Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 461: Endless and Qin Double



The monk glanced around and saw everyone listening, his face smug, and continued:

"So, Black Moon, Taiyi and Huanglu Island will not let the moon grow endlessly, and the endless months are really dangerous!"

The double heart in front of the shelf is a shock. She really doesn't know that Taiyi has a glazed robes, and Black Moon can lay a black moon. Once again, I thought of the Qingshan sect's Taoist rituals, and the heart was oozing a layer of cold sweat.

I am afraid that it is exactly what the monk said. Because of the raid on the Qingshan sect, the Qingshan sect was not prepared, and the Qingshan sect was also contemptuous of himself. He did not expect that he would sacrifice a large sword, which made him happy. The Qingshan Zong was destroyed.

After she killed Qingshanzong, she did not immediately go to Heiyuezong and Taiyi. It was not because she lost the opportunity of the raid, but because there was not much left in the sword, only five major masters and the remaining The swords of the twenty-eight masters, these swords are not sure to destroy the black moon or the Thai one, which temporarily gave up revenge, ready to join the war. Today, I heard the monk’s words, and I was glad that I did not go to Heiyue and Taiyi.

As for the monk said, she will always be in danger. She has already prepared, and she still has a sword charm on her body. At this time, the monk over there started talking again.

"I remember that there was a warrior called Qinshuang on the mainland of Wushu who came to us on the side of the mainland. I heard that the woman’s age is similar to that of the moon, but she killed two Qingshanzong distracted monks at sea. If it weren’t for the loss of two distracted monks, Qingshan Zong would not be so easily destroyed by the moon."

"Yeah! According to the news from the mainland of the warrior, the piano is very powerful, with the repair of the Valkyrie, and the establishment of an empire, known as the Moon Emperor. Once killed many countless demons, known as The first person in the martial arts mainland."

On the other monk's face, there is not only the color of worry: "The young man in our practice seems to be weaker than the piano. It is said that I hope that Samsung, like snow, ink and Du Fu are now in the Yuan Ying period. The repair of the eighth layer of the peak is still too weak compared to the piano pair. But their age is bigger than the piano!"

"It's like snow, ink is pure and Du Fu is just the star of hope, their glory is in the future. Now the chief disciple of Mishima, Hu Yankuo of Yiye Island, Li Che of Huanglu Island and Xiangxue of Snow Island All three can be the cultivation of the gods, and the three of them are the generations corresponding to the piano. It is not unusual to kill a **** of war with the attack power of our law."

"But their age is a lot bigger than the piano?"

"Isn't it much bigger? It won't be more than ten years old?"

"Don't forget that the moon is endless!" The fuss teacher said: "The moon is endless and wants to kill the piano, as long as a simple symbol."

"Let's talk about the real thing! The road is just the right side of the door." The monk said before.

"Say well!" Another monk also said: "I don't mean to discriminate, but after all, it is not the true strength of the monk. If the piano has a defensive means, for example, a treasure similar to a glaze, In the end, everyone relies on their own cultivation. From this point of view, only the first month of the Yuan Ying period is endless, even Samsung is not as good as it is, it is far from the opponent of Qin double, and now can fight against the moon emperor. Only Hu Yankuo, Xiang Wendao and Li Che three."

"Yeah, I hope that the three of them will be able to sigh for the practice community. Our practice circles will soon have to touch the mainland of the warriors. When they are not, they will occupy the gimmicks of the younger generation."

"I still support the endless month!"

"You have no reason to support this. She is just the first layer of the Yuan Ying period. There is no comparability with Qin Qin." The monk who had been arguing with him sneered.

"Is there a time when we collided with the mainland of the warrior? If the moon is endless, since it can be cultivated from a refining period to the Yuan Ying period in three years, how do you know that after a year, the endless moon is not a magical period. ?"

"Oh..." The monk smiled and said: "You think more, practice can be described as one step is more difficult than one step. How much is the whole spiritual world? How old is the age of the gods? How long is the age of the gods? Admit that she is talented, but more because of the low realm, Yuan Ying period is also a disciple category, but want to enter the magic period, that is the elder. Why is the separation between the gods and the Yuan Ying period as a separate elder The boundary between the disciple and the disciple is because it is a hundred times more difficult to break through the realm of the Yuan Ying period. Do you really think that the endless month can break through the period of the gods in one year?"

The school teacher did not speak. In fact, after his words were exported, he regretted it. How can a monk on the first floor of the Yuan Ying period cross the period of the gods in a year?

The monk saw that the teacher did not speak, and his face showed a pleasing color:

"In my opinion, it is good to be able to reach the peak of the early Yuan Ying period in that month." Moreover, now she is in crisis, Black Moon, Taiyi and Huanglu Island will never let her go. Whether she can live for a year is still unknown."

The piano double walked toward the door, and all that was heard was heard. She did not think that her identity has been so famous, not only spread on the mainland of the military, but has spread to the practice world. And by destroying the Qingshan sect, his endless name has also risen in popularity this month. Nowadays, the strongest young man in the practice world, there is no doubt that the chief disciple of the Three Islands, Hu Yankuo, Xiang Wendao and Li Che. The star of hope is also the ink from the three islands, like snow and cuckoo, you should only be counted as a new star!

As for the dangers mentioned in the monk's mouth, there is nothing in the heart of the piano. Where is the piano double not dangerous? In the practice world, there are these enemies of Huanglu Island, Black Moon and Taiyi. In the mainland of the warriors, there are enemies such as the Yaozu, the Mozu and the Wuzong Palace. Qin double has become accustomed to it, and it is precisely these strong enemies that make the piano double full of forward momentum.

Qin double quickly left the coastal city, released the flying boat, after entering the flying boat, called Feng Yan out, and then handed the sea map jade to Feng Yan, let her drive the boat to find the best volcano And she entered the town demon tower and began to cultivate.

After a year of rushing in the town demon tower, Qin double spit out a long breath, ended the retreat and decided to take a short break.


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