Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 467: Shot



"I don't want to?" The sarcasm on Hu Yankuan's face is more intense.

Qin double is still no words, the double look of the piano double, so that the heart is surging and shivering, as the chief disciple of Yiye Island, no one has ever dared to treat him with this kind of look, even if it is the gods and The great monk in the distraction period was very polite to him. Immediately, there was a killing in the eyes, facing a dozen monks around:

"Everyone, since this sister is not willing, let us do it. I think, as long as we kill her, and then throw her body toward the four-leaf red grass, the same can attract the hidden crocodile. ""

Everyone's eyes are bright, and they are still worried that the piano is not willing. After they kill the piano, they will choose a bait from among them. It is not necessary now. Immediately everyone will be repaired to the peak, looking at the piano double.呼延阔凝 channels:

"I can say it in advance. Even if I use her body to attract the hidden crocodile, it may not be able to kill the hidden crocodile once. Maybe a second bait is needed. So, if someone does not do their best, stealing Playing tricks, then he is the second bait."

Everyone was in a glimpse of their hearts, and they all nodded and said that they understood. At this time, Hu Yankuo’s face showed all the pleasing colors that he had mastered.

"This sister, I advise you to do the bait yourself. You take the initiative to go, there is still a line of life. If we wait for us to shoot, we will only take your body to do the bait. You think you can block Can we have more than a dozen people joining us?"

Not far from the two distracted monks, they looked at each other and saw a hint of jealousy in their eyes.

"Sure enough, it is the chief disciple of Yiye Island. It is only this strategy, which is taboo."


At this point, Qin double finally said with a faint sigh, and Xu Yankuo burst into laughter: "Since we can't resist our joint efforts, don't hurry up and get a bait?"

"I just said that I can't resist the joint efforts of more than a dozen of you."

"What do you mean?" Hu Yankuo frowned slightly.

"I mean, I didn't even want to resist more than a dozen of you."

"What do you want to do?"

"What I want to do is kill all of you, so that there are more than a dozen bait."



"I don't know what to die!"

More than a dozen monks roared and exported, and no one ever dared to look down on them. One by one, they couldn’t help but look at the exhalation. They waited for the exhalation and then killed the piano. Even Xu Feibai, the chief disciple of Luo Fuzong, is full of anger.

Qin Shuang's eyes swept through Xu Feibai, and his heart sighed. With the son of Qin, she really had the heart to kill all those who wanted to kill her. But Xu Feibai was really good to her, and she taught Xiao Zhoutian Kendo to her. And she believes that if Xu Feibai knows that she is endless, she will definitely stand on her side immediately.

However, she can't just leave Xu Feibai and kill other people, which will cause trouble to Xu Feibai and even Luo Fuzong. At this time, the exhaling sighed and shouted:



Hu Yankuo’s word "kill" has just been exported, and he still reverberates in the space. He sees Qinqin stand up. As she stands up, one of her hands is already held on the hilt of the ground. One inch of the body pulled out as her body stood up.

Starlight shake!

A magnificent and splendid world is presented in the eyes of Hu Yankuo and others.

It seems that at this moment, they are in an endless sky, thousands of stars are running, and the stars are rushing through time and space.


More than a dozen monks did not hesitate to release themselves to the peak of the repairs, all released, and went to the piano double bombardment.


What is the martial art of Qin double?

On the first floor of the Valkyrie, the starlight that was released with this strength is what the dozen monks can resist?

Only when the piano doubles release the starlight, there is still a distinction between primary and secondary. Most of the starlights are used for defense. At this time, the body of the piano pair seems to be covered with a layer of starlight armor, the starlight flows, and all the attacks are blocked, and the main attack of the starlight is concentrated in the double. Hu Yankuo’s body.

"Puff puff……"

The body of Hu Yankuo was stabbed into a sieve by countless stars, and the body fell to the ground. The remaining dozens of monks rushed back and watched the piano pair. At this time, the dragon sword was just half pulled out.


Qin double put the dragon sword into the sheath, so that everyone can not help but loose. The stars scattered away, revealing the figure of the piano pair. Qin double left hand holding the dragon sword and sheath in his hand, stepped to the front of Hu Yankuo's body, extended his right hand and collected the storage ring and long sword on the extension of the body, then grabbed the body and directed the two points. The monks of the gods walked away, and the monks who were in front of her were flashing on both sides. The doubles of the piano came to the front of the two distracted monks:

"The bait is there, can we start?"

In the eyes of the two distracted monks, there was a hint of jealousy and nodded:

"it is good!"

The piano doubled to the shore of the magma river, and the two distracted monks began to arrange for the ten monks to occupy a position, and then listened to the orders and shot them together.

Qinqin waited for them to arrange, and looked at the distracted monk. The distracted monk nodded and the piano doubled up and threw the swallowing body toward the four-leaf Cabernet Sauvignon. .


The magma tumbling, a big head was exposed, and Zhang came up with a big mouth and bit it into the body of Hu Yankuo.


The distracted monk issued a command, and all the monks immediately issued their most aggressive attack toward the hidden crocodile.


The piano double is also a sword, and it slams into the head of the hidden crocodile.


Numerous attacks bombarded the head of the hidden crocodile, and the hidden crocodile was instantly blasted into the depths of the magma river, and it was not known.


The shape of the piano pair flies toward the rock in the middle of the magma river. The air is blurred and the shadow of the fire and the phoenix is ​​swaying.


"court death!"

The two distracted monks were furious and flew toward the double attack.


Qin Shuanglongjian is out of the sheath, and a sword is thrown out. This sword erupts out of the full strength of the first layer of her Valkyrie. From the perspective of strength, the Qinshuang of the Fengfeng Collection has been equivalent to the first layer of the Mahayana period. Where are the two distracted monks able to resist?

not to mention……

Qin double also makes the dragon and the phoenix!


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