Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 462: Epiphany



Suddenly her heart moved, she thought of the time flow of the town demon tower, his cultivation in the town demon tower, will affect his body?

That is to say, the past day of the town demon tower, the inside is one hundred and twenty-eight days, then the piano double cultivation in the town demon tower for one hundred and twenty-eight days, his body will be old one hundred and twenty-eight days ?

Qin double immediately checked his bone age and found that the bone age is still 21 years old. He couldn’t help but feel a long sigh of relief. It seems that this town demon tower has no effect on his age, although he did not want to understand the reason, but this No doubt is good news.

After thinking for a while, Qin double left the town demon tower. In this year's cultivation in the town demon tower, the piano has been refined in all aspects, such as the power of the soul, the power of the sea, the spiritual power and so on. What she needs at this time is no longer a retreat, she has accumulated all kinds of connotations, but she needs to practice and sharpen. Therefore, after the town demon tower, Qin double will let Feng Yan drive the flying boat to find the volcano, and she herself began to hunt all aspects of the sea monster beast in the deep sea.

Qinqin stood on the sea, the flying boat in the sky has become a light spot, Qin Double took his eyes back, watching the white tiger, a white tiger was formed by the power of the sea, the piano stepped on On the white tiger body, the right hand Jin Pengjian, the left hand touched the road, and rushed to the sea monster to kill the past.

From this moment on, the piano double entered into the painstaking temper.

After the power of Ruijin’s knowledge of the sea was consumed, it was replaced by the Xuanshui method. In the year of the town’s demon tower, Qin double ate a lot of bigmouth fish, accumulated thousands of teeth of largemouth bass, and usually warmed up. In the knowledge of the sea, when the power of Xuanshui is used, the right hand will make the fangs of the bigmouth fish, and the left hand will release various shuishui method. After the power of Xuan Shui knows the sea, it will be replaced by the Fenghuo method. The right hand dragon sword, the left hand release the Fenghuo Tao method, the phoenix fire to understand the power of the sea after consumption, they take the weak water Dan, while changing to use the martial martial killing monsters, and even the Confucianism and Taoism are also released.

In the evening, the piano double lie on the surface of the sea, looking up at the starry sky and comprehending the starry sky.

After the extremely hard, even cruel January honing, Qin double felt that his various aspects of cultivation have faintly reached the critical point of breakthrough. And not only that, her various aspects of the law and martial arts also have a long-term improvement, and a large number of monster body thrown into the town demon tower, she has a feeling of faintness, not far from the town demon tower next closure It is.

Especially at night, looking up at the stars, the understanding of the starry sky is deepening.

This day.

Qin double lies on the sea, looking up at the stars, watching the stars run, and the law of the stars.

Suddenly, her heart moved, she remembered a sentence she had learned when she participated in the imperial examination.

"Being a heart for the world!"

At that time, the Qin double had only a superficial understanding of the universe and the universe. Although it was proposed to stand for the heavens and the earth, there was no deep understanding and no specific direction.

However, after watching the starry sky for this month, the law of the starry sky made her suddenly have a kind of enlightenment.

For the sake of heaven and earth, it is not really true for the world, but to look for the heart of heaven and earth, and then to see the world, to see the heart of heaven and earth in the body, and then to think in the body based on the heart of the world. Out of the universe of heaven and earth, this is the true interpretation of the universe and the universe.

So, is there heaven and earth?


At this moment, the spirit of the piano double heart surged.

The heart of heaven and earth is the origin of heaven and earth, or the origin of the universe, just like the human heart.


The heart of the piano doubles, and the golden bucket in the heart of Haoran turns, the night of the starry sky suddenly brightens, and the golden starry force falls down, wrapping the piano double lying on the sea, that It is a pure golden awe-inspiring spirit. It enters the body of the piano and flows into the heart of the piano. It forms a golden vortex on the golden bucket. The vortex rotates, gradually forming a drop of Haoran liquid at the bottom of the funnel. Dropped in the golden bucket, the illusory guqin above the golden bucket also has a hint of solidity.


The starry sky trembles, and the stars of various colors fall down, sinking into the golden glory of the wrapped piano, making the gas that surrounds the piano double, the various auras, and some mysterious energy. The body of the piano is diverted in her body, and some enter the heart of Haoran, some sink into Dantian, some enter the sea of ​​knowledge, and some sink into the soul space.

For the sake of heaven and earth, to find the origin of the heavens and the earth, this is a deep level of understanding. It is the level of the world of the warrior continent. I am afraid that no one in the past can understand this level. This level requires a very high level of human resources. This is a comprehensive foundation. A certain degree of people, but also have to meet a certain opportunity to meet.

From ancient times to the present, I am afraid that the world of the mainland of the warrior has never been so complicated.

Law, martial arts, Confucianism, Fu Dao, Yi Dao, Dan Dao, Dao Dao, Dao Dao, Yin Dao.

If you learn so much, if you have a general understanding and a superficial understanding, it is a matter of learning. This is also a place that has always been criticized by monks and warriors. Once someone is like this, they will be reprimanded as high-minded and unruly. Because people's energy, understanding and time are limited, how can they rely on their own mechanics?

However, no one knows that the law, the martial arts, the Confucianism, the Fu Dao, the Tao Dao, the Dan Dao, the Kui Dao, the painting and the sound path are all branches derived from the origin of the Tao.

The world is the authenticity of the world because of its own cultivation, and it is also fighting for the orthodoxy of the avenue. The most typical one is the dispute between the law and the martial arts, which has been disturbing hundreds of thousands of years.

What they don't know, however, is that any road that they regard as orthodox is a branch of the avenue of heaven and earth. It is not impossible to have a branch, but it is not impossible, but it is minimal. Although all the roads lead to the road, but the glimpse of the leopard is ultimately too restrictive. Only by letting yourself jump out of the limitations, and from all aspects of the levy, can we have a chance to derive the origin of the world.

Qinqin is doing such an unprecedented thing.

Because others don't have enough time, after all, there are countless people's longevity, that is, using a lifetime of energy to comprehend a kind of Tao may not be able to comprehend transparency, let alone comprehend a variety of avenues?

However, Qin double does not have this problem because she has a town demon tower. In the past day, the town’s demon tower has been in the past 128 days, so in theory, Qin Shuang’s life is one hundred and twenty-eight times that of others. In theory, when others comprehend a kind of Tao, she can comprehend one hundred and twenty-eight.


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