Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 301: The eighth water mine





The piano doubled back to the endoscope and didn't know what was going on. Qinqin could feel the disdain message from the seven water-lei beads on the azure base.

The people under the peak of the soldiers are also a glimpse. This kind of thing that attracts the spirits but drives them away has never been seen before. They naturally did not feel the smell of water thunder beads, because the range of water thunder beads was small. In my heart, I thought that Qin did not look at the three spirits and drove those three spirits away. One by one, heartache.

"What is she doing?"

"A good spirit has been driven away."

"Self-view is too high!"

"She thought that the soldiers were so easy to attract? You have driven away this time, will you think that there are spirit soldiers coming to you again?"

Wanzhongshan also frowned slightly, and Yang Yingtian’s eyes flashed a bit, and some of them whispered to the Wanshan Mountain next to them:

"The strength of your disciple is high enough."

Don't look at Wan Manshan's move to look at Qin's actions, but once the outsiders question their disciples, even if they are joking, even if this person is the sovereign, Wanzhongshan will not avoid it. Wen Yan proudly smiled:

"My disciple is naturally different."

"You..." Yang Yingtian looked at Wanzhongshan with a smile.

At this time, the ten Yuan Ying period and the three knot Dan monks on the Lingbing Peak also looked at the Qin double.


"The cow is big!"

"We haven't attracted a spirited soldier here. You have already driven three out there."


"The whole Luofuzong you are the most cattle!"

At the same time, thirteen people also felt the pressure and madly poured out their own power of knowing the sea.


Then there was a spirit soldier flying from the peak of the spirit, like a stream of light shining toward the monks in the air. The monks who received the spirits, one by one, smiled openly, and the monks who did not receive the spirits increased the output of the power of the sea.

Time flies quickly, and when it is still a quarter of an hour, when it comes to an hour, all the monks get a match with their own spirits. Only the piano pair is still floating in the air.

Since the water mines have driven away the three spirits, there is no longer a spirit to the piano. Rao is a pair of people who know each other well. At this time, the look of his face is also awkward. I can’t help but secretly:

"Water Thunder, you are a loser, why do you drive away my spirits? You see those who are under the peak of the soldiers, they are thrown at me."

I know that the water mines in the sea are motionless and do not take the piano. Qin double sighed in the heart, she knows that people and monsters have a sense of territory, maybe this spirit also has a sense of territory. At that time, the water mine bead has already regarded the azure base as its territory. If there is a grade and its equivalent, it may still be cherished. If it encounters a spirit that is not as good as it, the water mine will naturally drive it away.

From this, I am afraid that the fire phoenix on the base of the red building will be the same, and there will be a sea sword on the base of the green building. The weapons of these three attributes are terrible, and I am afraid that this spirit peak is really no better than the three soldiers of the sea.

Therefore, if the water property does not have a suitable spirit, the other two properties are not necessary for testing.

"Then I will fight!"

Qin Qin double minded a move, the power of knowing the sea poured out all the way. At this time, her power of knowing the sea has completely shrouded the peak of the spirit, so she has not attracted the spirits, so at this time she simply infiltrated the power of the sea toward the peak of the spirit.

At this time, the ten yuan infants and the three knots of the monks have already got the spirits that fit with them, and they fell under the peak of the spirits. The surrounding monks have come forward to congratulate. Yan Xia looked at the piano double, and his eyes could not help but show an anxious color. Everyone saw the eyes of Yan Xiake, and they couldn’t look back at the Qin double on the peak of the soldiers. Everyone’s eyes showed a sarcasm. A low-profile discussion has begun:

"Is this stupid?"

"Oh... I dare to drive away the attracted spirits? You said that she is not self-reliant?"

"I really want to see it. It's time for a while, she's down."

"Do you say she will fly away directly and see no one?"

"Don't be ashamed to commit suicide. It's a beautiful woman, even though it's black."

"I really don't know what she thinks. A disciple of a district building a foundation will dare to be so arrogant."

On the face of Yan Xiake, the color of warmth and anger appeared. Xu Feibai’s eyes showed a curious color, and the color of inquiry appeared in the eyes of the big device.

Time flies quickly in the wait and see of the crowd. There is not much time for the end of an hour. About ten times of time is left. At this time, under the peak of the soldiers, ridiculous, anxious, curious eyes gather together. Floating on the piano in the air.

The heart of Qin double is also anxious. Once nothing is gained, this kind of shameful thing, Qin double will also feel blush!


Qin Shuang’s heart suddenly moved, and in her power of knowing the sea, she felt a wave of volatility...


The Lingbing Peak suddenly vibrated a little, then saw the Lingbing Peak burst a little, and a black light emerged from the inside. The black light came to the front of the piano and floated in the piano. Double chest. When the piano is fixed, the face is ecstatic.

"Water Thunder!

“It turned out to be a water mine!”

In front of this, the water-thunder bead is black as ink, and it is similar to when the piano double got the other seven water-red beads. She knows that with the release of the ban and the absorption of the Thunder, it will show the true color of the thunder flowing in the blue.

At the same time, the seven water mines in the sea also shook and gave a happy atmosphere. Qinqin quickly shook the sea with the force of the sea, and when he thought about it, he took it into the sea and placed it on the azure base.

The azure is built on the abutment.

Seven water thunder beads encircled the black ink-like thunder beads in the middle, and at the same time radiated a trace of thunder, bombarding the black ink-like water thunder beads, the black ink-like water thunder beads began to slowly change color. .


Qinqin spit out a long breath, his face with a happy color, and fell to the Lingbing Peak. In the heart:

"I didn't think that Luo Fuzong had such treasures, but I didn't know who was throwing it into the peak of the soldiers. It must have been because the royals couldn't make it, and this was helplessly put into the peak of the soldiers."

Those disciples did not recognize the water mines, even many elders did not recognize them. After all, the water mines were dark and inky, unlike the legendary water pearls. Only Yang Yingtian, Wanzhongshan and several other top elders recognized the water thunder beads, one by one, not surprisingly, but these elders did not point out the water mine beads, just nodded to the piano.


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