Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 435: Diverse



"An Shidi!"

Yu Wenhao was swept away and chased the past with An Dao.

"He's crazy……"

This was the voice of someone at the place, and then everyone's eyes were "squeaky" on the face of Li Wusheng. Li’s silent face “Teng” became red. Looking at the double eyes of the piano, the eyes of the murderous and killing eyes flashed. In the end, I still didn't lose my senses, but I wouldn't congratulate the piano again, and I slammed my sleeves and swept toward the mountains.

On the mountain peak was a quiet, everyone looked at each other, but then there was a "bang" and it was warm. The other five, one hall, one pavilion, one palace, one hall and eight big families, but no Li silently left the bottom of the air, whether it is from the heart or the surface pretend, all come up to Qin double, Xiang Luo Fuzong congratulations.

However, these people did not have a face to remain in Luo Fuzong. After congratulations, they left. Qinshuang with the lords and elders, will send away one guest, and this time, Qin double is the master of the peak, the news that has repaired the sky, has been spread to all corners of Luofuzong, the entire Luofuzong broke out The landslide tsunami is generally cheering.

Above the sea.

A flying boat flies in different directions.

Inside a flying boat.

The eight family clan gathered together, and Xu Dan looked uncomfortably to Xiao Candao: "No brother, you are not authentic."

Xiao Can's face is incomprehensible: "Xu brother, why come here?"

"Did you know that the endless moon is the great master? And, do you know that there is no invincible under the moon?"

"How can I know?" Xiao Can's face was wronged.

“Hey!” Liu Tai snorted: “If you don’t know that the moon is endless, you’re so lucky, why is your son so rude to the moon? Why is it in the ring and the moon is endless? Was it a tie? And the seven patriarchs of our family have been hit hard by the endless months? You don’t think your son is as strong as the endless strength of the month, can you beat our seven young patriarchs?

"This..." Xiao Can smiled bitterly: "I really don't know, let's say it again. When the endless month is the great master of the road, I told you that you should not look down on the moon. At that time, you are all What expression? Laugh at me?"

The seven family clan looks awkward, Yu Wei Shen said: "But you also say that one sentence? Know the truth of the facts, but perfuse us, are you deliberate?"

Xiao Canyi also fired and squinted: "I know what facts? Are you a dog?"

"Who are you?"

"What are you doing?"

"Okay!" Lu Yi stopped the two people's quarrel: "Xiao Can, can you talk about your endless understanding of the moon?"

Xiao Can snorted: "I don't know much more than you. You all know that my son Xiao Fei is in Luofuzong. At the beginning, he was Luofuzong who entered with the endless moon, and the relationship between the two is not bad. So, the biography When the endless month is the news of the great master, I went to ask Feier. Feier told me that although he didn’t know if the moon was endless, he was a great master. But as long as he couldn’t admit it, he believed. I also told me that the endless cultivation talent of the month is terrible. Therefore, I reminded you of one sentence and reminded Xiao Yang to see the endless hours of the month, to converge, not to be easily offended.

You said, I only got this news from Feier. It is good to remind you that it is a good one, and you are also ridiculed by you. What do you want me to do? ”

The seven patriarchs were silent and half-sounding, and Lu Yi said: "We have offended Luo Fuzong this time. What do we do?"

“What can I do?” Xu Dan sighed. “Although we did not really have a conflict with Luo Fuzong, only some disciples between the disciples and the Luofuzong disciples, and because our disciples are low, they are only offended. Luo Fuzong, a disciple of the Dandan period. We prepared some gifts and then went to visit Luofuzong, presumably Luo Fuzong did not account for it."

"The only way!"

The seven patriarchs were ugly, only Xiao Can looked calm, but his heart smiled. This time, Luo Fuzong and his party, only their Xiao family did not target Luo Fuzong, it can be said that they have obtained the friendship of Luo Fuzong. The most important thing is that his son Xiao Fei has won an endless friendship for the month, which has a profound impact on Xiao Jiacai.

On another flying boat.

One hall, one palace, one cabinet and the helm at the first floor sat together. The four people talked about what happened to Luo Fuzong in a word, but the look of four people is much easier than that of the eight major families.

"I didn't think that the endless month is really a great master of the pavilion!" said Bai Qinglou Mu Qingzi.

"Yeah, such a young one is a great master of the peak." Fu Wendian thought quietly bitter.

"We seem to have offended Luo Fuzong this time?" Tianfangge Han Dong slightly frowned.

"We are not too guilty." Xuanyuan Gong Zhao Huilan said with a smile: "We were not very involved in the struggle of the practice world, so our disciples did not do too much in Luofuzong this time, and we did not I have been ridiculed by Luo Fuzong. The most important thing is that this time, I laughed at Luo Fuzong, and it was almost the entire practice circle that Luo Fuzong offended. Luo Fuzong did not dare to offend the entire practice circle, so we have no four complaints against Luo Fuzong. Luo Fuzong can only choose to pay, so we go back, what should we do?"

"That is also true." The other three people nodded.

The white-water paintings of Baisong Zongzong and the Shanglin Zongzong master Hu Yannian were sitting in a flying boat. The look of the two people was somewhat complicated. To say that this time the least ridicule of Luo Fuzong, the smallest is the two sects. Because the two of them saw the situation that Luo Fuzong was persecuted by Huanglu Island, and there was a sad thought of rabbits in the heart.

Can Huanglu Island swallow Luofuzong, can't it be swallowed up by Lin Zong and Bai Shui?

Even if Huanglu Island does not annex, but an island? No snow island?

And even if the three islands did not annex, the Authentic Alliance lost the Luofuzong, only two of them, can still resist the three evils?

Therefore, when they were in Luofuzong, they were suffering. There are rabbits who are dying of foxes, but there are also struggles to find new ways. In order to please the Three Islands, they have also made some things for Luo Fuzong.


Who can think of it, Luo Fuzong not only came over, but also left Huang Ludao an adult.

So two of them have a question in front of them, how to choose?

There is no possibility of cooperation with the three evil sects. The two sides have been hostile to tens of thousands of years, and they have cooperated with the three evil sects, and they may have been left with slag. In this way, there are two choices left, one is to completely rely on one of the three islands. One is to continue the alliance with Luo Fuzong.


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