Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 416: Qin double confidence

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Qin double looked at An Dao and said: "I am not dead, not you can decide. But I can now decide that we do not need you to repair the sky wall, because I can fix it."

"You? Repair the sky wall? Hahaha..."

The lack of An Dao seems to have heard the most funny jokes in this life, and laughed loudly. Yu Wenhao on the side also showed a sardonic smile.


The monk of Luo Fuzong did not smile, his face did not change at all, but there was a hint of worry in the depths of his eyes.

They admit that Qinshuang is now a great master of the Tao Dao, but he is not sure that Qin Double is the great master of the peak, and even dare not be sure that the realm of Qin double exceeds the An Dao.

Qinqin refused the An Dao deficiency in front of them. Once Qinqin could not repair the sky, isn’t this the loss of Luo Fuzong?

Seeing that the monks of Luo Fuzong did not cooperate with them, and the eyes of Qin Shuang’s eyes have been faintly revealing their self-confidence. They could not help An Dao and Yu Wenhao to be embarrassed, and the anger in their hearts broke out like a volcano. Suddenly looked at the Luofu patriarch Sun Yat-sen.

"Yang Zongzhu, this is your attitude of Luo Fuzong to our Huanglu Island?"

Yang Yingtian is wondering how to answer the lack of An Dao. If one answer is not good, it will involve a dispute between Luo Fuzong and Huanglu Island. At this time, the piano double is faintly open.

"The Sovereign, I remember you said that the predecessor was a great master in the late stage?"

"Yes!" Yang Yingtian looked at Qin Double with some incomprehensibility. I don't know why Qin Double would ask this question at this time.

There was a bit of sarcasm in the mouth of the piano, and he continued: "In the conditions they proposed, they took turns to enter the eighth floor of the sky. And also want the places on the seventh and sixth floors?"

"Not bad."

"That's it!" Qin doubled down and said: "We Luofuzong does not provide repair materials. If the seniors can completely repair the sky wall, he repairs the material of the sky wall. We pay for the Luofuzong, which is the material for repairing the sky wall. Huanglu Island needs to be paid first."

The anger of An Dao’s face is no longer able to be suppressed. Qin Double is humiliating him in the fruit of the red fruit. He stares at the double track:

"You don't trust me?"

"Yes!" Qin said unceremoniously: "I don't trust you. We don't have so much material for you to spend, so if you want to repair the sky, you can only put it on, if it can be repaired, We Luofuzong will naturally return this material.

Of course, if you can really repair the sky wall, there is no need to take turns to enter the eighth floor. The only place will be permanently given to you on the island of Huanglu, and there is no need to limit the number of five hundred, except for the eighth floor. Outside of Huanglu Island, the remaining seven floors will be given to you half. As for the subsidiary Zongmen who became a hundred years of Huanglu Island, there is no problem. ”

When I heard the doubles, An Dao and Yu Wenhao were very complicated at this time.

On the one hand, they felt the deep distrust of the piano pair and their strong humiliation. On the other hand, they are happy in their hearts. This result is better than the conditions they have previously proposed. If an agreement can be reached on this condition, Luo Fuzong will certainly be annexed by Huanglu Island. In this way, Huanglu Island has a sky wall, and there are more such a Mahayana monks as Wanhae, and three half-step Mahayana monks, such as Yang Yingtian, will stand out among the three islands. After the end of the war, Huanglu Island will become the first force.

At this time, the two of them did not care about the unreasonableness of the piano pair, because they were very clear in their hearts. As long as Luo Fuzong agrees, it is a matter of time to annex Luofuzong. Once the Luofuzong is annexed and wants to rectify the piano pair, isn't it a piece of cake?

At that time, how to rectify how to rectify.

So, both people suppressed the anger in their hearts, and Yu Wenhao looked at Yang Yingtiandao seriously:

"Yang Zongzhu, can she represent Luo Fuzong?"

Yang Yingtian couldn’t help but look at Qinshuang. The piano nodded twice: “The Sovereign, in the late period of the Grand Master, wanted to completely repair the sky wall, and it was almost a little hot.”

There was a sarcasm in the eyes of An Dao. He once repaired the sky for Luo Fuzong. Although his realm was not enough at that time, he finally failed. But this does not prevent him from having a full understanding of the sky.

Qin double said it is good!

In order to repair the sky wall, it is indeed necessary to meet the realm of the great master. He is unable to completely repair the sky wall in the late stage of a great master.


That is to say that it does not rely on foreign objects, and relies on the road to repair the sky.

An Dao lacks a realm and does not want to do that. Therefore, the material was proposed, and this is the same as the piano. With the help of a foreign master, he relied on foreign objects, and he thought that he could repair the sky.

As long as Yang Yingtian promised, Luo Fuzong lost.

Yang Yingtian does not understand this, but he is worried about another problem.

If An Dao’s true identity is a great master, but on the surface, what does it mean to be a great master?

In this way, the An Dao deficiency completely repaired the Tianbi, and was Luofu Zongyi not annexed by Huanglu Island?

"Qin double, are you sure?" Yang Yingtian went to the secret passage to the piano.

Qin double also voiced into the secret channel: "The sovereign, in fact, unless you simply refuse Huanglu Island, do not need them to repair the sky. No matter what the final conditions talk about, even if only as a subsidiary of Huanglu Island For thirty years, in the end, it was impossible to escape the result of annexation by Huanglu Island.

The key is, do you want to reject Huanglu Island?

Do you trust me to fix the sky?

Are you willing to refuse Huanglu Island and give up the opportunity to miss this road?

If you don't want to, the conditions I have proposed have nothing to do with it.

If Andao deficiency finally completely repairs the sky wall, Luofuzong is annexed by Huanglu Island. There is no qualitative difference between the results of your talks with Huanglu Island. The only difference is the length of time of being annexed.

However, if Andao deficiency did not completely repair the Tianbi, Huanglu Island would no longer have an excuse to annex Luofuzong. The most important thing is that the materials he used to repair the sky wall can continue to be used, and will be given to Zongmen Province. A lot of resources. ”

Hearing the double interpretation of the piano, Yang Yingtian also reacted. Before, he just paid too much attention to the sky and ignored other aspects. At this time, I heard the reminder of the piano double, and it has completely reacted. As Qinqin said, no matter what level he finally talks about with Huanglu Island, as long as he becomes the attached sect of Huanglu Island, you have to follow the command of Huanglu Island and become the cannon fodder of Huanglu Island.


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