Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 460: Talk



"The rumor is like this!" Another monk said: "It is said that when the moon is inexhaustible to kill the Qingshan sect, it is already the first layer of the Yuan Ying period."

"Hey, this month is endless is a freak! She entered Luo Fuzong in just three years. Just from the refining period to the Yuan Ying period, we are not living the dog on the age."

A group of monks were stunned and sighed.

"No!" A monk suddenly said: "Even if she is a Yuan Ying period, it is impossible to destroy the Qingshan sect! Don't say that the Qingshan sect has a distraction period and a great monk in the sacred period, that is, a few hundred infancy disciples siege The moon is endless, will the endless moon be smashed into slag?"

"Oh..." A monk smiled and said: "You don't forget another identity that is endless in the moon."

"What identity?"

"The peak of the great master!" The monk's tone is full of excitement: "Do you know what a peak master means? The entire practice world does not have a peak of the great master, even if it was the original practice. One person, Master Sima Da, is just a late stage. The endless month is to use the 箓 箓 to destroy the Qingshan sect. This is our pride."

Another monk couldn't see the monk's madness, and he sneered: "The endless moon is the relationship between the great master and you. You are just a school division, and there is no difference between the moon and the moon."

"No matter how low I am, the endless month is the pride of our business, hehe!"

"So, the Qingshan sect is really endless to kill?" A monk said thoughtfully.

"It’s really possible to think of the endless character of the moon and the great master."

An unspeakable voice came: "Even if she is a great master of Fu Daofeng? Can the Grand Master of the Tao Dao be able to destroy a sect?" I see that this month is endless is the cancer of the practice circle. Is there a sense of security? What are the rules? I think the practice circle should issue a summons order, and the encirclement month is endless."

"Hey!" The sorcerer said with anger: "I know that your brother is in Qingshanzong. It is likely that he has been killed by the moon. But you can't talk nonsense because of death. Qingshanzong, Heiyuezong and Taiyi sects If a man stabs the endless moon, he will not allow the moon to endlessly revenge?"

"How do you know? You see Qingshan Zong, Black Moon Zong and Tai Yi Zong to assassinate the moon is endless?"

"You don't even know this?" The singer first gave a contemptuous look, and then said: "According to those who survived the death of the Qingshan Zong, the first month of the month, a jade is released in Qingshan. The curtain recorded the scenes and words of Qingshanzong, Heiyuezong and Taiyi sects who had assassinated the piano pair. And it was more than this jade. According to rumors, the moon was left to the seven jade slips of Luofuzong. After Qingshanzong was annihilated, Heiyue Zong and Taiyi requested the three islands to go to Luofuzong to plead guilty, but when Luo Fuzong released the seven jade slips, the three islands and two of them left their faces. Luo Fuzong I have already copied the seven jade slips and told the world that I will not be able to use them for a long time. We will see them here."

"I don't believe it!" The monk said: "What does this have to do with the black moon and the Thai one? The Qinsong is the Qingshanzong, how can the black moon and the Thai one ask the three islands to ask Luo Fuzong? Three islands really went with two, even if the month is not reasonable, the three islands and the two will leave with a gray face? If Luo Fuzong is one of the six, is it a bigger ant in front of the three islands? The departure of the gray-faced face? What is the face of the three islands? Do you believe in this kind of hearsay? It is really mentally retarded."

"You are mentally retarded!" The sorcerer despised: "Do you know what it means to be a great master? Even if the island of Mishima wants to go to Qingshan, it will not be easier than the moon. Theory On the other hand, as long as there are enough signs in the end of the month, the three islands are not opponents. This is the reliance of Luo Fuzong, this is the place where the Three Islands are jealous."

The monk could not help but close his mouth, but another monk thought and said:

“Is this not to say that the endless month will be very dangerous?”

"What is the danger?" the scholastic teacher said faintly: "The power of a great master, you are not able to imagine people who are not studying the law. It is said that the first month was endlessly accepted as a disciple by Luo Fuzong. When I went to Luofuzong, Qingshanzong, Heiyuezong and Taiyizong sent a distracted monk to assassinate the moon, and also killed an elder of the Luofuzong, and swear by the soul at the end of the month. Qingshanzong, Heiyuezong and Taiyi, revenge for the elders of Wuhuan. Now Qingshan Zong has been destroyed, and the moon will go to Heiyue and Taiyi in the morning and evening, and the two will be destroyed."

A monk shook his head and said: "It's not as easy as you think. If, as you said, why did the moon endlessly wipe out the Castle Peak, but did not go to the Black Moon and the Thai one?"

"You know why?"

"The endless death of Qingshan Zong can be said to be a sneak attack. If Qingshan Zong is prepared, the result is really hard to say. Let's take a piece of Taizong. It is said that Taiyi has a treasure of Zhenzong, you know what it is. ?"

"Glass robes?"

"Not bad!" The monk nodded. "It is said that the glazed robes are antiquity things that can withstand the attack of the peak of the Mahayana period. The endless month is only the first layer of the Yuan Ying period, and the only one that relies on it is the symbol. When there is no way to paint a glaze, a monk can be killed by a monk.

Let's talk about the black moon, you should all know the black moon squad of the black moon. If you let the black moon squad be prepared, first of all, if you have a black moon, you may not have a way to go. I think this is the reason why the month is endless and I dare not go to Heiyue and Taiyi. However, as you said, the endless month of this loyalty to the peak of the Grand Master is indeed a shock to the practice world. As long as the moon is endless, there is no dare to blatantly target Luo Fuzong. However, no one is willing to be shocked, especially the black moon, who has endless enmity with the moon, Tai Yizong and Huanglu Island. How can these three forces be willing to live under the threat of endless months?

Don't forget, the moon is endless. Although it is a great master, it is only the first layer of the Yuan Ying period. If you give the moon an endless growth time, let the moon grow endlessly, and you will practice it in three months. The qualifications of the Yuan Ying period do not need to break through to the Mahayana period. Once it breaks into the distraction period, leaving the Huanglu Island, the black moon and the Thai one are dangerous. ”


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