Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 417: Agreement



Not to mention fifty years, thirty years, only ten years, Luo Fuzong lost its roots and was annexed by Huanglu Island. At that time, the painstaking negotiations and the repairing of the sky are all ridiculous. They are all making wedding dresses for people.

Yang Yingtian’s face suddenly became very ugly. This is not as good as the person who is repaired, but the person who is on the IQ. As a lord, how can the face look good?

However, as a master, you can still control your own reason. Take a deep breath and continue to pass the piano to the secret channel:

"You are sure that An Dao can't repair the sky wall? If you are not sure, I will directly refuse Huanglu Island."

The mouth of the piano doubled a little cold, and the voice passed into the secret channel: "Lord, do you think you still refused it today?"

Yang Yingtian’s gaze is shrinking. Now it’s not a matter of repairing the sky, but Luo Fuzong’s humiliation of Huanglu Island. Even if the piano double proves that he is a great master, Huanglu Island will think that Luo Fuzong is humiliating them. Since the moon of the Luofuzong is a great master, why not introduce it immediately when you meet? Wait until the An Dao deficiency and the endless months of conflict have occurred, only to reveal that the endless month is the identity of the Grand Master. This is to deliberately look at their jokes and humiliate them.

This involves the face of a Mahayana period of Huanglu Island and the face of a great master, and even if there is some strong words in Huanglu Island, it is also rational.

Like the forces of Mishima, they have to grab three points unreasonably. Nowadays, how can they let Luo Fuzong pass?

That is definitely a big problem.

Unless it is the lack of An Dao, it will not be able to repair the sky wall, and it will only be able to leave. Because everything is based on the fact that An Dao can repair the sky and can not repair the sky wall, the truth of Huanglu Island is a joke.

Yang Yingtian’s heart could not help but show a bitter smile. How did the matter come to this step?

Promise also promised, and promised to agree.

"it is good!"

Once Yang Yingtian made a decision, he was very decisive. He has no choice at this time, he can only believe in Qin double, and he hopes that An Dao is not a great master.

Hearing Yang Yingtian promised that the Luofuzong monks in the hall were all shocked, and the hearts of one of them were hung up. Yan Xiake was even more nervous and sweaty. On the contrary, An Dao and Yu Wenhao had a smile on their faces. Yu Wenhao smiled and said:

"Yang Zongzhu waited a minute."

Later, he took out the communication jade, and connected the island owner of Huanglu Island. The content of this negotiation has changed. The most important thing is to pay for repairing the materials of the sky wall by Huanglu Island. It is a large material and it is a top material. Even the wealthy Huanglu Island raises these materials very much. not easy.

However, compared with these materials, it is nothing to swallow Luofuzong. And once the Luofuzong was annexed, is this sky wall not Huangluo?

So, soon I agreed.

Yu Wenhao put away the jade slip and confirmed some terms. In the end, Yang Yingtian, Wanzhongshan, Yu Wenhao and Andao lack four people to swear by the soul.

After all this was done, Yang Yingtian personally arranged for An Dao and Yu Wenhao to stay at Luofu Peak, waiting for the materials to be sent from Huanglu Island.

Qin double also came down from Luofu Peak, and while walking with the moon in the sea, he walked toward the trial peak.

The piano double is not slow and the money, wearing a green dress with a lake, slightly lowering his head, as if thinking about something while walking.

Although there was no end to the exchange in the hall and the sea in the sea, it was too important to repair the sky. This is related to whether Luo Fuzong was annexed by Huanglu Island, so Qin double decided to go and talk to Tianbo personally.

Entering the trial peak, the piano stepped on the mountain road and walked toward the peak. While walking, I sorted out the insights I got from the endless months. There were a few low voices in front of me.

The piano double turned a huge rock, and the voice of the voice became bigger. When the piano looked up, he saw that the four monks were decomposing the body of a monster.

The Qin double sensed the repairs of the four monks, all of them were foundation monks. At that time, the four base-building monks also felt the footsteps behind them, and the conversation stopped abruptly, looking back at the piano.

Seeing that it is a piano double, the faces of the four people are not happy. Last year, they also heard the piano double-opening preaching, but then they thought that Qinshuang is now a monk in the knot, and there is a look in the face, and the face is cramped. . Immediately stood up from the ground, retreated to the side of the mountain road, and prayed to the piano double:

"I have seen the monthly teacher."

Their age is bigger than the piano, but in the face of the piano double that is already in the knot, they dare not call the sister. The piano eyes swept over four people, only a little bit of an impression, then nodded lightly:

"Come on trial?"

"Yes!" The four monks rushed to answer.

“A lot of people tried today?”

"Yeah!" One of the female squad nodded: "A lot, I heard that Master Xu is also coming to trial."

"Xu Feibai, Xu Shixiong?" Qin asked a strange voice.

"Yeah!" The woman nodded.

"Thank you!"

The piano double walked in front of them until the back of the piano double disappeared in their eyes, and the four monks were often relieved.

"The pressure from the monthly teacher is getting bigger and bigger!" The woman's eyes were shocked.

"Yes!" A male monk said: "I can't breathe."

"You said, what is the repair of the monthly teacher?"

"Yue Shijie used it for a year, and it broke through from the foundation period to the knot period. Now it is almost a year away. Maybe the monthly teacher is already the peak of the knot."

"This is not very likely? After all, the knot period is not a base period. I guess the monthly teacher should be in the middle of the knot."

"I really envy the month of the sister!"

"Don't envy, we still have to clean up this monster and continue to try it."

The four men were silent and began to lie around the monster again, cutting out useful materials.

As the piano moves forward along the mountain road, the sound becomes more and more noisy, and the sound of the battle erupts uncomfortably. That is the disciple of the trial is hunting the monster.

The disciples who hunted the monsters in this area are already in the knot period, but there are not many disciples who know the piano pair. Because Qin Double has not been in Zongmen since becoming a disciple of Jie Dan. Those who saw the piano pair were not as surprised as the four former base-age disciples. Some even just looked at the piano and looked at it again.

Gradually, the piano doubled up to the extent that only the Yuan Ying disciples could appear. This place is already more than two-thirds of the peak of the trial. When they happened to meet the disciples of Yuan Ying, they all looked at the piano doubles with surprise.


Seeking a monthly ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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