Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 433: Thoughts of all parties



Yan Xiake went to the piano pair and came to the front of Qin Double. Rao was the peak of his late infancy. At this time, a group of incarnations, distractions and Mahayana monks also made his heart very nervous.


Qin double took out a storage bag and handed it to Yan Xia: "Senior brother, here is the remedy to restore the sea. From now on, every half hour, feed me one."

"Good!" Yan Xia took the storage bag carefully, took a jade bottle from the storage bag, and held it tightly in his hand.

Qinqin once again explored the power of the sea into the space in the sky wall, and began to check the symbols one by one. This look, let Qin double know how much difference between a late Grand Master and a top-level master.

Every symbol has its own shortcomings. That is to say, in the case of Qinshuang, each symbol is not perfect. In the perspective of Qinshuang, if the perfect symbol is very good, then the sign of An Dao is only six points.

“How can the gap be so big?”

The piano double thought a little, and the heart understood.

This world has its limitations. After all, in the three thousand worlds, it is a smaller world, and the inheritance is very incomplete. The piano double is different.

She got the most complete inheritance from the blood piano space.

Qin double does not know, the inheritance of the **** piano to her is even more than the inheritance of the fairyland ninety-nine, all deep. Because that is the myriad of Gorefiends, more than the inheritance of countless billions of years of plunder, the **** piano has been left to the piano double. The sturdy foundation of the piano double, the broadness of the piano double, the depth of the piano double, is it comparable to a person in this world?

Don't talk about the world, not the three thousand worlds. Even if the piano double goes to the fairy world in the future, if you can comprehend these inheritances, it is also a top presence in the fairy world.

However, since then, Qin double knows that it is impossible to take shortcuts. It is necessary to disassemble each symbol and then reorganize it.

Although she saved a process of refining and chemical materials, and because the repair of An Dao is higher than the Qin, the refining materials are still very pure, so that the Qin double repairs the sky wall more than a grasp.

However, the disassembly of the symbol is not as easy or even more than the refining material. Take a deep breath.


Qinqin began to carefully disassemble the symbol, and after disassembling a symbol, he reorganized the symbol. When she reorganized a symbol, she had a slight regret in her heart.

Her reorganized Fuxi did not reach the perfect state, only reached an eight-point degree. She knew that this was because she did not cultivate the knowledge of God.

Of course, if she cultivates her knowledge, she does not need materials at all, and she can repair the sky wall only by the realm of the peak.

Each time the piano double reconstructs a symbol, it guides it to the position where it should exist on the sky wall, and all eyes are focused on the sky wall.

There is tension, there is no disdain.

The people of Luo Fuzong are nervous, and other people are disdainful, even the monks of Huanglu Island. Because no one is willing to believe that a young man who is less than 21 years old will be a great master.

Moreover, in their eyes, Qin double is still a person who does not use materials to repair the sky wall. If it can repair the sky wall, does this mean that Qinqin is a great master?

How can this be?

Therefore, they are waiting for the piano to double out, then Li Wusheng is always ready to slap a dead piano pair.


On that day, the wall began to glow gradually. Although the light was very light, it proved that the piano pair was repairing the sky wall, and they also saw a symbol on the crack of the sky wall, which complemented the broken symbol, and the crack disappeared. It is.


real or fake?

Is she really repairing the sky?


This is impossible!

She just repaired a crack. The previous An Dao was repairing all the cracks. Didn't it all collapse?

I am afraid that the piano pair is not as good as the Andao...

Do not!

Absolutely not afraid, but certain.

Fix less than a third...

Do not!

Less than one tenth...

Do not!

Less than one percent will definitely collapse.

The peak of the trial peak is quiet, everyone's energy is concentrated as never before, and the eyes are all gathered on the sky wall, observing the slight change of the sky.

One by one, the cracks were repaired, and the sky wall had recovered by one percent.

"One percent!"

There was a glimmer of hope in the eyes of the monks of Luo Fuzong, and the monks of other forces showed a hint of gloom.

"It’s just one percent, it will collapse soon.” One foreign force is secretly in the heart.

Yan Xia’s nervous calculation of time, half an hour passed, and hurriedly took out a weak water Dan, carefully sent to the lips of the piano pair, the piano double mouth swallowed the weak water Dan, the consumption of the sea Force to recover quickly.

"One in fifty."

The Luofuzong disciple held the fist tightly, and there was a expectation in his eyes. The monks of other forces had a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Li’s silent look has a hint of dignity.

There is a trace of embarrassment in the lack of An Dao.

Li Che’s eyes, the owner of the island of Huanglu, flashed a stern look.

Du Fu's eyes became complicated.

"One in twenty."

In the eyes of the Luofuzong disciples, there was a thirst for hope, and the monks of other forces showed a complex color in their eyes. No one thought that the piano will persist until now.

In the eyes of ink, there is a color of interest.

The snow-like eyes are still not well.

The sky is already dark, but for these monks, there is no difference between it and the day, and the changes in the sky can still be seen clearly.

Qin's forehead has begun to seep out sweat, constantly consuming the power of knowing the sea, and constantly replenishing the power of the sea, which has strong requirements for the stability of the sea.

Even if the piano doubles nowadays the space width and stability of the gods, and constantly consume and supplement, it also makes the Qin double's knowledge of the sea still faint.

"One tenth."

The monks who tried the peaks of the whole experiment unconsciously put the breath light.

The thirst for the eyes of the Luofuzong monks has disappeared, and the tension is replaced by it. Each nerve is tight.

The look of Changyun and Xiangbaiji became dignified. They have already begun to consider how Qinqin should get along with Luofuzong once he really repaired the sky.

Is looking for an opportunity to kill the piano, or with Luo Fuzong, and the piano double good.

And Li Wusheng has already faced the water, and the hatred of Huanglu Island and Luofuzong has been settled and it is impossible to recover. Huanglu Island once wanted to annex Luofuzong. Even if Huangluo remedied it, Luofuzong could not forget all of this. Therefore, Huangluo Island and Luofuzong will be a situation of mutual struggle in the future. Although in the big situation, it is impossible for the two sides to openly fight, but in the dark, it will certainly be intrigue and kill each other.


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