Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 302: Doubt about the big device

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"Yue Shimei, congratulations!"

Yan Xiake and Xu Feibai and others have come forward to congratulate, Qin double also courtesy:

"Tong Happ!"

"Boss!" Chengda looked at the piano with a smile: "Boss, you are attracting the speed of the spirits is fast enough, we have not moved, you have attracted three. 壹 壹 reading"

Qinqin shook his head helplessly: "I am lucky."

"This is not a fluke!" Cheng Dagong worshipped the piano and said: "Whoever knows, want to attract the spirit soldiers on the peak of the soldiers, the test is the purity of the power of the monk's knowledge of the sea. The more pure the force, the more able to attract the spirits. The purity of the power of knowing the sea is closely related to the practice of cultivation. Seeing the speed at which you attract the spirits, the practice of your cultivation is higher than ours. One star and a half."

Qin Shuang's heart is a jump, although the original is still the original appearance, still called her boss, but she always has a feeling of inexplicable, the front of the big device is not the original into a large device. And with the cultivation of the big device, how can it break into the top ten of Yuan Ying?

I have to know that in the Yuan Ying period disciples, there are forty-eight core disciples. How can they not turn into a big weapon?

What happened to this body?


She feels that the words of becoming a big instrument are asked in the tone of worship and the look of the gods, but there is a rule. Is the monk's cultivation practice that other people can ask casually? Can you ask in the public? This is clearly touching the dark side of the soul of the monks present, let them give birth to the practice of the double practice of the piano. ??壹 reading

At this time everyone's eyes are gathered on the body of the piano, all kinds of eyes intertwined, curious, worried, greedy...

Qin double looked deeply into the big device. She knew that she had to give an explanation here. Otherwise, it would cause greed for everyone. It is impossible for everyone to suppress their own demons. Greed is the nature of human beings. However, Qin Ding is absolutely unable to say the practice of cultivation, involving the heavenly pattern, things are too much involved. Qin double dare said that if she said here that she cultivated the heavenly pattern, the news will spread soon. If you don't talk about other people, you will say that the owner of the Mishima Island who opened the door of the demon will definitely try to catch himself. Ask yourself about your cultivation practice. So, the piano double smiled:

"My power to know the sea is really very pure."

"Oh..." Cheng Daji laughed two channels: "Is it more pure than our Yuan Ying period monk?"

"Become a big device, you don't talk, no one treats you as dumb." Yan Xia angered.

The piano double swings and stops the Yan Xia guest: "I don't know how pure the power of the monk in the Yuan Ying period is, but I think, compared with the amount of the power of the sea, I am not as good as the Yuan Ying period. But the purity of the power of the sea, I am afraid that the Yuan Ying period monk is really not as good as me."

"Oh?" Everyone looked like a move, and their eyes looked hot to the piano.

Qin double will turn to look at Wanzhongshan Road: "Master, do you remember that we met a thunder pool in the Red Sea?"

“Yeah!” Wanzhongshan nodded, and then his face changed: “Did you meet a thunder pool again?”

Qin nodded and then turned to the crowd: "You brothers and sisters, when I was with my master, and when I was in the Red Sea, I met a thunder pool. The thunder pool was unusually mild, we used to be there. After cultivation, the power of the Thunder is gentle enough to be absorbed into the sea to quench the sea. In this year, I have been practicing in the Red Sea, I want to find a mine pool. The Emperor pays off, I finally found There is a mine pool. Although the mine pool is very small, it is enough for me to use it alone. Therefore, the silk thread of my foundation is not liquid, but solid."


At this time, even the lord Yang Yingtian is also sighing the good fortune of the double. Moreover, there were precedents when Wanzhongshan and Juqing encountered the Thunder Pool, and no one doubted the Qinshuang.

"This is a dog!"

"Do we also go to the Red Sea to try our luck?"


“No one has yet tempered the base wire to a solid state?”

"Yeah, this month is endless, you can say that the foundation is solid and sturdy. As long as you don't die, you are definitely a top grade. Maybe you can go with his master and step into Mahayana!"

In the end, everyone left with a complicated mood. Qin double went to Master to sit for a while and left. However, she did not stay away, but returned to the night and went straight to the sky on the peak.

Converging his breath along the way, avoiding the monster, quietly sneaked above the peak, standing in front of the sky.

"Go ahead, become a great master of the peak, and fix the sky wall. If there is a big chaos today, the demon dances, and the human race needs to be stronger."

"I know!"

In the sea, there was an endless sound of the moon, and a stream of light blew out from the eyebrows of the piano and entered the sky.

Qin double looked up and looked at the moonlight in the air, and the war in the middle of the battle was full of enthusiasm. Whispered in a low voice:

"The door of the demon opens, the magic path appears, the aura rises sharply, and the demon dances. This is a catastrophe, but also a great era. Let me leave a strong color in this era."

The shape of the piano doubled, and it turned into a touch of light and disappeared under the moonlight.

Going back to my place of residence, no one is waiting for her there again this time. Qin double looked at the door closed by the wind, and then pushed open his door and went inside.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, Qin double went to look at the town demon tower, seeing that the town demon tower is still not integrated, for her exploration, all rebounded back.

Qin double shook his head and explored the consciousness into the Daotian. He saw that the calf had not much left, and his own phoenix fire had already climbed the fifth peak of Emperor Wu, and Xuan Shui repaired to the seventh of Wuwang. The layer, the fire-divided Fengming's repair is already the first layer of the Emperor Wu, and the repair of the magical body Fengyan climbed to the fifth floor of the Chengdan period. Estimated, in a few days, the calf will disappear.

Qinqin couldn’t help but sigh a little, and it’s not so easy to think about improving it later. And the more backward, the more spiritual power you need.

Regaining consciousness and thinking about it, according to the endless communication with the moon, the endless month wants to break through to the knot period, and it takes nearly a month. During this time, whether the Qinshuang wants to break through to the sixth floor of the Emperor Wu, or the phoenix fire, the time required may be similar to that of the moon, so that it will miss the endless breakthrough of the month. Qin double does not want to miss the endless breakthrough of the month. When the endless breakthrough of the month, the endless understanding of the heavens will make the Qin double get the sentiment.

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