Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 418: Beast



These Yuan Ying disciples are different from the Jie Dan disciples. They know Qin Qin, because when Qin Qin was in the water peak of Ling Bingfeng, most of the Yuan Ying disciples had seen Qin double. And most of the time they went to participate in the trade fair called by Xia Ke. It was only that they knew that Qinqin was only a monk of the Jiedan period, but she saw that she ran to the area of ​​the monk's monk activity, and she could not help but stunned.

"Mr. Shimei, how come you are here?" And at this time, a voice sounded.

When the piano turned around and looked at it, it was Xu Feibai, and he paused and said: "Master, are you here to try again?"

Xu Feibai smiled and said: "I want to catch a beast here."

"Beast beast?"

The beast is a very scarce beast, not because they are fierce, but their order is very low, only one order. But their meat is very fragrant, it can be said that even if it is not food, when you encounter a beast, you will drop it. There is no doubt that the beast is known as the first delicious in the practice world. It is also because of its meaty beauty that it is almost extinct by the monks.

"Is there a beast here?" Qin double could not help but swallow a mouthful of water.

Xu Feibai looked funny and laughed and said: "Listen to the younger brothers, I have met here, but I have not caught it. You know that there is a fragrant tree here, and the favorite beast is the fragrant tree. The fragrant fruit."

The fragrant tree is a kind of fruit tree. It has a calming effect. When practicing, it can effectively suppress the demons and make the monks more calm. The most important thing is that the fragrant fruit is also a very delicious fruit. It is a very popular fruit in the practice world.

"Master brother caught the beast?"

"No!" Xu Feibai's face showed a helpless color: "It's all these little boys, the fruit is just ripe, they are all picked up. Without the fruit, what do I take to attract the beast? So, I am looking for They are going to change a fruit."


"Well, I changed to one."

Xu Feibai took out a fist-sized fruit from the storage ring, and immediately there was a fragrance floating out, which made the piano double index finger move. Do not look at the monks around you:

"You brothers and sisters, who have the fragrant fruit, give me some."

A man smiled and said: "Mr. Sister, what are you going to change? I have nine here."

Qin Shuang heard great words: "This brother, what attributes are you practicing?"

"Fire property."

"I took a two-grain red dragon for your nine fragrant fruit, OK?"


The male master said that he was overjoyed. In fact, the most attractive place for the fruit was delicious. As for the calming effect, it was a little tasteless. Nine fragrant fruit for a two-grain red dragon, it is simply making a big bargain. The monk immediately took out nine fragrant fruits and handed them to the piano pair. The piano pair also took out a two-patterned red dragon and handed it to the monk.

Since then, more monks have exchanged with her, and finally the piano double has changed to eighty-two fragrant fruit. After the piano doubleed up the fragrant fruit, he asked Xu Feibai with great interest:

"Master, are you going to catch the beast?"

Xu Feibai said without words: "I can't be as embarrassed as you are, I found a cracked scorpion, and the scented beast has a scent gland that can be refined into a spice that can attract the cracked scorpion."

"Is that a beast? Is that enough?"

"Well, a scent gland can refine a lot of spices, enough."

"Then I will go with you. If you catch more beasts, will you give me good? Master, you see that you only have one fragrant fruit, you may not be able to attract the scent. I have so many fragrant fruits. It will definitely help you attract the beast."

"Okay!" Xu Feibai nodded. "I didn't think you were still a foodie, let's go."

"it is good!"

Two people and those Yuan Ying monks left their words and followed a martyrdom. After about two quarters of an hour, two people came to a fragrant forest. There are about a hundred pieces of this fragrant forest. The piano has an impulse to transplant several trees into the town demon tower. But if you think about it, if you expose the town demon tower, it is a big trouble. Anyway, I have a fragrant fruit, waiting to finish the fragrant fruit, planting the fruit nucleus into the town demon tower, with the time flow rate of the town demon tower, Qin double believes that it will take a long time to eat the fragrant fruit.

The piano looked at this fragrant tree in both directions, and I saw that there was no fragrant fruit on it. Xu Feibai jumped in shape and placed the fragrant fruit in his hand on a tree. The piano pair also flew in shape, and placed the eightty-two fragrant fruits on their own trees on the tree raft on the tree. For a time, the rich fragrance was released.

Qin Shuang and Xu Feibai hid in a bush, Xu Feibai seemed to suddenly think of something, and lowered the voice to Qinqin:

"Mr. Sister, I remember that you are practicing wood, right?"

"Yeah." Qin nodded.

"Then you use the ancient vines to help the brothers catch the beasts."

"Okay!" Qin nodded, then asked suspiciously: "How did the master prepare to catch the beast?"

"I am metallic, there is no way to catch alive, so I am going to kill one. It is better to extract the scent gland from the living beast."

"Understood." Qin nodded and said: "Master, you want one?"


"Is it better to catch more?"

"Well!" Xu Feibai smiled and said: "How? Want to eat a beast?"

"No, I want to raise a few, the beast is much more cute!"

Xu Feibai’s face appeared to be speechless, but he thought that Qin is a girl, and there is nothing strange about the cute beast.

"Oh, come."

Xu Feibai suddenly lowered his voice. The piano double looked through the gaps of the bushes toward the opposite bushes, and saw the slight shaking of the bushes. Then there was a small head that came out from the bushes, up and down. Looking at it, the nose was constantly sucking, and then a pair of sparkling eyes looked at the fragrant tree filled with fragrant fruit.

However, it did not immediately come out of the bushes. At first glance, it was very timid. Both eyes looked carefully and carefully, and there was a full time, no danger, no smell of danger. This was slowly drilled out of the bushes.

The body of the beast is only about a foot and a half thick, and it is very cute. Careful movement indicates that it is very timid. Behind it there were five beasts, one by one probed and looked around, and finally locked their eyes on the fragrant tree filled with fragrant fruit.


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