Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 453: Brave Aoyama



In her knowledge of the sea.

The merits of the merits stand in the center, and there are four layers of sharp gold and golden dragons floating around it. Around the golden jindan, six Jinpeng feathers and one hundred and eight small feathers, such as the same handle, Jinjian Surrounded by Ruijin Jindan, the gold that was released by Ruijin Jindan was warm and refining. Like a nebula that surrounds a star.

On the seventh floor of Jiedan, Xuan Shui Jin Dan is surrounded by eight water thunder beads, like eight stars of a star.

Feng Huo Jin Dan has broken Dan Cheng Ying, turned into a phoenix, and squatted on the body of the phoenix.

Looking up, I saw a cloud of white clouds between the clouds, and Qin Qin knew that it was a monk who came to the Red Sea. Qin double slightly thought about it, released the flying boat, entered the flying boat, and flew in the direction of Luo Fuzong.

Within the boat.

The piano doubled and looked at his own nod, slightly frowning.

Within the Dantian.

Fenghuo Lingli Wushu held the dragon sword in both hands, and the phoenix fire of the circle and the circle spread to the outside, and was suppressed by the double.

Sighing with a sigh, Qin double entered consciousness into the sea, and his mind was moved. The six Jinpeng big feathers appeared in front of the piano pair. Under the constant warming and refining of the piano, six golden swords were formed. . The piano double swayed and pointed at the six-handed sword.


The six-handed sword combines a giant sword. Qinqin reached out and took the giant sword in his hand, and his face showed a satisfactory color. As soon as the mind was moved, the golden sword regained the knowledge of the sea and was divided into six long swords, surrounded by Ruijin Jindan. After the mind was moved again, one hundred and eight small feathers appeared in front of the piano doubles, and the piano doubled and slammed.


One hundred and eight shank relatively small golden short swords merged into a golden sword. The piano doubled out and held the big sword in the hand, and the face once again showed a satisfactory color. When I thought about it, I took the big sword into the sea and turned it into a hundred and eight short swords around Ruijin Jindan.

"This Jinpeng Jianwei can not be weaker than the Dragon Sword~!"

Qin double looked at the body of the fire phoenix, thinking about it, the heart secretly:

"When you return to the mainland of the warriors, you will go to Fengming City and let Fengming refine a mirror of yourself. When you can copy the heavenly pattern of the fire and phoenix into the mirror."

The speed of the flying boat was extremely fast. In less than three days, the piano double returned to the front of the mountain gate of Luofuzong. Put away the flying boat, the figure fell in front of the mountain gate.

"Mr. Sister!"

The eyes of the piano were swept away by the eight monks guarded at the door. The eyes fell on a female repair, with a smile:

"How does this sister call it!"

The face of the woman’s repair showed an excited color: “Mr. Yue, my name is Xu Jinglei.”

Qin double took seven jade slips from the storage ring and handed it to Xu Jinglei: "Xu Shimei, you have to hand over the seven jade slips to the lord. You can go to the elders of the outer door and tell the elders of the outer door. This is what I entrust you to the Sovereign."

"Yes!" Xu Jinglei took over seven jade slips with excitement.

"sorry to bother you!"

"No trouble! No trouble!"

The piano nodded twice, turned and swept a stream of light disappeared. Between the two, I came to the sea and sacrificed the flying boat to fly in the direction of Qingshan.

"Wait for Xu Jinglei to hand over the jade to the lord one by one, I should have already reached Qingshan Zong! Qingshan Zong, take your sword."

Qingshan Zong.

A figure fell in front of the mountain gate. In front of the mountain gate, the eyes of eight Qingshan ancestral disciples gathered at the same time on the body of Qin Double. They saw a strange female repair, and the face was beautiful, and there was a hint of evil laughter on the face.

"This sister, but come to join the Qingshan Zong?"

The piano is in the two-way with the eight outer door monks fanning out, and a large handprint is condensed in the air.


Eight external monks were fanned out, and blood was ejected in midair, and they were fainted before they landed. This is still the Qin double to keep hands, I feel that I have killed the outside disciples, and some can not get rid of the hand, otherwise this palm will explode eight Qingshan ancestral disciples.

Qin doubled to the Qingshan Zongxing, but just a huge roar, alarmed the Qingshan Zongwai door, a strip of people rushing toward the mountain gate.

Not bad!

It is the rushing, the layout of each sect is the same, the outer door is at the outermost part of the sect, and the disciples in the outer door are at the outermost periphery, so the Qingshan sects who rushed to the piano at this time are all The disciples of the day after tomorrow, even if the sword is flying, they can only run on the ground.

However, everyone’s momentum is very fierce, and they are far away from the piano.

"Who? Dare to create Qingshan Zong!"

"Luo Fuzong, Qin double!"

The piano double condensed and screamed, and the sound was far away from the Qingshan sect. At the same time, the body shape was vertical, and it was like Jinpeng’s swaying. The dragon was out of the body, and the figure was like a streamer, and the men were no longer merciless because they rushed over. There are so many monks, there are thousands of people in the place, and there are people constantly coming from all directions. Qingshan Zong and Luofuzong are similar. Qinshuang knows that there are nearly 30,000 disciples in his post. If he keeps his hands, I am afraid that I have not entered the Qingshan Zongmen, and I am exhausted by these people.


This is a kind of method that Qin Shuang once learned in the relics of the ruins of the martial arts in the mainland. It has not been used yet. At this time, it is precisely for this group attack situation.

When one palm hits, eight dragons rush out, and wherever they pass, the broken limbs flutter, and thousands of people are smashed out of the eight **** passages. twenty two

The piano doubled and slammed out the dragon's palm, and each palm blew eight dragons.

In the meantime, countless dragons fluttered, and the disciples of Qingshan Zong’s day-to-day disciples in front of the dragon’s paws did not have the slightest resistance, and they fell in pieces. The Qin double did not slaughter their desires. Her figure quickly rushed forward, and there was a dragon around the body, like a long river running fast, and the figure quickly approached the disciple disciple area.

"So strong!"

The monks who came to the doubles of the piano, slowed down one by one, and some stopped, and looked at the doubles in the middle of a strip of dragons with fear.

"Who is this guy?"

"It seems like listening to her own voice is a double!"

"Qin double? The one of Luo Fuzong?"

"Is this Luo Fuzong going to fight with Qingshan Zong?"

"No, it seems that she is alone."

"Only she is alone, how dare she come to create our Qingshan Zong?"


There were a lot of people flying in the sky, and the piano double screamed, although it was impossible to pass to the core area of ​​Qingshanzong, but the disciples in the refining period heard that there was no problem. At this time, there was a flying weapon in the sky. During the refining period, the monk covered the sky and covered the sun. More than 10,000 refining monks quickly flew toward the double side of the piano, screaming for the first monk:


"Qin double!"


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