Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 413: condition



Moreover, because the piano double has no power to understand, it can only repair 80%. If An Dao can completely repair the celestial wall, isn't it that they have the hope of breaking through the Mahayana period in the three-and-a-half-step Mahayana period?

From the heart, they believe that An Dao is more than a piano.

Who makes the piano pair too young? And suddenly he said that he is a great master of the peak, and there is no process in the Zongmen. Even if Yang Yingtian is willing to believe in his heart, it is inevitable that there will be doubts and uneasiness.

Nowadays, An Dao suddenly ran over and turned out to be the late Master of the Tao Dao. This not only made Yang Yingtian and others feel refreshed.

“Can you really repair the sky?” Yang Yingtian asked urgently.

An Dao nodded proudly and nodded: "I have seen the situation of the sky wall, very clear..."

"Yang Zongzhu, Wandaoyou!" At this time, Yu Wenhao interrupted the lack of An Dao and said:

“Our Huanglu Island can help you repair the sky, but it also has conditions.”

"This is of course." Yang Yingtian nodded: "This is the rule of the practice circle."

Yu Wenhao nodded with satisfaction and said: "First, the materials for repairing the sky wall must be provided by the nobles."

"of course."

"Second, after the repair of the Tianbi, our monks on Huanglu Island have the right to enter the Tianbi cultivation."

Yang Yingtian’s color is a stagnation, and it’s indulged for a moment: “Yu Dao, you know, the sky wall can’t be used without limit, it’s not impossible to allow the Huanglu Island monks to enter the sky, but there is a quota. How about 50 places per year, how?"

"Yang Zongzhu, what is your call for Hanako?" Yu Wenhao said faintly: "If the sky wall can not be repaired, the sky wall is a display. The war will begin, if the sky wall is repaired, the strength of the nobles will be in a short time." There is an explosive upgrade inside, you should know what it means. In today's practice world, only Anshi can repair the sky. So, fifty places are too small."

"That... How many places does Yu Dao think?"

"Five hundred!" Yu Wenhao extended a slap.

"This is impossible!" Yang Yingtian immediately shook his head: "Yu Daoxiong, you still don't understand the sky wall. The sky wall is divided into eight layers, each layer corresponds to a realm. After each opening of the sky wall, you need to close ten years. Recovery. The eighth layer corresponds to the realm of the Mahayana period. Only one person is allowed to enter each time. The seventh layer corresponds to the distraction period. Each time, only two monks can be entered. The sixth layer corresponds to the **** period. Entering the fourth and fifth levels of the corresponding meta-infant period, the number of people will increase from this level, but this layer can only enter one hundred people each time. The fourth layer corresponds to the knot period, and each time you can enter 300 people. The third layer corresponds to the base period, and each time it can enter 500 people. The second layer corresponds to the refining period, and each time you can enter a thousand people. The first layer corresponds to the day after tomorrow, and each time you can enter 3,000. If Huangludao The five hundred places are limited to the day after tomorrow, but I can promise."

Yu Wenhao looked a glimpse, and Tianbi was the treasure of Luofuzong Town. He really didn't understand these details. I heard a moment and thought:

"We need five hundred places, but we won't all occupy the upper level. In this way, on the eighth floor, we will have a rotation between Huanglu Island and Luofuzong. That is to say, after the restoration, the first sky wall will open, and the eighth floor will be the same place. Return to our Huanglu Island, the second time to the noble."

"No, this is absolutely impossible." Yang Yingtian categorically refused.

Yu Wenhao also insinuated for a moment: "The first time it was opened, the quota was given to you, the next time we arrived. If you still do not agree with this condition, I and the younger brother turned around and left."

Yang Yingtian and other people are very ugly, and they communicate with each other.

"The sovereign, can't promise, endlessly can repair the sky, can't use them." Wanzhongshan voice.

"Are you sure you can fix it?"

"She said that if she can fix it, she will be able to repair it."

"Well, even if she can fix it, it can only repair 80%, and An Dao should be able to repair it all."

"But the conditions are too harsh, and looking at their appearance is not limited to these conditions."

"Let's talk first."

"My name is endless."

Wanzhongshan spread the knowledge of the gods, and Yu Wenhao naturally felt the knowledge of Wanzhongshan, but did not care. The knowledge of Wanzhongshan quickly touched the array before the Yanxia Cave House. When the words Xiaike opened the ban, they heard the voice of Wanshan:

"Go to your sister, let her come to the hall."

Yan Xia has not had time to ask, what to look for in the teacher, Wanshan’s knowledge has already receded. Yan Xia is somewhat awkward. I have to know that no one can go in the hall of the proceedings. Why did Master let the sisters go to the hall?

What serious mistakes did the teacher and sister make?

Thinking of this, Yan Xia is also anxious, immediately take out the communication jade, and shoot out.



I am reading the jade pair of Yu Jian. I feel that the communication jade hanging on the waist is shaking, and I will remove the jade from the communication and explore the power of the sea.


"Sister, where are you?"


"Are you making a stipulation?"

"Regulations? No?"

"That... why did Master ask you to go to the Great Hall?"

"Let me go to the main hall?"

"Yeah!" Yan Xia's tone was full of uneasiness: "You come to me first, I am going to the House of Lords with you."

"Is Master going to you?"


"That is still me alone."

"The brothers will accompany you."

"no need."


Qin double put away the communication jade, slightly frowned a brow, then walked out of the merits hall, the sky vacant, the volley flew up, after the shackles, fell outside the six peaks, and then rushed toward the Luofu Peak .

Luofu Peak.

The main hall of the proceedings.

Yang Yingtian looked at Yu Wenhao: "Yu Daoxiong, you will first say all the conditions, then we will discuss them one by one?"


Yu Wenhao is full of confidence. Under the universal sky, only An Dao can repair the sky wall, which has taken the lifeline of Luo Fuzong. Do not allow Luo Fuzong to agree.

"On the eighth and seventh floors, we have one place for each of the Huanglu Island. On the sixth floor, we need two places. On the fifth floor, we need ten places. On the fourth floor, we need one hundred places. The rest are from the quota. Used on the third floor. We don't want the second floor and the first floor."

"What are the conditions?"

"Luo Fuzong became a sect of the tributary of Huanglu Island for a hundred years."

This time, Yang Yingtian did not openly refuse. This condition is too harsh. If you rob the Tianbi quota, you should also say that Luofuzong has become a subsidiary of Huanglu Island for a hundred years.


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