life. He began to suspect that the warrior was really as cruel and insidious as he was instilled from childhood.

Qin did not know what Xiao Xiao was thinking at this time, she did not care.

With the help of the Daniel Mavericks, she broke through the fourth stage of the Emperor Wudi. Opened my eyes and saw Xiao Xiao’s face guarding her for the law, and her heart was still grateful, whispered:

"Thank you!"

Xiao Yan turned around and looked at the piano pair. His face showed a happy color: "Are you breaking through?"

"Yeah!" Qin nodded and said: "Let's go."

Above the Red Sea.

The piano is flying fast by the fire and the phoenix that the sea is thinking of. The piano double bids farewell to Xiao Xiao in the sea of ​​the blue sea and she does not go to the blue sea, but flies directly in the direction of Luo Fuzong. This road has been flying with the phoenix, so that her nine-story building is gradually approaching perfect fit. Qin double estimated that after he flew over the Red Sea, he should be able to perfectly fit the 90% building base and make the next breakthrough.

It is very difficult for others to break through the foundation of building a foundation. First of all, they must accumulate the power of knowing the sea. This is a water-milling effort. But Qin double now has the sheer energy of the Mavericks, making it all a problem. Secondly, it is necessary to stabilize the already built foundation. This is also a kind of water-grinding effort. It is like a piano double-intuitively thinking about the development of fire and phoenix, so that the building base can be used in the continuous release of the spell to form a perfect fit.

Of course, it is not always a release of spells, or a real battle, you can quickly achieve a perfect fit. That depends on the monk's comprehension, and it produces different speeds of fit. Because the more layers of the abutment are, the more places need to be adjusted. This needs to be adjusted by releasing the spells, or actually combating the construction of the base station. People with high comprehension may just release a few spells, they can adjust them precisely without actual combat, while others need a lot of practice or actual combat to make initial adjustments, even some people will spend the rest of their lives. There is no perfect fit. Such a person, or a lifetime of staying in the foundation period, or barely bear the knot, but the foundation is unstable, not only the strength will be downstream in the knot period, but also want to go further, will It is difficult.

The third point is to look at the next level of building a base, which requires a higher level of comprehension. In fact, many monks are stuck here, and the breakthrough is slow, or can't break through. Of course, you can also choose Zongmen to have a relatively mature and simple foundation-building method in the existing foundation-building method. This kind of work is relatively easy to build a foundation and break through, but the power is low and poor. The weak of the monks. When walking outside, it is easy to be killed or eaten by the monster.

However, all of this is not a problem for Qinshuang. The original two people are human beings. After one death, the comprehension is far superior to others.

As the saying goes, there is a big horror between life and death, and there is a big chance.

What's more, Qin double is not in life and death, but is dead and reborn once. It can be said that the blessing is profound and the comprehension has a transcendental improvement. And she still has the declining December fruit. Therefore, Qin double is not worried about the problem of breakthrough, at least not worried about the breakthrough in the realm of the foundation period.

Although she does not have a mature method, she has a real phoenix for her to see, which is also a blessing that other monks do not have.

Qin double finally rushed back to Luo Fuzong, at this time she has become the endless appearance of the month, and the nine-story abutment has been perfectly matched. Therefore, she refused to go to see Master Wanshan, but returned directly to her room, ready to retreat.

The way to prepare for a breakthrough is to sleep. For more than a month, I have been watching the fire and phoenix flying. This is a cruel torture, which makes the piano both physically and mentally exhausted to the extreme.

This feeling sleeps for two days and two nights. When the piano double wakes up, the body and mind are restored to the peak state. Moreover, today's Luofuzong is compared with the mainland of the warrior. It is a peaceful land, there is no danger, and the pressure in the heart is removed, making her whole person very relaxed.

Sitting on the bed, stretching his arms, opening his mouth and yawning, but a scream in his mouth, shocked herself, instinctively reached out and grabbed his little mouth, a pair of eyes thieves squatting four Looking down, I found out that it was in my own room, and this was a relaxing color on my face.

She knows that this is the result of her own thinking for more than a month, and she can't help but whisper:

"I have to pay attention in the future, otherwise if I speak, I will make a sound of Fengming, and I will be treated as a Yaozu."

Qin double set the god, will explore the power of the sea toward the town demon tower, but was bounced back by the town demon tower, they know that the town demon tower is still in the integration stage.

These days, the big seal, the bell is fighting for more chapters every day. In the hot summer, the work is exhausted, and the comrades who have the ability to support it, the bell is grateful.

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