Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 434: Crazy



Li has made a decision in his heart. Regardless of whether Qin Double has finally repaired the Tianbi, she must die with the qualifications and talents of Qin.

Li Che’s gaze showed a sense of play. With his unclear understanding of his father Li, the piano was dead. As long as she leaves Luo Fuzong, Li Wusheng will certainly send someone to kill her.

He could have thought of how Du Fu could not think of it. He looked at the back of the piano pair, his face showed a voice of regret, and his heart sighed.

An Dao was mad at this time. He studied for a lifetime, and for hundreds of years, he only cultivated to the late Grand Master. How big is Qinqin now?

Not yet twenty-one years old.

If Qinqin can repair the sky wall, what has he done in his life?

He has begun to doubt life, doubting whether the road he has cultivated before is correct, the demons are breeding a little bit, and their minds are gradually becoming confused.

The moon is born in the sky.

The piano has already repaired the sky wall by one-half, and the light on the sky wall is getting more and more full. The back of the piano double is soaked and the face becomes pale.

The pattern on the sky wall is completed a little bit, and the crack is reduced in a single line.

Fixed two-thirds.

Fixed four-fifths.

At this time, the piano double has been like being fished out of the water, and his face has become extremely pale. But the monk of Huanglu Island was paler than her. Because the piano double has repaired the sky wall by 80%. As long as it does not collapse like the wall that was previously repaired by An Dao, the repair of the sky wall will be successful.


Qinqin spit out a long breath and his body slammed. Yan Xiake hurriedly reached for the piano pair and whispered:


Qin double communicates with Tianbi in the power of knowing the sea: "The sky wall, the remaining ones that have not been decomposed, you will save it for me first. When I break through to the magical period, I will definitely come and repair you completely." ”

"Thank you!" There was joy in the voice of the sky.


Qinqin spit again and took the jade bottle from Yan Xia, took out two weak water suits, and sat down on the floor, closing his eyes.


Wanzhongshan, Yangyingtian, Zhang Zongzheng and Chu Yun’s body shape swept, and they came around the Qinshuang, laying a four-image array to protect the piano pair. At the same time, I looked at the sky with my nervous eyes, and prayed that the sky would not collapse.


The light of the sky was so strong that it began to converge gradually, and everyone’s eyes showed a nervous color.

Some monks are afraid of the collapse of the sky, some monks are praying for the collapse of the sky, and some monks are simply affected by the atmosphere, pure tension.

The light finally converges on the last trace, and the sky wall restores simplicity. The peaks of the trials were silent, and they were either afraid or waiting for the shattering of the "scratch" that came from the sky.


I am dying.

Two interest rates.

Three interest rates.

One quarter of an hour.

Two quarters of an hour.

There is no cracking sound, except for the 20% unrepaired sky wall, the repaired part has not collapsed.

"We...had it succeeded?" Yang Yingtian was so excited that he was shaking.

"Successful! Really successful!"

Wanzhongshan is full of excitement, and Zhang Zongzheng and Chu Yun and other elders are old and tearful. Xu Feibai and other disciples are cheering. The monks of foreign forces are facing each other.

“What a great master?”

"And it's still a great master! Otherwise it is impossible to repair the sky without materials!"

"After the emergence of the Mahayana period, Luo Fuzong appeared again, the grandmaster of the peak, Luo Fuzong to rise! Blocks can not stop!"

Hu Yanyun only paused for a moment and then walked toward the piano. Wanzhongshan and Yangyingtian immediately showed their alertness in their eyes. After the call for the extension of the cloud, Xiang Baiji also stepped toward the Qin double. This made Wanzhongshan and others more nervous, and the cheering Luofuzong disciples also calmed down, and all of them set their eyes and looked forward to the extension of Yunyun and Xiangbaiji. This is the first time that the Yuan Ying period monks dare to look at the Mahayana monks. However, at this time, no Luofuzong disciple retreated.

Li Wusheng flashed a stern color in his eyes, and also walked toward the piano. The look of Wanzhongshan and others suddenly became dignified, and the palm of his hand could not help but sweat.

"Moon Master, congratulations!" Hu Yanyun stood two meters away from the piano double, said the spring breeze.

"Moon Master, congratulations!" Xiang Baiji also smiled.

"Thank you!"

Qin double is very calm. When she called for extension of Yun and Xiang Baiji, she decided that two people were not coming to kill her. On the one hand, there is no murderousness on the two people. The piano is not weaker than the soul of both of them. If the other party’s heart is killing, she will not be aware of it at all. On the other hand, she believes that the other party is still afraid to shoot her at this time, because she has shown that the identity of the Grand Master is too sudden, and the other party has not yet prepared for a full-scale war with Luo Fuzong. In the third aspect, the current situation has also made it impossible for the other party to make such unwise actions. Before the war, the stability of the practice circle was first. Therefore, when Hu Yanyun and Xiang Baiji issued a goodwill, Qin double responded first.

Hu Yanyun also smiled toward Wanzhongshan: "Wan Shidi received a good disciple!"

"Hehehe..." Wanzhongshan was so relaxed that the whole person was excited again.

"Yang Zongzhu, Luo Fuzong's future is like a brocade!" Xiang Baiji also said with a smile.

"Hehehe..." Yang Yingtian was also excited to know only laugh.

At the end of the scene, Li’s silent voice is a meal, and his face becomes more ugly. However, he also understands that this loss is fixed, just thinking about holding his nose, showing the bulk of the atmosphere, and then leaving. In his heart, it is believed that the extension of Yun and Xiang Baiji must be the same. After all, suddenly there is a sect of the future that may compete with the three islands for the benefit of the Zongmen, and it will not be comfortable to extend the cloud and the project.


He did not think that the two people who extended the cloud and Xiang Baiji were not coping with it, but presented a true congratulation.

This is too unexpected!

The accident made him suddenly react, but he instinctively stopped.


There was a spurt of sound not far from them, and the eyes of everyone were attracted to the past. I saw that An Dao’s lack of eyes became lost, and the face appeared crazy, dancing and screaming:


"This is absolutely impossible!"

"You can't be a great master!"

"I am the great master of the peak!"


"I'm the!"

"Ha ha ha..."

An Dao suddenly went crazy and ran toward the trial peak. A big monk also broke a dog to eat, then climbed up and ran wildly down the hill.


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