Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 421: Stormy



At this time, in the air flying to Luofuzong, Yiyedao Island hosted the extension of the cloud and the main item of the island of Snowless Island was sitting in a flying boat.

"Is the island owner, you said that the lack of An Dao of Huanglu Island can really repair the Luofu Zong's celestial wall?"

“I don’t know.” Xiang Baiji shook his head: “When the Sima Grand Master of Huanglu Island was in the late period of the Fu Da Master, he tried to repair the sky wall for Luo Fuzong, but it was not repaired. I heard that An Dao’s lack of just broke through. In the late period of the Grand Master of Fu Dao, how could he have this qi to repair the sky wall? Is there any conspiracy? And why is it correcting the Tianbi, not the Sima Grand Master?"

"Sima Grand Master has been retiring for five years. He said before the retreat that he would not break through to the top of the Grand Master. He would not go out. Now I should still be in retreat. What I don’t understand now is that Sima. The Grand Master did not repair the sky wall, what is the repair of Andao?"

"Should it be another way?"

“If Huanglu Island really repaired the sky wall?”

"We need to form alliances with the other five sects. I think they should be very willing."

An Dao and Yu Wenhao learned about this situation. After the communication between Yu Jian and the owner of Huanglu Island, Li was silently discussed, the time for repairing the sky wall was postponed, and after one month, the sky wall was publicly repaired.

Yang Yingtian also made a fuss. At the same time, he also believed that the public repair has the advantage of public repair. Once the Andao lack can completely repair the sky wall, Huanglu Island can only recognize the previous agreement and dare not have more troubles. .

Within a month, Luo Fuzong gradually became a lively place and became the center of the spiritual congregation.

Xu Dan, the master of the Xu family of the eight major families, arrived at Luo Fuzong with the Xu family chief Xu Yuan.

Sun Bo, the master of the Sun family, arrived at Luo Fuzong with Sun Hai, the chief of the Sun family.

Yuan Tianlin, the head of the Yuan family, arrived at Luofuzong with the young patriarch Yuan Baiyi.

Zhou Zhutian, the master of the Zhou family, arrived at Luofuzong with a few patriarchs.

Lu Yi, the master of the Lu family, arrived at Luo Fuzong with the young chief Lu Jun.

Yu Jia, the master of the family, arrived at Luofuzong with the young patriarch.

Liu Tai’s owner, Liu Tai, arrived at Luo Fuzong with the young chief Liu Xinhao.

Xiao Can, the owner of the Xiao family, arrived at Luo Fuzong with the young chief Xiao Yang.

Qingshan Zongzong, the ancient Qingshan, arrived at Luofuzong with the chief disciple of Qingshanzong, Long Jianfei.

The black moon patriarch was black and covered with black moon, and the chief disciple of the black moon, Wu Kaiyang, arrived at Luofuzong.

One of the lords of Taiyi, Longyan, arrived at Luofuzong with Jiang Yiyan, the chief disciple of Taiyi.

Bai Shui Zongzong was a white painter, and Yan Bichen, the chief disciple of Bai Shuizong, arrived at Luofuzong.

Shanglin Zongzong, Hu Yannian, arrived at Luofuzong with Yang Xing, the chief disciple of Shanglin.

The main character of the Rune Temple is quiet, with the main character of the Rune Temple, who has reached the Luofuzong.

Zhao Huilan, the master of the mysterious palace, arrived at Luofuzong with the autumn palace flowers.

Han Dong, the head of the Tianji Pavilion, arrived at Luofuzong with the younger Han Sheng.

The main building of the Baicao Lou Mu Qingzi, with a small landlord Wen Liangyu arrived at Luofuzong.

The main island of Yiye Island called for the extension of the cloud, with the Shaodao main caller Yankuo and the practitioners hope that one of the Samsungs will arrive at Luofuzong.

There is no snow island in the main item, and with the main item of the island, the practitioners hope that one of the Samsungs will arrive in Luofuzong.

The owner of Huanglu Island, Li, is silent, with Li Shao, the owner of the island, and the practitioners hope that one of Samsung’s Du Fu will arrive in Luofuzong.

These people arrived in succession, and there were still days away from repairing the sky wall. These island owners, lords, homeowners, etc. are all people with identity, just verbally exchange some cultivation experience and trade some resources that are needed by each other. Of course, between words, I heard about what happened between Huanglu Island and Luofuzong.

Soon, things were inquired by them. Luo Fuzong did not secretly form an alliance with Huanglu Island. There is a secret transaction. It is clear that Huanglu Island relies on its own ability to repair the sky wall and to annex the mind of Luo Fuzong.

This time, the eight major families, one hall, one palace, one cabinet, the first floor, and the five major sects are rest assured, and the thoughts of watching Luo Fuzong jokes, left in Luo Fuzong.

In their view, since Huanglu Island dared to spend such a large amount of precious materials to repair the sky wall, but also dared to reach an agreement with Luo Fuzong, and openly repair the sky wall, this must be sure. Otherwise, it is not only a waste of precious materials, but also an adult.

Nowadays, Huanglu Island also publicly fixes the method of repairing the sky wall. It is not enough for An Dao to lack the realm. It is impossible to repair the sky wall by the realm of the road. It is assisted by a large amount of precious materials. This is a tricky act.

However, whether it is a trick or not, it can repair the sky wall, and Huanglu Island will win.

These days, these great masters such as the island master and the lord also studied together, and felt that with the aid of materials, there is really a great hope of repairing the sky. Therefore, most people are waiting to see Luo Xiaozong's jokes. Everyone looks at the eyes of the Luofuzong monks, which is a kind of ridicule and pity.

Only one island and two island owners are uneasy. This is not a secret transaction between Luofuzong and Huanglu Island, but the real Huanglu Island annexed Luofuzong. The strength of Huanglu Island must increase greatly, which is better than their future. There are too many alliances with the other five.

There is also a dispute of interests in the alliance, but annexation is a force.

Not to mention the minds of these great monks, and the disciples brought by these great monks are more active. Everyone knows that Luo Fuzong is over, so one by one looks at Luo Fuzong's eyes full of contempt, gloating, pity, provocation and so on. Moreover, in order to brush the sense of existence, these disciples also challenged the Luofu sect.

On the other hand, the morale of Luo Fuzong's disciples is extremely low, and his face is a panic that cannot be concealed. The strength of Huanglu Island was not comparable to that of Luo Fuzong. Even today, Luo Fuzong has a Mahayana period and a three-half-step Mahayana period. Now I have heard that my sect is going to be annexed by Huanglu Island. These people are not fools, and the fools can't enter Luo Fuzong, one of the six main gates. They all know what it means, which means that after the war is over, they will fall into the cannon fodder of Huanglu Island.

Even the chief disciple of Xu Feibai has a fluster in his heart. When he is learning from the provocative disciples, the 10% training is not enough to play 70%. It is really a lot of defeat and less morale has fallen to the valley.

However, from the level of the disciples who challenged the Luofu sects, they also saw that the strengths of the various forces are different.

Like Yiye Island, Huanglu Island and Snowless Island hope Samsung, as well as the other five major Zongmen’s chief disciples, challenged Luo Fuzong’s pro-disciples. One temple, one palace, one pavilion, and the first floor of the young Junjie challenge are the ordinary Yuan Ying disciples of Luo Fuzong. As for the lesser patriarchs of the Eight Masters, there are only the disciples of the Dandan period. As for the three islands of the Three Islands, there is no challenge at all because they are already monks.

For a time, Luofu was swaying.


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