Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 424: Fight



“Zi Shidi has already broken through the Yuan Ying period three days ago.”

Qin Qin’s heart is stunned. Ji Tianming must have been retreating. Later, he broke through to the Yuan Ying period. Naturally, he will not fight with these knot-time disciples. However, he has not broken into the Yuan Ying period and is not qualified. Those Yuan Ying period monks played against each other.

"Xu Yi and Yuan Baiyi have some slogans. No one in the Zongmen Jiedan monk is the opponent of both of them."

Qin Shuang will look at Xu Yi and Yuan Baiyi, and Yan Xiake continues to pass the piano to the secret channel:

"Now the Zongmen people are distracted and suppressed by these foreign monks. The Zongmen is worried."

"Yue Shimei, please also teach them to teach them."

A voice came from a distance, and the piano turned to look forward to it, but it was the lei that was once defeated by himself. At this time, I saw lei looking at myself with eager eyes.

"Please ask the teacher to take a shot." A group of disciples of the knot made a bow to the piano.

"Moon Master, don't let down your expectations of the same door!" Yu Bo'an smiled at the piano.

"I am so scared!" Liu Xinhao screamed at the heart: "The Grand Master of the Moon may have to be merciful."

"Ha ha ha..."

Seven people laughed arbitrarily, and only Xiao Yang’s face was smiling. Qin double also noticed Xiao Yang. After a little thought, Xiao Yang understood that Xiao Yang was releasing goodwill to himself because of Xiao Fei’s Xiao Fei.

Qin’s eyes were removed from Xiao Yang’s body and swept to seven other people. As for the dragon sword flying them, Qin double no longer pay attention. Those people are disciples of the Yuan Ying period and will not challenge themselves regardless of their status.

"Is it my husband? I will not kill you."

Qin double said faintly, he had already learned the reason for the Qin double from Yan Xiake, knowing what he had to do, and reuniting the confidence of the disciples. The quickest and most effective way to condense Zongmen’s confidence is to defeat the challenger cleanly. And they must beat them in a high-profile manner.

When the piano is doubled, all the monks present are a glimpse, especially those of the eight major families.

The division of the spiritual forces from high to low is the eight major families of the three islands. Therefore, the six disciples have always been high in front of the eight family disciples. And in terms of strength, the eight major families and the six major sects are also far apart. As far as the disciples of the Dandan period are concerned, the eight major families and the six major sects are much worse in terms of number and strength, and only the successors trained by the whole family will be able to The six main gates are similar, and occasionally there are people who surpass the six main gates.

For example, Xu Yi and Yuan Baiyi.

These two people are able to sweep the current Luofu sects at the level of the knot.

Of course, this is also because Ji Tianming broke through to the Yuan Ying period. If Ji Tianming is still in the knot period, it is not that Xu Yi and Yuan Baiyi swept the Luo Fuzong Jiedan disciples, but Ji Tianming swept the eight major families.

However, who made the Luofuzong Jiedan disciples catch up with this season's breakthrough, the first stage of the new knot period is not enough? And catch up with the heart of the Luofu sect now, the real strength can not get 70% of the situation?

It is not unusual to be swept by Xu Yi and Yuan Baiyi.

If the Luofu sect is stable, it is not necessary to play its own level beyond the level. Only 10% of the people play the normal level, nor is it possible for Xu Yi and Yuan Baiyi to sweep.

The time to create a hero, that is, the situation of Luo Fuzong has long been Xu Yi and Yuan Baiyi.

Luo Fuzong's storms and turmoil, so that Luo Fuzong disciples in the face of Xu Yi and other people challenge, completely without the original six masters of the temperament, which makes the opponent's confidence surge, super level play. The more they play, the stronger their confidence. On the other hand, the confidence of Luo Fuzong's disciples is weaker and almost collapses.

However, today, just in the attitude of Qin double, the words of Qin double, let the disciples of the opposing parties to the opposite side suddenly returned to the past.

This should be the attitude of the Luo Fuzong disciple!



How can I think so?

Is Luofuzong today still the Luofuzong of the past?

What is the qualification of a sect to be annexed?

In particular, the patriarchs of the seven families who challenged the piano, when they reacted, their faces swelled red.

These days, they can override the Luofu sects who usually look down on themselves, and their vanity is greatly satisfied. Thoughts are accessible, I feel that I have found a chance to break through to the Yuan Ying period. Nowadays, the words of the piano are simple and simple, so that the original idea of ​​their access seems to have been locked into a cage, and the eyes of each of them look sharp. However, before they opened their mouths, they heard the piano double again:

"Go, go down the ring!"

When the words fall, the piano doubles a sleeve, and the figure rises out of the air, flying in the direction of the ring.


The figure of Qinshuang fell on the platform, and his eyes fell on the young patriarchs of the eight major families. His eyes fell on Xiao Yang’s head, Xiao Yang’s body.

"Xiao brother, but I want to learn from me?"

Xiao Yang looked a glimpse, and then there was a trace of anger in his eyes. In his view, Qin double challenged him first, that is to think that he is the softest, this is a shame to him. And she has released goodwill to her before, and the reward is so rewarded. It is really good to be deceived by people, Ma Shan is being riding!

Immediately, the figure flew into the ring and stood on the opposite side of the piano pair, arching:

"Xiao Yang teaches!"



Qin double will move into the sea in the moon in the town demon tower, and become Jin Dan, two people fighting in the ring.

Under the ring.

Yan Xia suddenly remembered that Master had told him that if he was looking for him after the end of the month, he must inform him at the fastest speed.

In fact, today, Luo Fuzong went up to the lord Yang Yingtian, down to all the elders, and his mind was anxious. Because they have not seen the moon for a long time. Since nearly a month ago, since the endless months of going to Gongdetang in exchange for a large number of seeds, it has disappeared. They also used to communicate with Yu Jian, and wanted to contact the endless month, but they could not reach it completely.

At that time, in the Qinshuang Town demon tower, the town demon tower self-contained space, isolated inside and outside, how could it be contacted?

The endless evangelization of the month is that he is the great master of the peak, and it is clear that the An Dao can not repair the sky, which has contributed to a horror gamble, and then disappeared.

This makes Yang Yingtian and others not anxious?

With the three islands, five sects, eight sects, one hall, one pavilion, one palace, the first floor arrived one after another, this anxiety is getting stronger and stronger, and the days of gambling gambling are getting closer and closer, only three days, Yang Yingtian’s hair is a lot white.


Seeking a monthly ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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