Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 422: Qin double clearance



For nearly a month, the Qin double appeared only once. When she learned that it would take a month to repair the sky wall, she entered the town demon tower. Grinding his own realm in the town demon tower.

In the past month, the town’s demon tower has been in the past ten years, and the various repairs of Qinshuang have been completely consolidated. You can make further breakthroughs at any time.

The town demon tower is now a lush green, no longer a bare appearance. Although the fruit tree grows slowly, it is also more than two meters high, and it is a forest. The medicine garden has also been well managed by the endless moon and Feng Yan. As for the ground and the mountains are full of ordinary herbs, the piano is ready to buy some seeds of the fruit tree, and plant more on the central Lingshan.

In the northern part of the sea, various marine organisms breed very quickly, and at the seventeen-fold aura concentration, ordinary marine life has begun to be transformed into a monster, although it is only a first-order monster. The piano is infused to the town demon tower, do not hurt the monsters generated in the town demon tower.

The original five beasts have now become more than one hundred. Moreover, Qin Double was surprised to find that 18 of these beasts were promoted to second-order monsters.

"Go to borrow some points from the brothers to buy some seeds of the fruit tree and plant them on Lingshan."

Qin double ended the retreat in the town demon tower, leaving the endless peak, while passing the jade and the brothers to borrow points, while walking toward the merits.

A lake, three people are walking side by side, two men and one woman, is the chief disciple of Qingshanzong, Long Jianfei, the chief disciple of Black Moon, Wu Kaiyang and the chief disciple of Taiyi, Jiang Yiyan.

"Have you heard that?" Wu Kaiyang snorted: "There is a rumor that a disciple of Luo Fuzong, who is called the endless man of the month, is a great master."

"Giggle..." Jiang Yiyan smiled and said: "I heard that there is no joke that is better than this."

"The moon is endless?" Long Jianfei thought for a moment: "But at the time of Deng Xiancheng, the qualification superman, the month of being accepted as a disciple by Luo Fuzong?"

"I remembered." Wu Kaiyang blinked and said: "There is such a month of endlessness, that is, I don't know if it is the master of the rumor."

"Brother, you will borrow another 500,000 points, 500,000."

At this time, a woman came from the opposite side of them, while walking, holding a message about jade Jane.

"Okay, thank you brother!"

The girl put away the jade briefing, and excitedly waved a small fist in the air. The green dress of the lake set off the youthful youth and flew in the eyes of Wu Kaiyang.

"This girl is good!" Wu Kaiyang's mouth was a smile.

Long Jianfei also showed a smile: "Yes, very cute, and very British. I did not expect Luo Fuzong to have such a cool female disciple."

"Do you both think that she is a little black?" Jiang Yiyan felt a bit uncomfortable in his heart and snorted.

"Black is interesting." Wu Kaiyang and Long Jianfei said in unison, then the two men looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

Laughter alarmed the Qin double who was coming from the opposite side. I saw three people staring straight at themselves. They could not help but frown slightly. She had been retreating in the town demon tower these days, and she did not know that it happened in Luofu. I don’t know that there are so many people in Luofuzong, and she is in a good mood at this time, so she just frowned slightly and walked past the three people.

Wu Kaiyang’s footsteps were slightly wrong, and they were in front of Qin’s body. They politely bowed toward Wu Kaiyang as a ritual:

"This sister, Wu Kaiyang, the chief disciple of the Black Moon, how does the teacher call it?"

At this time, Long Jianfei and Jiang Yiyan also came over, and Long Jianfei arched his hand as a ritual:

"In the Qingshan Mountain, the chief disciple of the Qing Dynasty, Long Jianfei, this is the chief disciple of Taiyi, Jiang Yiyan."

There is a strange color in the eyes of the piano: "What are you doing here?"

When I heard the words of the piano, the three people in the opposite side also showed a strange color. Wu Kaiyang slightly sinks:

"This sister, you are not just going out?"

"Yes!" Qin nodded.

Wu Kaiyang’s three people looked awkward, and Jiang Yiyan said on the side: “No wonder you are still smiling and youthful. You still don’t know that Luo Fuzong is gone.”

"Is there nothing Luofuzong?" Qin doubled his face: "How do you say this?"

"How long have you been closed?" Jiang Yiyan's face is more intense.

"Approximately a month."

"Then you should know the bet between Luofuzong and Huanglu Island?"

"of course I know."

"This is not the end?" Jiang Yiyan shrugged.

Qin double look, then look at Wu Kaiyang and Long Jianfei, but also looked at her with a pity.

This time, Qin double finally understood, it turned out that no one is optimistic about Luo Fuzong, everyone thinks that Luo Fuzong was annexed by Huanglu Island is certain. Wu Kaiyang also sighed softly, his eyes softly looking at the piano:

"This sister, don't worry. You can quit Luo Fuzong and join the Black Moon. If you have a brother, I will not let you suffer."

"Qingshan Zong also welcomes you." Long Jianfei also smiled and said.

"Luo Fuzong will not be annexed, will inherit the ages, and will open." Qin double face sinking.

The three people gave way to let go, Wu Kaiyang chuckled and said: "The teacher and sister have not yet been invited."

The colder the piano eyes are: "The moon is endless."

"The moon is endless?"

The three people looked once again, and then Jiang Yiyan laughed out with a sigh of sorrow and looked at the piano doubles with sarcasm:

"Moon Master?"

"Is there a problem?"

The piano doubles hands and stands, the eyes become deep, and a large master's temperament exudes. This kind of temperament can only be understood and has invisible pressure. Let the three people refrain from taking a step back. Then there was a kind of shame that rushed into my heart. I actually retreated involuntarily in front of the endless moon. The three people suddenly became sharp, and they shot at the piano double like a sword.


Subsequently, the three of them were involuntarily caught. Because they saw hatred from the endless eyes of the opposite month, a kind of bitter hatred.

"How could this be? The Luofuzong's enemies should not be Huanglu Island? Why is the moon not full of hopes for the eyes of the three of us?"

"Do we have hatred?" Long Jianfei frowned slightly, and he wanted to figure out what was going on.


Qin double converges on the hatred in the eyes, becomes indifferent, just remembers the death of Wusong, her heart is more powerful, but here is Luo Fuzong, and the other three are now guests, but they are not allowed. Since it is not easy to move, there is no need to make hate and killing, so Qin double recovered introversion and indifference.


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