Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 452: Out of the Red Sea



"Oh..." Qin double smiled two channels: "But, in my eyes, there is no difference with the three wastes."


The piano has a pair of arms, and the ancient rattan tied to her body is broken, and the eyes of the monk opposite each other are suddenly enlarged.

"how is this possible?"

"Nothing is impossible!" Qin said coldly: "Forgot to tell you, my body strength has reached Wu Sheng."


Qin's right foot squats on the ground, the earth is shaking, centered on the right foot of the piano, the earth is cracked, and the shape of the double piano is like a popular general toward the opposite monk.

The distance of five meters is too close. Even if the other party has been on the alert, I have not thought that the piano will smash the ancient vine so easily. I have not had time to react, and I feel that my chest is like a mountain. With the sound of broken bones, the figure of the monk flew out like a projectile.


Several large trees were broken in succession. The body of the monk fell to the ground and the entire sternum was completely broken. The seven cockroaches kept squirting blood, and they saw that there was only gas and no inhalation.


The figure of the piano double fell in front of the monk and looked down at him. The monk looked at the piano double. Just opened his mouth and wanted to say something. Then he squirted blood donation, his eyes filled with the color of grievances, mixed with blood donation, and spit out several words intermittently.

"Huanglu Island... will not let you go... nor will it... let go of Luo Fuzong!"

Qin double swayed Jin Pengjian to smash the other's head in half, and broke the other's knowledge of Hailian.

The figure was swept around, and the scorpion returned to its original position. There were four storage rings in the hand, and the four storage rings were searched for one side, and the face was bright.

Among the four storage rings, there are a lot of medicinal herbs suitable for the monk and distracted monks, as well as some herbs and ores, especially the harvesting stones. The collection of the monks and the distracted monks is different. A total of thirty-two pieces of the best spiritual stone, more than 4,000 pieces of Shangpin Lingshi, 50,000 Chinese spirit stone and more than one million lower spirit stone were harvested.

Qin Double took out the eight jade slips that had been inlaid on the old trees from the storage ring. After inspiring a jade slip, the jade simply released a light curtain, and the light curtain showed the double and the Luo Dodge. Wait for the monks to talk and kill them. Putting the jade simple, Qin Qin’s heart is somewhat regrettable.

"Unfortunately, the time for collecting jade slips was earlier, and the scene after the appearance of the monk in Huanglu Island was not recorded. But..."

Qin Shuang's gaze looked through the layers of red clouds to the direction of Qingshan Zong.

One and a half months later.

Qinqin walked out of the Red Sea, but not on the mainland of Bihai, but on the side of Luofuzong. That is to say, Qinshuang did not go to the direction of the mainland of the warrior, but returned to Luofuzong.

Looking back at the Red Sea, I remembered the first time I crossed the Red Sea. At that time, Wanzhongshan protected herself with a group of elders of Luofuzong. At that time, my cultivation was still low. And the elders who are very good at themselves are killed in the hands of the three evils because they protect themselves.

At this moment, the scene of the death of Wuhuan is still in front of her eyes. She still remembers that she faced a glimpse of the Ukrainian material and her own vows.

Qin Double regained his gaze and looked at the direction of San Xie Zong, the nearest Qingshan Zong from the Red Sea. He whispered in his mouth:

"Aoyama, I am here!"

The body of Qin double suddenly burst into a powerful momentum, and the red sea behind her was provoked by her momentum, swaying the red waves of the sky.

At this time, the momentum of the piano pair is much stronger than that of a month and a half ago. This one and a half months is not all on the road. It is directly from the center of the Red Sea. It takes half a month to repair the martial arts. For the rest of the month, Qin double broke through in the Red Sea.

At the time when the endless peaks were comprehending the sword field and the starry sky, all the aspects of her cultivation had reached the critical point of the breakthrough, but she was temporarily suppressed by her, and the piano double killed the three evils and Huanglu Island. After the monk was killed, he chose a hidden place to start a breakthrough.

Ruijinwudao did not have the help of Jinpeng Nei Dan, but relied on the two-grained Jindan, coupled with the pure and powerful spiritual help in the town demon tower, so that the Qin double only broke through two small steps in a row, reaching The fourth floor of Emperor Wu. Fadao Xiu also reached the fourth floor of the knot period.

Xuan Shui Wudao has the pure and abundant spiritual help in the dark and inner Nei Dan and the town demon tower. However, after the last trace of the dark and inner Nedan is consumed, it has broken through three small steps in succession. The martial arts repair is a breakthrough to the martial arts ninth. Layer, the law is repaired as a breakthrough to the seventh floor of the knot.

The Fenghuo martial arts repair is relatively high. Under the help of the pure and abundant spiritual power of the two-patterned Chilongdan and the town demon tower, the martial arts repair finally broke through to the first floor of the Wushen, and the legal road repair also broke through to the Yuan Ying period. level one. And her wide range of knowledge has reached the level of distraction.

At this time in her Dantian.

The flesh is in the center of the body, the body is completely gazing, and the whole body is glowing with copper, like a copper man. Around her are the Fenghuo Lingli Wuxiang, Xuan Shui Lingli Wuxiang and Ruijin Lingli Wuxiang.

The azure Xuan Shui Wuxiang and the golden light of the Ruijin Wuxiang have already had a charm, like a small version of the piano double, that Xuan Shui Wuxiang is much richer than Rui Jinwu, full of spirituality.

The spirit of the phoenix fire martial arts, at this time the body of the phoenix fire martial art continues to exude the divine nature, a fascinating phoenix fire divine spread from the body, expanding beyond Dantian, one circle after another Circle, the fire and phoenix pattern at the eyebrows is more and more flexible, like a fire phoenix reborn.

It’s just that the phoenix fire of the circle and the circle is suppressed by the piano. According to the practice of the Fengfeng Collection, the Qinshuang should guide the divinity of the martial arts in Dantian. Entering the sea of ​​knowledge, and then constructing Zifu in the sea of ​​knowledge, when the construction of Zifu is completed, the Fenghuo Wu will be distracted and enter the Zifu, leaving a projection in Dantian, which is called the ancient period. Distraction period.

However, the piano does not dare!

She did not know what would happen to her knowledge of the sea once she did so.

Therefore, she only suppressed, waiting for her to have a better understanding of her physical condition, and further understanding of her own practice of cultivation, dare to try.

However, it is not an easy task to suppress the cultivation. The expansion of the phoenix's divine moment has put her in a pain.


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