Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 436: Three possibilities of Luo Fuzong



"Bai Shimei, what advice do you have?" Hu Yannian looked at the white painting sitting opposite.

The white-browed eyebrows are gently wrinkled and sinken. "How do we choose to rely on one of the three islands, who can guarantee that we will not be swallowed up in the end? The previous three islands have the intention of annexing our six, so we The three sects of unity, not only to deal with the three evil sects, but also to resist the Three Islands. The same is true of the three evil sects, and once faced with the three islands, we have to give up the grievances and join together. So, I still The tendency is to form an alliance with Luo Fuzong again."

Hu Yannian nodded and said: "I mean this too. Not to mention, we have not dismissed the alliance with Luo Fuzong, but this time, although it is not down to the ground, it is more or less offensive to Luo Fuzong, we need to come up with some Sincerity."

"Yes!" Bai Yin painted a sigh: "Let's go back and prepare some gifts, visit Luo Fuzong again. And the war with the warrior continent is about to begin. We must be more united than before, and we need to Luo Fuzong discussed in detail. Just..."

"What is it?"

“Is it just that Luofu Zong will forgive us?”

“Yes!” Hu Yannian firmly pointed out: “The Luo Fuzong has seen the majestic monk of Wanzhongshan, and there is still the end of this month. This is not enough to resist the Three Islands. So they need allies. Just this The three of our alliances, the status of our two books has to be reduced, and the leader is undoubtedly Luo Fuzong."

"That is also stronger than the Three Islands. After all, our three alliances have been in alliance for more than 10,000 years. It is difficult for Luo Fuzong to swallow our determination. Moreover, the strength of Luo Fuzong does not have the ability to annex us."

"Okay, that's it."

In the direction of flying to Mishima.

On an island-shaped flying boat, Hu Yanyun and Xiang Baiji sit opposite each other. Xiang Bai Ji slightly frowned:

"The mainstay of Huyan Island, the momentum of the rise of Luo Fuzong has already emerged. Perhaps after the war in the mainland of the war, the power to divide the interests will become four, and we really watched the rise of Luo Fuzong?"

"What about not doing this?" Hu Yanyun said faintly: "The war is about to open now. At this time, stability is higher than everything. Once our three islands join hands with Luo Fuzong, the hearts of the entire practitioners will be dispersed. Lose. And..."

Speaking of this, Hu Yanyun smiled thoughtfully:

"There will be four major forces in the future."

“Hmm?” Xiang Baibao looked awkward: “Please also ask the Taoist to solve.”

"Do you think Li Wusheng will let Luo Fuzong pass? Or do you think Luo Fuzong will forget the hatred of Huanglu Island?"

"You mean?"

"Oh..." Hu Yanyun’s gaze became deep, as if he had crossed the time and space and saw the future: "They will fight together, and in the future, there is endless possibilities. When we are behind us, Push it, so the results are likely to make us happy."

"What kind of result would it be?"

Hu Yanyun indulged in a moment: "One result is that Luo Fuzong's heritage can not be compared with Huanglu Island, and eventually Luofuzong was destroyed by Huanglu Island."

"Is this the result? Maybe Huanglu Island has the upper hand, and Luo Fuzong becomes the second-rate sect."

"No!" He said, extending the tone of the cloud.

Xiang Bai Ji only thought a little, and his heart would be amazed. Huanglu Island and Luofuzong have become deadly enemies. It is only because the war is about to start, but also to avoid the island and the island without snow, Huanglu Island has endured it.


It is inevitable that the two sides will fight against each other in the future, especially in the chaotic years after the opening of the war. Both sides have numerous opportunities to hang each other. Once this kind of battle is over, it will not be cleaned up. There must be one party failing, and once a party fails, its end will come.

Don't think that those in the practice world are fools, and don't think that those people are good people.

Once the battle between Huanglu Island and Luofuzong, even if it is secretly secreted, it will be concerned by all parties. Once a party fails, for example, the power of Luo Fuzong falls to the second-class Zongmen, without the use of Huanglu Island, the three evils will be shot, maybe Lin Zong and Bai Shui Zong will be on the Luofu Zong. Not to mention, one hall, one pavilion, first floor, one palace and eight big families, and countless second-rate sects, one bite a bite, Luo Fuzong even the **** is left. Want to understand this, Xiang Baiji's face also showed a smile:

“How likely is it?”

"This possibility is very high. I think there is 80%. What do you think?"

"I also think there is 80%."

"Ha ha ha..."

Two people laughed loudly, and after the laughter was finished, Xiang Baiji asked: "Is there any other possibility?"

"Yes!" Hu Yanyun nodded: "The second possibility is that Luo Fuzong has an adventure, and finally defeated Huanglu Island, so Huanglu Island will disappear in the practice world. These two possibilities, whether it is Which one, still maintains a three-point world, will not be the fourth. However, I think this possibility is only 10%.

The third possibility is that Huanglu Island and Luofu Zong have lost both sides! ”

Speaking of this, Hu Yanyun has some kind of screaming: "There will be no more Huangluo Island and Luofuzong in the practice world. There are only two islands in this world."

Xiang Baiji’s gaze is also a fierce flash. He knows very well that once Huangluo Island and Luofuzong fight with both sides, not only will Yiye Island be decisive, but he will not let this opportunity without Snow Island. When the line of sight touches, without language, it has already formed an alliance. Once there is a situation of both losses, the two islands will completely kill Huanglu Island and Luofuzong, and divide the island.

"Just..." Xiang Baiji shook his head and said with a smile: "Is this possibility the most?"

"Not bad!" Hu Yanyun nodded: "The biggest possibility is that after the war started, Huanglu Island defeated Luo Fuzong."

Xiang Baiji completely relaxed at this time: "So, we don't have to pay attention to Luo Fuzong."

"Of course, you don't have to pay attention!" Hu Yanyun said with a disdain: "Don't say that there is still Huanglu Island, even if there is no Huanglu Island, even if we ridicule Luo Fuzong, for Luo Fuzong, he still dare to retaliate. ?"

"Of course they don't dare!" Xiang Baiji laughed happily: "They have to give us gifts, don't ask us to support him Luo Fuzong, just ask us to stand by."

"a ha ha ha……"

Luo Fuzong.

Luofu Peak.

The main hall of the proceedings.

The lord Yang Yingtian and all the elders are sitting in the main hall. Within this hall, the worst is also the period of the gods. At this time, the lord and the elders are no longer a look of excitement, but The dignity of the face, the atmosphere in the hall is a little heavy.


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