Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 425: Let's go together

At this time, in the hall of the proceedings.

Luo Fuzong's lord and the three elders sat in the main position and made a smile, but there was anxiety floating between the eyebrows. Three islands, five sects, eight big families, one hall, one pavilion, one palace, the first floor people sitting on the guest seat, but they smiled. If you just look at the look of Luo Fuzong and their people, it seems that they are the masters of Luo Fuzong.

An Dao’s face lacks a sardonic color: “Yang Zongzhu, what is the grandmaster of your ancestral hall? Why haven’t you seen her for so long? Isn’t it going to break through the peak of the Grand Master? Ah hahaha...”

"Hello hahaha..."

"Hello hahaha..."

Within the hall, I remembered the sound of ridicule, without any disguise, and the taunting eyes looked directly at the four people of Luo Fuzong.

Yang Yingtian’s eyes are filled with anger, but more are worrying and worrying. The endless months are so quiet that they are really afraid of the endless things.

The irritability and anxiety in my heart can be imagined.

At this time, listening to the ridiculous laughter in the entire hall, the four people's heads were stunned and almost violent. At this time, the communication jade hanging between the mountains and the mountains was shaken. Wanzhongshan took down the jade, and the gods explored it. The look is a joy.

At this time, the eyes in the entire hall gathered on the face of Wanzhong Mountain. Yang Yingtian saw the joy on the face of Wanzhong Mountain. He asked:

"Master Shi?"

"The endless is back."

Yang Yingtian, Zhang Zongzheng and Chu Yunwen listened, and the spirit was a revival. That Chu Yun is hurriedly asked:

"where is she?"

"He is discussing with Xiao Yang, the young chief of the Xiao family."

Xiao Can's face is a change. After he came to Luo Fuzong, he once saw his son Xiao Fei. When he heard that the moon was endless, it was the rumor of the great master. Then he went to see Xiao Fei and asked about the endless moon. The sect of the guru. Xiaofeizi Xiaofei said firmly to Xiao Can, if it is the endless month to admit that he is a great master, then it must be true.

Although Xiao Can still has doubts in his heart, he is not as arrogant as other strengths. And Xiao Xiaoyang converges on himself. Don't be guilty of offending Luo Fuzong, everything depends on the results of this shocking bet.

Therefore, at this time, he heard Xiao Yang actually hit the endless moon, and the heart could not help but hang up. At the same time, Yang Yingtian has stood up and has a smile on his face:

"Look, let's go out and see."

Everyone is very interested in the endless moon, and they want to know what kind of person is endless this month, so they all get up and walk outside the hall.

Under the ring.

The monks of Luo Fuzong looked nervously at the platform. This time, the entire Luofuzong had already been alarmed. Not only the disciples of the Yuan Ying period came, but the elders of Luo Fuzong also came under the ring. The monks of the foreign forces are also paying attention to the piano doubles on the ring. In particular, the patriarchs of the seven major families, they will go to the stage and the piano for a while. Of course, those of Long Jianfei are also concerned.

In the crowd, three people faintly looked at the staggered figure on the ring. These three people are the stars of hope in the practice world, and the ink is free, like snow and cuckoo. The three people are now the eighth peak of the Yuan Ying period. Ink from the eyes of the eyes, a slight disappointment in his eyes.

"Du Shi brother, this is your optimistic month is endless? Very general."

Hair like a snow like a white hair, standing there, emitting ice cold, the look on the face is also like ice jade, the eyes of the ancient wells without waves. Du Fu is a faint smile:

"That's because there is no end to doing all the power."

Long Jianfei and others have revealed their contempt in this gaze. This month, Endless and Xiao Yang have played dozens of rounds, but they still have no wins and losses. It’s this repair, I really don’t know where she came from. Confident and arrogant?

The young patriarchs of the seven families all looked relaxed at this time, and even began to point to the two people who fought on the battle.

Listening to the ridiculous ridicule of the seven family patriarchs, the face of the Luo Fuzong monk is extremely ugly, the color of the face is more and more intense, spreading a pessimistic mood.

Suddenly, the people under the ring turned to look at the direction of Luofufeng, and spread a strong atmosphere from there. Then I saw Yang Yingtian and others flew over here, and then stood in the air and looked toward the ring below.

"Hey..." Yu Wenhao couldn't help but smile: "This is the strength of the great master of the month? Ha ha..."

When the people saw the two men who had played against each other in the ring, they could not help but shake their heads. Xiao Can also frowned, listening to his son Xiao Fei said that the endless month is a genius of cultivation, once asserted that Xiao Yang is not the enemy of the endless three strokes. But now it seems that two people are playing against each other. This can not help but let Xiao Can completely doubt Xiao Fei's words, how can this month be endless is a great master?


At this time, the double figure of the piano drifted away, and he withdrew from the battle circle, and turned to the opposite Xiao Yang:

"Xiao brother, how are we tied?"

At this time, the anger in Xiao Yang’s heart disappeared. Through almost a hundred strokes of research, although he felt that Qin double is difficult to overcome himself, but he also knows that he wants to defeat the moon is impossible, and the tie is also a good result, so he confessed:

"Right on my mind."

When two people stopped, Xiao Yang flew down the platform, and Qin’s eyes swept to the patriarchs of the seven families, faintly said:

"You seven together."


Everyone is a glimpse!

What did she say?

Let the young patriarchs of the seven families come together?

She can't even beat a Xiao Yang, let the young patriarchs of the seven families come together?

Almost all of them are surrounded. In addition to Wanzhongshan, Xu Feibai and Yan Xiake have several people who know the true strength of Qin Double, and their looks are unchanged. The rest of the people have changed their looks.

The monk of Luo Fuzong looked like a madman and looked at the piano.

The foreign forces are watching the doubles like a fool.

Xiao Yang, who had just finished the match with Qin, was there.

Xiao Can in the air is a flash of gaze, and there is a thought in his heart that is even unbelievable.

Isn’t the endless month just not doing all the power?


Finally, the young patriarchs of the seven major families reacted. For a moment, the heart was filled with the feeling of being humiliated. Xiao Jia ranked at the end of the eight major families, and Xiao Yang’s combat power was also the weakest among the eight of them. Nowadays, you can't win even Xiao Yang, but you have to challenge our seven joint hands with your own strength?

Mentally handicapped?



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