Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 466: Bait



Qin double's face once again, searching in memory, eyebrows are a pick. She remembered that when she was looking for secret information in the Luofu Zong Library, she had seen records of similar monsters. This kind of monster is called a hidden crocodile. It is a kind of monster that can hide itself in the power of the sea or in the knowledge of the sea.

"No wonder they can't find them all the time."

The piano double wrinkled its brows. At this time, the hidden crocodile had disappeared into the force of the Qinshui, and it could not be found. It’s too dangerous to have such a monster that you can’t find but don’t know when it suddenly pops up.

The piano has some headaches, and the dozens of monks have the same headache. One by one, they frowned and thought about it. With the hidden crocodile, they couldn't pick the four-leaf Cabernet Sauvignon, and the hidden crocodile didn't know what was going on, nor did he go to eat the four-leaf Cabernet Sauvignon. I don't know if I was afraid of eating the four-leaf Cabernet Sauvignon, and I was attacked by the monks, or I thought about waiting for the four-leaf Cabernet Sauvignon to become a five-leaf.

However, no matter whether the hidden crocodile can wait, these dozens of monks can not wait.

Four-leaf Cabernet Sauvignon is a natural treasure that can help break through the Mahayana period. These people are just close to here, and this is the first step to come here after getting the news. If they wait here for a few days, maybe there will be more powerful monks coming to this place, not even excluding the arrival of the three islands, personally, at that time, are there any of them?

So they have to do it!

The dozen or so monks, look at me, I look at you, and finally move the steps and get together.

The strongest here is the two distracted monks, but these two distracted monks are not the three major militia monks, but two scattered monks. This is also a place where Hu Yankuo and others are taboo. If someone in the other party is in a certain force, they are not afraid. Any force, in the face of the Three Islands, must retreat. I don’t even dare to kill the chief disciples of Mishima. Unless he can kill all the people here, he will wait to be killed by the Mishima.

However, the other party is scattered, one is full, and the whole family is not hungry.

Even if the two men killed them here, the three islands did not know where to go to find them. Therefore, in front of these two people, their background is really useless.

In fact, the two distracted monks also have jealousy about the background of these young people. Not to mention killing the chief disciples of Miyan and other three islands, that is, killing five sects, even a temple, a pavilion, a palace, and a disciple on the first floor, I am afraid that they will be chased by these big forces in the future. Hiding Tibet, living in seclusion.

If you just robbed the four-leaf Cabernet Sauvignon, it will not be chased by the generals such as Mishima. If you kill these people, you will only live a life of escape in the future.

Therefore, the two distracted monks did not mean to turn their faces, but condensed:

"Everyone, don't say who gets the four-leaf Cabernet Sauvignon now. Let's talk about the hidden crocodile. If you want to get the four-leaf Cabernet Sauvignon, you must first kill the hidden crocodile. I just looked at it roughly, that only The hidden crocodile has already been rehabilitated in the middle of the distraction. I am afraid that after eating the four-leaf Cabernet Sauvignon, it will be able to break through to the late part of the distraction and even later.

Among us, only two of us are distracted, and only two of us can kill the hidden crocodile. However, you also know the characteristics of the hidden crocodile. We simply don't know where the hidden crocodile is hiding. and so……"

The eyes of the distracted monk swept through the crowd, and the inexplicable heart of the people was a glimpse. The eyes of the two distracted monks were full of alert.

"So, we must first let the hidden crocodile appear in our field of vision. I promise that as long as the hidden crocodile appears, the two of us will certainly kill it."

Hu Yeh, the chief disciple of Yiye Island, took a breath: "What do we need to do?"

“It’s very simple!” The distracted master said: “We need a bait.”

A dozen monks look a glimpse, can't help but step back, and scream:

"What do you mean?"

"The meaning is very clear! We need a person to pick the four-leaf Cabernet Sauvignon, lead the hidden crocodile out, and then we will work together to kill the hidden crocodile."

Hu Yankuo cold and cold: "Predecessors are not thinking about let me go?"

"It doesn't matter who makes it, but there must be someone to go. As for who to go, we will not participate. You guys can discuss it and finally choose someone."

Hu Yankuo gently breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that these two distracted monks have a taboo on their background. And the method proposed by the other party is indeed the only way. But who is going to choose?

Hu Yankuo couldn't help but look at the crowd, and everyone looked at it with a look of excitement. Hu Yankuo’s gaze suddenly moved to the piano double sitting in the distance, and there was a sneer in the corner of his mouth, then he lowered his voice:

"You, I don't think you all want to be a bait?"

Everyone nodded, and said with a faint whisper: "I have a person to choose, but I need everyone to work together."

Everyone was aware of each other, looked at each other and nodded together: "Please say."

"How about that person?" Hu Yankuo used his eyes to indicate the piano double.

"Sure enough!"

The hearts of the people are all loose, and the strength of the piano is strong, but what about the strength? But is it a young man, strong and strong?

Maybe her strength is stronger than her, and stronger than any of them, but can they be stronger than them? So they nodded. On the face of Hu Yankuo, a smile appeared:

"So, let's go together. If she disagrees, everyone will take a shot together. Whoever stays in power, then who will be the bait, I think everyone has no objection?"


All the people shook their heads simply, and a group of people walked toward the piano. Qin double saw them coming over, and the corner of his mouth was slightly bent, revealing a trace of sarcasm.

She still sat there with her knees, and the dragon sword was inserted on her side, faintly looking at Hu Yankuo and others.

Hu Yankuo and others came to the front of Qin Double, and Xu Yankuo looked down at the piano double, and said coldly:

"This sister, have you seen the hidden crocodile just now?"

Qin double looked at him faintly, without words. Hu Yankuo did not care, continue to say:

"We need a bait to get the hidden crocodile out. How about this bait?"

Qinqin still looked at Hu Yankuo faintly, and did not answer the meaning, but the faint gaze revealed the sarcasm without any disguise.


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