Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 465: Four-leaf red grass



"It seems that I will pour some time to study Dan Dao in the future."

Qin double thought a little, now she has reached the critical point of breakthrough in all aspects, not only does not need cultivation, but also needs to suppress, just wait for this four-leaf Cabernet Sauvignon, then break through. Therefore, at this time, there is no need for cultivation, and the Dandao inheritance in the seven-string space is transferred and begins to be carefully read and comprehend.

The dozens of monks saw the piano double sitting down and closed their eyes. In the case of such a strong enemies, Qin double dare to do so, there is only one explanation, that is, Qin double has confidence, these people can not hurt her, this can not help but let these dozens of monks feel jealous.

However, everyone knows that there is only one four-leaf Cabernet Sauvignon, and there is no possibility of alliance. It is impossible to join hands with the piano for one person. One by one, staring at the four-leaf Cabernet Sauvignon, thinking about the countermeasures.

I spent two days in the silence.

This day.

Qin double quietly opened his eyes and looked at the four-leaf Cabernet Sauvignon in the center of the magma river.

At this time, I saw the four leaves of the four-leaf Cabernet Sauvignon, and rose up the magnificent cloud. This is the sign that the fourth leaf of the four-leaf Cabernet Sauvignon grows completely. When these rising clouds dissipate, it is When the four-leaf Cabernet Sauvignon is truly mature, the next step is to slowly grow toward the five-leaf red radish grass.

More than a dozen monks on the edge of the magma river were tight, and while they were ready to pick up the four-leaf Cabernet Sauvignon, they were prepared to guard against other people, only to wait for the rising clouds of the leaves to dissipate, which is their hands-on.

These people also gave a little energy to the piano, but what they didn't understand was that the piano pair was still sitting cross-legged in the distance, as if they didn't want to join the competition. This not only made a dozen monks feel a sinking heart.

Is it true that Qinqin is thinking of playing the oriole?

Waiting for myself to wait for someone to fight for a few losses, she is good for fishermen?

This time, they let them hesitate. After a while, when the four-leaf Cabernet Sauvignon is mature, do you want to grab it immediately?

In fact, Qin double did not have the idea of ​​fishing for the benefit of the fisherman, but she knew that, like this kind of heavenly treasure, how could there be no protection of the beast?

It is said that protection is somewhat incorrect. It should be said that there is a monster waiting for the four-leaf Cabernet Sauvignon to mature and then eat it.

She has carefully observed that there are no traces of fighting here, that is to say, these dozen monks have not fought with the monsters. In the past two days, there have been no monsters. There is only one result, that is, the monster that waits for the mature of the four-leaf Cabernet Sauvignon is very well hidden, so that the monks have not found it at all.


The cloud began to dissipate, and the eyes of the piano swept over the dozens of people, and they did not mean to take the lead. Although Qin double can feel that a dozen monks have given a bit of energy to focus on themselves, but more energy is looking for what is in the magma river around the four-leaf Cabernet Sauvignon over and over again.

The piano has a clear heart. It seems that these dozens of monks also thought that there would be a monster to guard the four-leaf Cabernet Sauvignon. When the monster did not appear, they did not dare to shoot easily.


Two interest!

Three interest!

One quarter of an hour!

Two quarters of an hour!

Three quarters of an hour!

The underground world is a heavy stagnation. Only the sound of the magma river flows. From time to time, a flame is rushed out of the magma river, and a "beep" sound is emitted. The hot air drives the air to flow, blowing four pieces of the four-leaf Cabernet Sauvignon. The leaves sway gently, like four pieces of color.

The three islands and those large, including one hall, one pavilion, one floor, the first house, the monks of the first house have not moved. With the inheritance of these people, it is determined that there will be guardian monsters in the magma river. This is the Zongmen Library. Do not have any luck in repeating the record.

However, the scattered or small sects or small families are different, their inheritance is very incomplete, and the experience is not enough. Although I also know that there will be monsters guarding the heavens and earth treasures, but after waiting for so long, there is no slightest movement, so they have a lucky heart in their hearts.

A great monk who was a god, his eyes could not help but gradually flashed. The eyes quietly swept through the crowd, then quietly moved and chose a self-planned angle. At this angle, he rushed to the rock, picked up the four-leaf Cabernet Sauvignon, and immediately fled to the upper valley.

In fact, everyone found his move, and as long as he was not a fool, he could see his plan, but no one would pay attention to him. No one even looked at him. Everyone made a fascinating search for the magma river. Without seeing his appearance.

These people can't wait for the great monk to pick up the four-leaf Cabernet Sauvignon, and bring out the monster. Just take the monster out of it, as long as you can see the monster, each of them has confidence and kills him. It’s just that there’s no trace of the monsters, and that’s where they have a headache. Now that I found out that the act of the great monk of the gods, I still don’t know how to cooperate with him.

It’s just that there is sarcasm in one heart.


At this time, the idiot was still complacent, and the heart was also mocking the dozen monks.

"It’s a bunch of fools, but I didn’t even find out what happened!"

At this time, he had already come to his planned position. He once again quietly glanced at the dozens of monks and found that the dozens of monks had no idea to come to him. His mouth could not help but show a trace of sarcasm. As for Qin double He didn't pay attention to it. A person who is so far away from the four-leaf Cabernet Sauvignon does not need attention.


He took a deep breath and moved all of his life to the peak, and his body swept toward the rock in the magma center.

The speed is too fast!

In the air, only a vague image can be seen. The figure of the great monk of the gods has come to the sky above the rock, and the knees are bent.

The probe was to pick up the four-leaf red radish grass. The knee was bent to pick up the four-leaf Cabernet Sauvignon. Then the feet slammed on the rock, and the figure would shoot out like a sharp arrow. He firmly believes that even Two distracted monks, at that moment, may not be able to stop him.


The magma churned, and a large head appeared on the magma river. A large mouth was opened, and the lower body of the great monk was bitten in the mouth. He slammed into the magma river and disappeared. not see.

More than a dozen people know the power of the sea, or the gods quickly capture the monster, in the force of the sea of ​​the piano, it is a crocodile-shaped monster, the body is red, full of more than ten meters long, and that The crocodile-shaped monster is gradually disappearing in the sea of ​​the piano, but it disappears without a time of three.


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