Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 464: Under the crater




Qin double one robes sleeves, fell at the foot of the volcano, looked up at the volcano, and saw a lot of people standing on the shadows. After a slight movement, he flew up over the volcano. When I saw my eyes, I saw hundreds of people standing around a crater. I didn’t even have a place to stay. At this time, the monks around the crater also looked at the piano in the air.

She did not stop in the air at all, and swooped down toward the crater. Because Feng Yan has told her that the monks who are qualified to compete for the four-leaf Cabernet Sauvignon have entered the crater. The monks who stayed outside the crater were some people who watched the excitement or wanted to miss it.

The fact that the piano does not care about them does not mean that these hundreds of people allow the piano to enter the crater. And seeing the piano is very strange, but also a young woman. They are not qualified to go on, so what does a woman go on?

At the moment, there is a mid-infant monk who shouted: "Return!"

As the storm screamed, a flying sword fell to the piano and mercilessly fell.


The piano double screamed and screamed, like a plucking piano, and the flying sword creaked and flew out.

Fu Qin refers to!

"Puff puff……"

Qinqin double's Fuqin refers to the sharp after the flying Feijian, the midfielder's middle-aged monk's eyebrows, the heart and Dantian each have a blood hole, the eyes are shocked, and gradually lost their spirits.



Hundreds of monks attacked the past with the double-downed piano. The time, the various spirits, and the various Taoist methods gathered from the four sides of the piano.


A violent drink was interrupted from the double-space of the piano, but it was wrapped in the sound of the soul. Hundreds of monks will feel the sea screaming, and they will not be able to sustain their imperial spirits or release their spells.

Those spirits lost control and fell toward the crater. The spells were only half-split, and they did not wait until they were formed.


The shape of the piano double rushed into the crater, and on the volcano behind it, hundreds of monks were silent and silent, and all of them showed their fears toward the gradually smaller back.

If Qin Qin doubled that they were not prepared, they knew the sea and attacked them. I don’t know how many of them can survive.


Qinqin fell to the bottom of the volcano, below is a boiling magma river, standing on the river bank at this time a dozen people, Qin Qin can not help but enjoy a lot of people, she knows a lot.

The chief disciples of Mishima, Hu Yankuo, Xiang Wendao and Li Che are all there, and Xu Feibai, including now only five of the chief disciples are there, there is a temple, a pavilion, a palace, The people on the first floor, the rest of the people do not know the piano, but the body exudes a strong atmosphere, has a magical period, and even two distracted monks.

Qin double is looking at them, they are also looking at the piano double. But no one knows the piano pair. Qinshuang’s gaze looks toward the magma river. He sees a red-red rock in the middle of the magma river. There is a red-red plant on the rock, with four leaves and each leaf. Like the color of the clouds, it is the four-leaf Cabernet Sauvignon.

"This sister, how do you call it?" At this time, the chief disciple of Yiye Island, Hu Yankuo asked to the piano.

Qin double looked at him faintly, and then looked at the four-leaf Cabernet Sauvignon.

"Hey!" Hu Yan snorted and his face was gloomy: "I don't know how to lift!"

Swinging a punch against the piano double bombardment, the air condensed a huge fist, blasted the air, issued a dense and continuous "squeaky" sound, instantly reached the front of the piano. Qin double right hand to the back to explore, holding the sword of the dragon sword, and the sheath was taken down, volley a little, it was placed in the center of the big fist.


The huge fist stopped in the air, and was easily cracked by the ground in the sheath of the double sword. It cracked toward the cracked place and finally burst into flames. Qin double handed the dragon sword to the left hand, faintly looking at the exhalation.

Hu Yankuo's eyes are slightly shrunken, and the face sinks like water. Pulling his hands in front of him, he pulled out a huge wind blade. In the heart of the piano, she did not think that Hu Yankuo actually cultivated the mutated attribute and the wind attribute.

"go with!"

Hu Yankuo screamed, and a huge wind blade split the air, with a sharp whistling sound, whistling toward the piano. The piano has a scabbard in his left hand and a thumb on the top.


A sword screamed, and the blade was opened one inch by the double thumbs of the piano. A touch of starlight poured out from the scabbard.

Star Sword: Starlight shakes.


The magnificent starlight spurred out, and now that the piano has an understanding of the starry sky, the release of the starlight does not know how many times higher than before. The most important thing is that at this time, the piano double is released by the martial arts to release the starlight. Although it does not want to expose its own strength before competing for the four-leaf Cabernet Sauvignon, it will lead to unnecessary changes, and it will not make full effort. One inch, but the huge wind blade released by Hu Yankuo was also shaken by the stars in an instant, becoming fragmented and spurting around.

The starlight has not faded, and rushed toward the volatility. The exhalation is the property of cultivation, and the figure is blown away like a wind. It avoids the starlight of the piano pair, and the eyes are exposed to taboo.


The piano has a double thumb and a one-inch sword into the sheath. I took my eyes back from Hu Yankuo and looked at the four-leaf Cabernet Sauvignon in the middle of the magma.

Hu Yankuo stared at the time when the piano had four feet, and finally resisted the runaway. In the heart:

"No matter who you are, waiting for me to finish the four-leaf Cabernet Sauvignon, then pack you up."

The people around them looked at Qinshuang's eyes with a hint of jealousy. Before the four-leaf Cabernet Sauvignon matured, no one would be willing to provoke the piano to be such a dark murderer, so as not to cause unnecessary incidents. So, one by one, they all looked away and looked at the four-leaf Cabernet Sauvignon in the middle of the magma.

As a master of alchemy, Qin double is very familiar with herbs. Just take a look and know that this four-leaf Cabernet Sauvignon will mature in two days. In these two days, no one will compete for this four-leaf Cabernet Sauvignon. After looking around, I walked to a place far away from everyone, sitting cross-legged.

While monitoring the dozens of people with the power of the sea, I use the power of the soul to think about all aspects of my life.

There are endless months of the road, and now it is already the master of the peak. There is Fengming in the aspect of the road, and Feng Ming has slightly communicated with it. Fengming has been immersed in the comprehension road these days. He is only in Fengming City, without the help of Tianzhu, and without the help of the town demon tower. Today is only the second-class master of the road. There is Fengyan in the frontier, Fengyan has the help of the town demon tower, but there is no guidance from the sky wall, but it is only on the basis of his own exploration, but it has become a five-level master. On the contrary, Dan Dao, who is practicing by Qin, has fallen behind. This is also because there are too many aspects of Qin’s practice, and there is only a small amount of time to study Dan Dao. So now she is only a Dan Dao level master. .


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