Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 406: Chu Yun Deng Wu


"Endless, your pen is good!"

"Well, this pen is made of ironwood bamboo, and the pen is made from the demon wolf. If the pen can be refining with the demon's hair, it is better."

On the other side of the piano, the jade bottle with the weak water Dan was opened, and then the bottle filled with the demon blood jade bottle was inserted, the pen was inserted, and the demon blood was taken, and took a deep breath and began to wear on the paper. Draw it up.

A symbol of the great master of the peak, the power displayed in the period is equivalent to the power of a peak in the late stage of the Mahayana, its striated pattern is extremely versatile, and it consumes the power of the sea.

In fact, let alone make a peak of the great master, even if you want to make a real master of the great master, you need to be more than a god, because the production of the great teacher is extremely large. The power of knowing the sea is not at all affordable for monks. Although Qin’s knowledge of the sea is as big as the sea of ​​a monk, it is still the power of the sea, not the power of the gods. This is a qualitative difference. The power of a drop of knowledge is a thousand times the power of knowing the sea, so Qin double prepared a bottle of weak water Dan.

The pen in the hands of the piano moved very slowly, and the power of the sea was consumed madly, but her hand was extremely stable, and the streak was constructed little by little.

One quarter of an hour.

Two quarters of an hour.

Three quarters of an hour.

Qin’s forehead is already covered with sweat, and the heart’s clothes are soaked. However, her hand with the pen is still very stable, slightly over-the-headed, and the mouth is sucked. A weak water Dan is sucked from the jade bottle into the mouth of the piano. It is already about to dry up and quickly get the power. supplement.

An hour.

Two hours.

Three hours.

Chu Yun's eyes are getting brighter and brighter. She has been greatly inspired by the patterns created by Qin Double. The whole person is immersed in comprehension.

She has been stuck in the realm of the Grand Master for forty-six years. Luo Fuzong does not have the inheritance of the Grand Master. She can only rely on her own to slowly explore. Her accumulation is extremely deep, just a chance, a heritage. Now, Qinqin is making a peak teacher, it is like teaching her in the hands, just in an instant, as if she opened a window in front of her eyes, let her see a new world.

After three and a half hours, after taking ten weak water Danes, Qin Double finally completed a symbol of the Grand Master. The whole person is like a dehydrated, sweaty and plain-looking.

Put down the pen and gently spit out a breath, his face showing a happy color. I took out a weak water suit and sat down on the floor and closed my eyes.

There is a silence inside the hall, and the breath can be heard.

Yang Yingtian, Wanzhongshan and Zhangzong face each other, and then they look at Chuyun. Seeing that Chu Yun is completely in a state of comprehension at this time, three people dare not speak out and look at the table. The symbol on the top.

Although the three of them have also practiced the past, they are only the level of the master of the martial arts. So they simply can't see what the character on the table is, because they have never seen a great teacher.

There are only three islands in the Grand Master of the Road. It takes a lot of effort to make a big teacher. Just look at the piano and get tired.

Therefore, the Grand Master is extremely precious and has never flowed out of the Three Islands, so the three of them cannot be recognized. Only they can perceive powerful power from the symbol on the table. This made their three faces not slightly discolored.

About two quarters later, Chu Yun opened his eyes and there was a ecstasy between Meiyu. Seeing that Chu Yun was awake from comprehension, Yang Yingtian couldn’t help it anymore, and lowered his voice and asked:

"Chu Shimei, you... comprehend?"

“Yeah!” Chu Yun excitedly nodded and glanced at the double-closed piano, and lowered his voice: “I feel that I should break through to the great master.”

"Isn't that saying that you can fix the sky?" Zhang Zongzheng was overjoyed.

Chu Yun turned a white-eyed road: "In the past, we did not ask for a great master, nor did we have to repair the sky. The repair of the sky wall requires a great master, and now I have just broken through to the great master."

"Chu Shimei, you can understand the breakthrough from the endless production of the symbol, is it that the endless production of this symbol is the realm of the peak of the Grand Master?" Yang Yingtian's look became excited.

Chu Yun’s gaze fell on the plaque on the table, and then his face showed a bitter smile:

"I really can't see it. I can only be sure that this is a big priest's character. My realm is still low."

Chu Yun looked at Wanzhongshan Road again: "Wan Shishi, you should know the real world of endless?"

"Of course I know!" Wan’s face is full of pride: "The endless is a master of the peak."

"How do you know?" Yang Yingtian hurriedly asked: "But what is the endless display in front of you?"



"Endless just tells me that she is now a great master of the peak, can repair the sky, I immediately brought her to see you."

Yang Yingtian, Zhang Zongzheng and Chu Yun both looked at Wanzhongshan silently. Wanzhongshan said with conviction:

"My disciple said yes, that is. Is it necessary to lie to you all the time? What good is it for her?"

Yang Yingtian looked at each other and looked at the darkness: "Yes, deceiving the sect, it is a big sin, it will be so mad."

At the thought of this, the hearts of the three people were excited. If the Tianbi disciples can be repaired and the Zongmen disciples enter the sky wall to practice, the strength of the Zongmen will definitely achieve an explosive upgrade in a short time. In the upcoming war, the help for Luo Fuzong is too great.

The four people no longer spoke, and did not find a place to sit down, just beside the piano double, staring at the piano double, waiting for the piano to wake up. Zhang Zongzheng looked at the piano double, and looked at the symbol on the table, pressing down the voice:

"Would you like to release this symbol, do you know the power of this symbol?"

Yang Yingtian smashed Zhang Zongzheng and lowered his voice. "You just saw how hard it is to make a plaque. How precious is this plaque? Don't you know? Or leave it to the endless child. Let's defend yourself."

"She can make another one for herself!"

"You said it is light." Wanzhongshan lowered his voice and said: "What do you think of the endless tiredness? Make this one, don't know how many days, how many months, can you fully recover, endless or not Cultivated?"

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