Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 414: Wedding dress

what does this mean?

This means that within a hundred years, Luo Fuzong must obey the orders of Huanglu Island.

A hundred years is short for the practice world, and it is a short time. If there is nothing in peacetime, it is nothing but a loss of interest and face. But what time is it now? It is necessary to enter the period of the mainland of the warriors.

What is the situation of the Warrior continent now?

The demon, the period of the demon chaos.

This means that Luo Fuzong wants to make cannon fodder for Huanglu Island, and the wars that have erupted in the war against the mainland will last for nearly a hundred years.

not to mention……

This time there are also Yaozu and Mozu?

The war will be extremely fierce. In this great chaos, it will be a hundred years of cannon fodder for Huanglu Island. It is very likely that Luo Fuzong will die out completely. Even if it didn't die, Luo Fuzong at that time would become very weak. It was naturally swallowed up by Huanglu Island. After that day, it was Huanglu Island. There will be no more Luofuzong in the world.

Yang Yingtian thought quickly and as a lord, naturally know that the conditions proposed by Huanglu Island are not the conditions for decision, and everyone can talk about it.

However, no matter how you talk about it, the quota must be given, but it will be reduced, especially in the high-rise of the Tianbi. If you want a place to not give it, it is impossible.

Similarly, if you don't want to use the cannon fodder for Huanglu Island, it is impossible.

What can be said is that reducing the time of the affiliated Huanglu Island will enable Luo Fuzong to retain his vitality and not be destroyed, and will not be annexed by Huanglu Island.

Yang Yingtian thought quickly and took a deep breath. When he just wanted to speak, he heard the sound of footsteps outside the door. He looked up and saw two figures appear at the door. It was Yan Xiake. And the piano double.

Although Qin double refused to speak out, but as a brother, still not assured. Don't look at the words Xia Ke is an old-fashioned person, but he also saw the potential of Qin double.


Already unable to call it potential, it is simply enchanting. In less than three years, from a refining period monk breakthrough to the peak of the late stage of the knot, even the stereotyped Yan Xia at this time also firmly believe that the level of Yuan Ying can not stop his sister. She must be a Yuan Ying period monk. If the younger sister became a monk in the Yuan Ying period, then his right to speak in Zongmen would increase greatly. Therefore, her concern for Qin double is sincere, and she really does not want her sister to have an accident. Therefore, I waited under the Luofu Peak.

Qin Qin was very moved in the heart, naturally no longer rushed to the brothers, two people came to the hall of the discussion. Seeing two strangers inside, Qin double's eyes flashed slightly, then he entered the hall and saluted the master and the master one by one, and then stood with the brothers in the center of the hall.

"Xia Ke, endless, I will introduce you to the teacher." Wanzhongshan waved to Qinshuang and Yanxia, ​​then said:

"This is the deputy island owner of Huanglu Island, the beginning of the Mahayana period, Yu Wenhao."

Qinshuang and Yan Xia are all in the heart, but Qin Double knows that if you don’t consider the body strength of the Mahayana monks, it is usually only equivalent to the Emperor Wu on the mainland of the warrior. Wu Sheng's.

If the piano doubles open the fire phoenix body, and then merge with the basaltic, even if it meets Wu Dongying, it can cope with it. If it is the worst, it can escape. It is sure that it will not lose its life. It is necessary to know that Wu Dongying is the first master of the military in the mainland, and the repair of Wu Sheng later.

However, even if it is only Yu Wenhao at the beginning of the Mahayana period, Qin double is not sure to be able to retreat. Because of the attacking power of the Tao, it can be compared with the demon and the two, and its attack power is two points higher than the monk's wall on the vast continent that Qinqin encountered in the Taikoo space.

"The disciple speaks Xia Ke, the moon is endless, and I see the rest of the generation."

Yu Wenhao really does not know that Wanzhongshan suddenly let the two disciples do what, one Yuan Ying period, the other is the knot period, what is this Wanshan? However, looking at Wanzhongshan is also the face of the Mahayana period, Yu Wenhao still reveals a smile:

"You don't have to be polite."

"This is the first master of the practice circle, and now it is the late Grand Master."

The piano eyes flashed, if there was a realization, and the words Xia Ke went forward and said: "The disciple speaks Xia Ke, the moon is endless, and he meets the predecessors."

"You don't have to be polite." An Dao also gave a lot of smiles to Wan Wanshan.

"You two stood up for the teacher later."


Yan Xiake and Qin double honestly came to the back of Wanzhong Mountain, and at this time, Yu Wenhao had already had a little impatientness and turned his eyes to Yangyingtiandao:

"Yang Zongzhu, what are you thinking about?"

What makes Yu Wenhao strange is that Yang Yingtian did not answer his question, but looked at the endless monk who had just entered the moon.

At this time, Yang Yingtian’s heart was very tangled. He hoped that Qinshuang was the real master of the peak, so he would not be subject to Huanglu Island.


I really can't believe the young moon is endless!

Once the month is endless, I can't repair the sky wall, but I missed the An Dao...

"Endless..." Yang Yingtian finally said: "This Anzong came to repair the sky, but Huanglu Island put forward several conditions..."

Looking at Yang Yingtian where there is an endless explanation for the month, Yu Wenhao and An Dao are all blind.

What is this?

A half-step Mahayana, a sovereign of six sects, explained to a disciple of the Dandan period?

How to drop?

Do you still have to make a decision by this disciple?

"Endless, what do you think?" Yang Yingtian explained, and asked for advice from Qin.

Yu Wenhao is messy!

An Dao is out of order!

Standing on the side of the piano double, the words Xia Ke is messy!

At this time everyone's eyes in the hall are gathered on the body of the piano.

The eyes of Qin double show the color of anger. This is entirely a matter of using Luo Fuzong as cannon fodder. The heart of the piano can be sure. No matter how Yang Yingtian and Yu Wenhao talk about it, the maximum degree will only cut the condition by half. In other words, the final condition is to give 250 islands to Huanglu Island and do the sacred gates of Huanglu Island for 50 years. Let's talk about it again. Huanglu Island will never agree. And Luo Fuzong will agree to this final condition.

Fifty years!

It was enough for Huanglu Island to annex Luofuzong. The final result was that Huanglu Island annexed Luofuzong and Tianbi returned to Huanglu Island.

Then why bother to make An Dao repair the sky?

Isn't this a wedding dress for people?

In the view of Qin Shuang, even if Luo Fuzong did not have the ability to repair the sky wall, he would rather not repair the sky wall and could not agree to these conditions.

What's more, Qinqin can also repair the sky wall?


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